Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

They acted as tour guides do just to honestly point that out.
Fuck You , these images do NOT depict a "Tour"




too funny

If you did you would be outraged at the Jan 6 event
I was outraged when the church real close to the White House got burned by protestors. Then they had the gall to raise a lot of hell and challenge the cops.

I was angry with Democrats for supporting the riots done by BLM. I had already been angry that ANTIFA was at Berkeley, CA and hurting people there to see a speaker talk. Milo Yiannopoulos is his name.
No because I saw proof the cops at the Capitol brought into the capitol protestors'. And they were peaceful too. But the Cops in the Capitol other than Lt. Byrd did not harm the protestors. They acted as tour guides do just to honestly point that out.
That's why MAGA Republican Josh was seen walking calmly from the people

No because I saw proof the cops at the Capitol brought into the capitol protestors'. And they were peaceful too. But the Cops in the Capitol other than Lt. Byrd did not harm the protestors. They acted as tour guides do just to honestly point that out.
Regurgitating Tucker's bs? Too funny'

That's why MAGA Republican Josh was seen walking calmly from the people

We can agree that some windows were busted out. We can agree some of the people were in offices that they had no invitation to be in and for those property crimes, prosecutions are valid. But gunning down a woman who got shoved into a window is beyond the pale. That LT should be in prison by now.
This shit will come back to bite you in your ass. IF you dare visit the Capitol, Democrats can also put your ass into prison.
There are 1,000's that 'visit' the Capitol every year.
Most don't enter by breaking windows and doors, then claiming it was a 'tour'.
I was cured of being a Democrat earlier than your age.
I don't have a political party ya geezer.
I spend most my time on here calling out the LIES of trump and trump supporters.
There is no 'offseason' as you clowns constantly lie and defend trumps lies.
My view is that genuine criminals have broke laws that were previously studied and put into force of law. They belong in prison for not real serious periods of time. The idea should be reform and not have a hang em high way of thinking. We had judges like that earlier and they exist right now. Prosecuting innocent people. If you are not angry, you don't like people at all.

I actually wanted you to tell us more. What are the names of cops who the protestors harmed? Surely the press discloses this.
Neither of you geezers can quote me defending BLM violence.
The fact that you overwhelmingly state that J6 was an insurrection while avoiding any mention of the much more anarchist summer of love 2020, says it all Winnie. What is that saying you are so fond of, "Silence is acceptance?"
No because I saw proof the cops at the Capitol brought into the capitol protestors'. And they were peaceful too. But the Cops in the Capitol other than Lt. Byrd did not harm the protestors. They acted as tour guides do just to honestly point that out.
Ya see, these are the types of LIES that I must call out.

1). You still haven't posted a VIDEO of CP opening a door to the interior of the Capitol and as you claim, waving them in then providing a tour..

Why can't you post a video, and I predict you will claim you already did, which is ANOTHER LIE. The best you have posted is an INSURRECTIONIST that opened a door, not a CP Officer.
To put shit straight starting with imbeciles who followed QAnon and Trump's Tweets as if they were credible.
I am not a bit fond of Trumps tweets. I do not follow that group you do at all. Since you bring them up, I presume you are a loyal follower of Qanon.

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