Jan 6 dump: 'Horrified' Trump official spent five hours trying to make him walk back tweet about shooting looters


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

Trump is disgusting as usual.
That's all the J/6 committee was, a steaming dump of SHIT!
And now it's GONE having proven NOTHING other than the wretched Stalinst path the Democrats have chosen to take our country.
One of the few times that Rump was actually spot-on...

Mostly triggered by the death of a convicted felon and abuser and drug-pusher stupid enough to resist arrest... far away and none of their business...

Idiot ghetto hood-rats with a chip on their shoulder looking for any excuse to band together and hate Whitey and to burn and loot and steal...

And the even more stupid Wiggers who egged them on and joined them in so many instances... goddamned hyper-Leftists... they, too, are traitors...

It's a damned shame that Rump didn't have the guts to declare Insurrection in several cities and to Federalize the Guard and to send-in Regulars...

Declaring martial law within those cities for some days and issuing explicit and open shoot-to-kill orders regarding arsonists and looters...

Come to think of it... why were the organizers and coordinators between cities not identified and prosecuted by the so-called Rump Administration?
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That's all the J/6 committee was, a steaming dump of SHIT!
And now it's GONE having proven NOTHING other than the wretched Stalinst path the Democrats have chosen to take our country.
are you gonna visit Trump in jail?
the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

Haha... garbage.
Anyone who knows even the smallest/most basic personality traits of Donald Trump, knows damn well he wouldn't listen to anyone for even 1/100th that amount of time.
This obviously never happened, just like the grabbing steering wheel incident never happened.
the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

what does or did this have to do with Jan 6th?
the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

I am not sure what the story is supposed to be here.

Apparently, Mr. Trump said something about shooting looters. Is there supposed to be something wrong with that?

Of course, the source appears to be Raw Story, so whatever story they are trying to make is almost certainly bullshit.
the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

All of the Pro politicians arresting and destroying citizens without wearing masks. while endless photos of the same politicians in public, partying, eating at restaurants, in private businesses and telling the peasant to go ph uk themselves. Real evidence there.
All of the Pro politicians arresting and destroying citizens without wearing masks. while endless photos of the same politicians in public, partying, eating at restaurants, in private businesses and telling the peasant to go ph uk themselves. Real evidence there.

Burning Looting and Murdering does not spread Covid. Neither does fancy cocktail parties on Martha’s Vineyard. Only ordering a soft drink at a restaurant does.
the plan was rearranged and Trump went through and kept the tweet, let Trump be Trump, i say!

Looters should be shot and I don't care if they are black or white.

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