Jan 6 4th hearing thread: Schiff leads today’s hearing on Trump pressuring state officials & the fake electors scheme,+Trump's ranting on Truth Social

Would you testify voluntarily at a trial that you knew was set up to make you look as bad as possible...a trial that only one side will be able to ask questions and that will have the power to silence you if they don't like what you're saying? Who would be THAT stupid?
Yes....to get my side of the story out. And, btw, it's not a trial. Can't you even get THAT right? :heehee:
As you watch today's hearing detailing Trump's corrupt pressure on state legislators, don't lose sight of this: Trump has told us clearly he'll do it all again once more pliable actors are in place. That's in the works right now. This about our future.

“Why isn’t the Unselect Committee of political Thugs, who have criminalized Justice to a level never seen before in our Country, going after the people who illegally SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN?” Trump ranted Tuesday morning. “Why aren’t they calling Nancy Pelosi, or the D.C. Mayor, who are IN CHARGE OF SECURITY, to ask why they turned down 10,000-20,000 National Guard Troops, or Soldiers, prior to January 6? Why won’t they discuss the massive voter fraud and irregularities that took place in the Election, the reason Jan 6 happened?”
Adam Shifty back at his parody!

If the dembots actually wanted to be taken seriously at all they wouldn’t of allowed a man that has repeatedly been caught lying about trump and literally using parody on this committee
We need a independent citizens commission with the power to investigate clear it all out. Reform will have to come from us.
Sure, poster lg325. OK.
And THAT.....was the original intent and plan.
A citizen's committee comprised of experts in law, in law enforcement, in elections, governance, Constitution, etc.
That is what was desired. But Don Trump objected. Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell objected. And that vote for a bi-partisan civilian committee (chosen itself by a bi-partisan Congressional committee ) did not come to pass.

But, your idea was sound.


Oh I worship you, and your failures mistress of mayhem. Hope Daddy Satan is proud of you today.
I see Satan has had his way with you today. How long have you been part of his harem?

You know, like the poster Harry Dresden above (post #96)....I too question the, ummm, 'religious'-bent to the poster OT's contributions here. Some are nutty. Others are quasi-threatening. I read 'em and think, or better said, contemplate this: 'What would Jesus say?'

Would Jesus talk the way Original Tree talks?

I honestly don't know. I ain't religious, so I would ask those who are committed and knowledgeable Christians here.....well, did Jesus think or talk like OT does?
"You Dumbass, how would you get your side of the story out when you are being questioned by only one side?"

Well, first.....if one was sincere and believed one was right then you do what is right. You have the courage to testify and validate your conviction of your rightness.

Instead, Don Trump hasn't volunteered to come before the Committee. And those who he, and we, would expect to defend him.....Meadows Jordan, Navarro, Eastman, etc., well, they are refusing to come before the Committee and actually defend Don Trump.
I hardly believe anyone standing in your way would stop a groomercrat from doing what they do best. You showed up for fun with Daddy Satan anyways, didn't you?
yea i did but you were there hogging the guy....geezus you were sucking his balls,you had those fuckers in your mouth.....how big is your mouth?...he had big balls.....and you had both in there.....
The farce is a distraction from Veggie Joe's record low approval numbers, record gas prices, rampant inflation, and bare store shelves.
Trump directed Georgia’s top election official to find enough votes to flip the state. We’re likely to hear that recording today and perhaps more. And it could come back to haunt him.
Finding enough legal vote's in an election that was alledgedly stolen in which was possibly proven in the sworn testimonials of the average citizen's along with the documentary 2000 Mule's is an illegal thing to want or do ???? Looking for legal vote's is illegal ???
Schitt is the worst face to put on this soviet show trial. Surely they can do better than lead this with a known pedophile who has paid off little boy's families to stay quiet, a pathological liar, and a detestable pencil-neck faggot to boot.

Well, maybe they can't do any better than that, come to think of it. Carry on.
Trump brought up Ruby Freeman up on his call with Georgia officials.

"You know what was trending on the internet? 'Where’s Ruby?' Because they thought she’d be in jail.

Remember: This is a 4chan rumor based on nothing at all.

GA officials didn't buy it.

Bring on the trial of the century already (voter integrity trial), and let's get this thing over with, and finally oust the true corruption that has been active since before 2016.
The farce is a distraction from Veggie Joe's record low approval numbers, record gas prices, rampant inflation, and bare store shelves.
Not hardly.... when Joe Public puts $120 worth of gas in his Tahoe to go find baby formula 4 counties away, he couldn't give a shit what some pencil-neck faggot is lying about in DC.

The marxist fucks can't read the room for shit.
Not hardly.... when Joe Public puts $120 worth of gas in his Tahoe to go find baby formula 4 counties away, he couldn't give a shit what some pencil-neck faggot is lying about in DC.

The marxist fucks can't read the room for shit.
Didn't say it would work on thinking people. We do have some mind-numbed lemmings here clapping and cheering every farcical minute of this waste of tax dollars.
Benny stated a few days back that no charges would be sought. I thought that statement was kind of odd until I thought about the depositions that would happen and the discovery that must occur. They do not want to expose Nancy and her crimes, the people she made off-limits, the video evidence that would be sought. That is not what they want so they wanted this show trial. The show trial was a flop, no one is buying the crap and no minds are being changed.

This is not going like they wanted... and they certainly do not want a level playing field for Trump to defend himself on.

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