Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

YOU elected them. Reap what YOU sow. moron.
You don't vote?

You elected them too ya fuckstain.
No congress member will do shit about the border except bitch about the other side.
Wake up geezer, ALL of Congress is Corrupt, not just one-side.
Ironic you didn't say that about the democrat BLM/Antifa rioters in the summer of 2020 NATIONWIDE as they took over police precincts, burned occupied federal courthouses, murdered, looted and assaulted law enforcement. That was OK because they were democrat buddies
JFC, fuck your constant deflection to the BLM riots.
Read the thread title AGAIN, and stay on Topic.
You bitch and whine constantly, but never call out trump.
Since you are off topic, why did trump stay silent for 187 minutes, or is that a LIE?

Fuck them, every one of them should be prosecuted, just as the idiot J6 'tourists'. LOL
You don't vote?

You elected them too ya fuckstain.
No congress member will do shit about the border except bitch about the other side.
Wake up geezer, ALL of Congress is Corrupt, not just one-side.
Nope. I wouldn't vote for a democrat --- period. It is all on you,--- own it.
JFC, fuck your constant deflection to the BLM riots.
Read the thread title AGAIN, and stay on Topic.
You bitch and whine constantly, but never call out trump.
Since you are off topic, why did trump stay silent for 187 minutes, or is that a LIE?

Fuck them, every one of them should be prosecuted, just as the idiot J6 'tourists'. LOL
Try again moron. I relate to the topic of J6 and contrast and compare the two events and which one was more damaging in order to get you morons to accept your responsibility for the summer of 2020. That is on topic. If you were ever an educator you would know that. Charlatan--or are you just an OLD, WELL-MEANING MAN WITH A BAD MEMORY? BTW, that is NOT a defense.
At 0:32 of your video, Babbitt climbs into the window.
You claim she was "Shoved into the Window" but there is no person visible that could have possibly shoved her.

You are Lying again.
For a geezer of your disposition, and I gave 2 videos as well, let me take you thought this using baby steps since you deserve baby steps.

Why? You can't tell the truth after I supplied two videos. That you allege you have not seen.

I have been through that door so naturally I have my own belief.
First that door has a pair of windows. A lower window she could have entered easily had it been broken. But the broken window (I have been there) was at it's bottom about 4 feet up. Why? The doors are very tall.
She was only a tiny bit over 5 feet. A 5 feet female needs help to enter an opening that is about 4 feet up. She is shown in the video suddenly lurching up. A dumb person understands enough about females that short can't suddenly lurch up. She was boosted up.
Nope. I wouldn't vote for a democrat --- period. It is all on you,--- own it.
LOLLLOLLL at you pretending that either (R) or (D) care as long as they win re-election.
I'm neither a (D) nor a (R), as I consider ALL politicians scum and corrupt.

Why was trump silent for 187 minutes?
You keep avoiding this question.
Nope. I wouldn't vote for a democrat --- period. It is all on you,--- own it.
Can it be that Winco is just stupid? Surely due to it being posted many times he has to know about HR2. This bill is actually a Border bill. It is very powerful. Democrats could have approved it around July of last year. They did not bring it up in the Senate. They effectively stonewalled it. It's still not approved by the Democrats in the Senate. Democrats rather want a bill packed with garbage to pass. No thanks.
LOLLLOLLL at you pretending that either (R) or (D) care as long as they win re-election.
I'm neither a (D) nor a (R), as I consider ALL politicians scum and corrupt.

Why was trump silent for 187 minutes?
You keep avoiding this question.
When have you been this way against Democrats?
LOLLLOLLL at you pretending that either (R) or (D) care as long as they win re-election.
I'm neither a (D) nor a (R), as I consider ALL politicians scum and corrupt.
Topic moron.
Why was trump silent for 187 minutes?
You keep avoiding this question.
Why would he comment. He is the POTUS. It is a bit below his pay grade. BTW, why didn't your favorite slut, Piglosi accept the Nat'l Guard troops that Trump offered her days before the event? And then she pardons the murderer for summarily executing an unarmed woman whose only crime was trespass.
She was boosted up.
Agreed, she had some help, but she was not 'shoved'
She chose to enter the window, aided or unaided, she chose to breach that space.
Quit pretending that someone shoved her through the window.

