Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

Neither of you geezers can quote me defending BLM violence.
Nobody should defend BLM violence. In their case, cities experienced genuine theft, actual violence and real burning and looting.

When a criminal commits a crime, he can't claim he just protested. BLM actually committed crimes.

And yes, there were a small number who broke windows of the Capitol. But fine them. Do not put them into prison for decades.
Ya see, these are the types of LIES that I must call out.

1). You still haven't posted a VIDEO of CP opening a door to the interior of the Capitol and as you claim, waving them in then providing a tour..

Why can't you post a video, and I predict you will claim you already did, which is ANOTHER LIE. The best you have posted is an INSURRECTIONIST that opened a door, not a CP Officer.
The only liar here is you, Winnie. If you haven't seen those videos it is because you haven't looked. THEY HAVE BEEN POSTED ON THIS FORUM many times since J6. You are showing yourself to be a bald-faced LIAR, AGAIN.
But gunning down a woman who got shoved into a window is beyond the pale. That LT should be in prison by now.
Another LIE.
Babbitt climbed willingly into that window and was previously warned.
Repeatedly Warned by people on her side of the window.

Just show the video of 'babbitt being shoved into the window" against her will.
Show the video Robert.
Nobody should defend BLM violence. In their case, cities experienced genuine theft, actual violence and real burning and looting.

When a criminal commits a crime, he can't claim he just protested. BLM actually committed crimes.

And yes, there were a small number who broke windows of the Capitol. But fine them. Do not put them into prison for decades.
And Winnie voted for the very officials that allowed the CHOP/CHAZ anarchy in Seattle and he'll do it again in Nov.
Another LIE.
Babbitt climbed willingly into that window and was previously warned.
Repeatedly Warned by people on her side of the window.

Just show the video of 'babbitt being shoved into the window" against her will.
Show the video Robert.
So breaking a window and trespassing in a public building is a summary capital crime now, but not taking over six blocks and a police precinct as your heeeeeeeroes did in Seattle. Thank you commie, Winnie.
The fact that you overwhelmingly state that J6 was an insurrection while avoiding any mention of the much more anarchist summer of love 2020, says it all Winnie. What is that saying you are so fond of, "Silence is acceptance?"
Find me a post where I defend those POS that attacked Seattle.
You can't, you won't but YOU will claim I did, but again you LIE, and you can't back it up.
That's what COWARD like YOU do.
The only liar here is you, Winnie. If you haven't seen those videos it is because you haven't looked. THEY HAVE BEEN POSTED ON THIS FORUM many times since J6. You are showing yourself to be a bald-faced LIAR, AGAIN.
You all claim this, but won't show the video.
You are great at saying it has already been posted.
No it hasn't.
That's why I call out you liars.
Be brave geezer, and post the video of CP opening a door to the interior of the Capitol.
You can't, you won't, but you will claim it has already been posted, which is YOU lying again.
My view is that genuine criminals have broke laws that were previously studied and put into force of law. They belong in prison for not real serious periods of time. The idea should be reform and not have a hang em high way of thinking. We had judges like that earlier and they exist right now. Prosecuting innocent people. If you are not angry, you don't like people at all.

I actually wanted you to tell us more. What are the names of cops who the protestors harmed? Surely the press discloses this.
Here we go again. You are usually lacking any factual data. Your narratives thrive and exist in the world of made-up-shit. there is no more reason to engage you in discussion. You have that tired old habit of ignoring things and just coming on in attack mode, as if that makes your argument stronger, more credible and valid. You are mistaken.

Remember when Trump's Attorney General William Barr urged his prosecutors to bring federal charges on protesters who cause violence and suggested that rarely used sedition charges could apply? Where did that go -- under him and trump?

Thursday, September 24, 2020
The Department of Justice announced today that more than 300 individuals in 29 states and Washington, D.C., have been charged for crimes committed adjacent to or under the guise of peaceful demonstrations since the end of May.

Another LIE.
Babbitt climbed willingly into that window and was previously warned.
Repeatedly Warned by people on her side of the window.

Just show the video of 'babbitt being shoved into the window" against her will.
Show the video Robert.
There are two videos geezer. Warning that #2 has the bias of the reporter.

So breaking a window and trespassing in a public building is a summary capital crime now, but not taking over six blocks and a police precinct as your heeeeeeeroes did in Seattle. Thank you commie, Winnie.
Remember when Trump's Attorney General William Barr urged his prosecutors to bring federal charges on protesters who cause violence and suggested that rarely used sedition charges could apply?

Where did that go -- under him and trump?
So breaking a window and trespassing in a public building is a summary capital crime now, but not taking over six blocks and a police precinct as your heeeeeeeroes did in Seattle. Thank you commie, Winnie.
To prove your claim, you would simple quote a post of mine where I defended or cheered on the POS Seattle rioters.
C'mon, quote me ya coward.
Here we go again. You are usually lacking any factual data. Your narratives thrive and exist in the world of made-up-shit. there is no more reason to engage you in discussion. You have that tired old habit of ignoring things and just coming on in attack mode, as if that makes your argument stronger, more credible and valid. You are mistaken.

Remember when Trump's Attorney General William Barr urged his prosecutors to bring federal charges on protesters who cause violence and suggested that rarely used sedition charges could apply? Where did that go -- under him and trump?

Thursday, September 24, 2020
The Department of Justice announced today that more than 300 individuals in 29 states and Washington, D.C., have been charged for crimes committed adjacent to or under the guise of peaceful demonstrations since the end of May.

Still you refuse to post the list of the cops who were harmed as you say about them.
And you try the attack Robert path at the same time you engage in attacks. Barr is also not the topic.
Find me a post where I defend those POS that attacked Seattle.
You can't, you won't but YOU will claim I did, but again you LIE, and you can't back it up.
That's what COWARD like YOU do.
Find me one where you condemned it. Bbbbut, Bbbut, Bbbut J6 is not condemning the democrat BLM/Antifa summer of 2020, That's what cowards do, Winnie.
There are two videos geezer. Warning that #2 has the bias of the reporter.
At 0:32 of your video, Babbitt climbs into the window.
You claim she was "Shoved into the Window" but there is no person visible that could have possibly shoved her.

You are Lying again.

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