And BTW, if she was 'Shoved" why aren't you after the person that "shoved her"
If that person doesn't 'shove' her, then according to you babbitt can't get through the window. So obviously, according to your CT, the Shover pushed Babbitt to her Death.
Where is your outrage at that Robert?
the Shover pushed Babbitt to her Death.
The person that assisted her up to the window didn't fire on an unarmed protestor whose worst crime was trespass. You are supporting murder, Winnie. LMAO, but "I can't breathe" whining felon.
Winco claims he is a teacher. If he was a teacher, which isn't out of the realm of possibility in WA state, it is no wonder that our public school children are ill-prepared for life.
I have a teacher step daughter who is a Jehovah Witness so in her case she refuses to engage in any politics. If he is a JW, he sure is involved in this issue. If a christian, he does not mind a loyal woman being shot to death when she was boosted through a window that at tops can't be over 4 feet up and she was a bit more than 5 ft. She would be chin high to the window. And short people are not rabbits.
WOW, is there really a position below POTUS?

He sent them there, he watched in glee, then was finally coerced into saying "Go Home"
Go peacefully and patriotically is not a call to violence, moron. Maybe you'll remember these democrat calls -- but
I suppose those are OK because they are your democrat cohorts, eh?
Dem Threats.jpg
Winco claims he is a teacher. If he was a teacher, which isn't out of the realm of possibility in WA state, it is no wonder that our public school children are ill-prepared for life.
You always go here when you get destroyed.
Johnny can't read. LOLLOLLLLOLLOL
I can't help you if you raised children or grand children that can't read.

Post the video. You can't, you won't.
Show me by quoting any support I've shown for the Seattle rioters. You can't, you won't.

Whenever directly challenged, you immediately use your only defense of Ad Hominem.

Post the Video.
Have you ever fired an M-16? LMAO. You're a moron. The LEO on the outside weren't about to fire on unarmed protesters, unlike Piglosi's hand-picked hit man.

You can spin shit, but it's still shit.

fuck off with the juvenile name calling and labels. Too much like that disgusting degenerate you follow.
If ONLY babbitt, with a backpack, who previously ILLEGALLY BROKE into the Capitol, had not attempted to breach a busted out window (just seconds before) and enter a restricted area.

You don't have a video with audio from the other side of the window.
You do have video of people on her side of the window yelling..."Gun, he has a gun"
This....warnings of "Gun, he has a Gun" are FACTS Robert, as your video clearly shows.
So who "SHOVED" babbitt, as you claim.
You finally admitted she was shoved when you called out the shover for her being killed.
Her with her backpack is more proof she was shoved. And she surely might have heard those on her side say he had a gun. So if she heard he had a gun, why do you approve her being killed when you are not her and do not have her ears as well?
Such a pedestrian bs meme
then i challenge you to do better crusty

in fact , the majority of posters i've read here in the past 2 years would do well to conceptualize J6 vs delving into minutia (although i must admit some rather adept)

Rise above, ask why this 'protest' is any different , ask why sedition was rarely on the table, ask why all our letter dept's were involved, ask why partisan justice is being applied.....

I know it's hard for some of you to get your contrived craniums outta your partisan posteriors , but that's exactly what the 'powers that be' are counting on

I have a teacher step daughter who is a Jehovah Witness so in her case she refuses to engage in any politics. If he is a JW, he sure is involved in this issue. If a christian, he does not mind a loyal woman being shot to death when she was boosted through a window that at tops can't be over 4 feet up and she was a bit more than 5 ft. She would be chin high to the window. And short people are not rabbits.
Stupid irrevalent post ^^^^^ of 100+ words with ZERO substance.
Be better Robert.

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