Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

You misinterpret the realities: "If America needs a civil war with guns to overthrow the government, and possibly the military, why do Lefties think Jan 6 was an insurrection by an unarmed mob carrying cable ties? Do you think that's all it takes to overthrow the US government?"

You're unclear on the concept(s), and no wonder since all you have learned to do is conflate things in order to make it seem like Warm Diarrhea in a Dixie Cup is an Ice Cream Sundae. You people have had your leaders pissing down your backs for so long, you now believe it's been raining.
But your Lefties (Democrats) felt the unarmed crowd was an insurrection, to overthrow the government, to take democracy away. But it was just an unarmed crowd with a handful of cable ties given a site tour of the buildings by staff.

Then you have threads and conversations on possible civil wars, you know, the armed conflicts to overthrow a government.

So do you consider a civil war and the Jan 6 fractious crowd the same thing? Clearly it isn't but i'm interested in your thoughts. Just to see if agenda gets in the way of thought process.
Had it been Democrats allegedly attacking the Capitol, and a Protester who was a tiny female was killed, all you would declare is she got murdered.

Consider who the parties involved were.

She worked in law enforcement for the Air Force.
He watched his own officers depart the area as if there was no purpose for said officers to stay. He was glued to watching her. He did not issue warnings. Cops rules are they issue warnings. A Lt who was in command, explaims Ashli never should be shot. She had not committed any crime that deserved the death penalty death by cop.
Why would Democrats attack the US Capitol trying to stop the certification of electoral votes? Democrats have a history, of going by the rules, and the laws on issues of election results. Only Mr. Trump as far back as anyone today can remember:

Facts: Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results

Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results

Many people arrested, tried, and convicted worked in LE. Every field of LE has some bad eggs.

Your narrative is silly. The officer had his gun pointed, warning people. We can hear some of the rioters yelling about a gun, yet they continue rioting.

But your Lefties (Democrats) felt the unarmed crowd was an insurrection, to overthrow the government, to take democracy away. But it was just an unarmed crowd with a handful of cable ties given a site tour of the buildings by staff.

Then you have threads and conversations on possible civil wars, you know, the armed conflicts to overthrow a government.

So do you consider a civil war and the Jan 6 fractious crowd the same thing? Clearly it isn't but i'm interested in your thoughts. Just to see if agenda gets in the way of thought process.

To attempt to steal an election is an attempt to overthrow a government. And your narrative dealing with zip ties and tours being given -- we've already seen some videos claiming a tour were videos of people being escorted out of the building. No videos you point to refute the violence in other videos.

The calls over LE radios are evidence of what they were dealing with. You cannot ignore those facts. The cases where violent rioters plea bargained or were convicted on real evidence belie your attempts to pass it all off as some nonviolent parade.

More than 1,350 people have been charged in connection with the Jan. 6 attack, and prosecutors have secured more than 950 convictions. Low-level defendants routinely receive sentences of probation, but about 500 have received periods of incarceration.
The way former President Donald Trump tells it, the men and women who stormed the Capitol because they believed his lies about the 2020 presidential election are "hostages" and “unbelievable patriots” who are being mistreated by the justice system.

But an NBC News review of hundreds of cases against Jan. 6 defendants found that just 15 people charged in connection with the Capitol attack are currently being held pretrial at the order of federal judges. That number of pretrial detainees has decreased in recent months, as more and more Jan. 6 defendants have taken plea deals or been found guilty, and as federal judges have been hesitant to hold new arrestees in pre-trial custody more than three years after the attack.

Though Trump said on Jan. 7, 2021, that “those who broke the law” during the Capitol riot would “pay,” he has made his defense of incarcerated Jan. 6 defendants a major plank of his 2024 campaign. Trump has called Jan. 6 detainees “hostages” and even opens rallies by playing a recording from the “J6 Prison Choir.” Trump has said he’ll pardon “a large portion” of the rioters “very early on” if he wins in 2024 and recently vowed to “free the Jan. 6 Hostages” as one of his “first acts as your next President.”
The Septic Installer. He helped cause mayhem at the US Capitol on Jan 6. The government has his video, emails, etc. Officer body camera footage showed Mr. Johnatakis lifting a metal barricade and pushing it into officers. Damn! :omg:

A Washington State man has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, where prosecutors said he used a megaphone to urge other rioters to barge through a police line.

Septic Installer Is Sentenced to 7 Years for Urging Jan. 6 Mob With Megaphone

Taylor James Johnatakis, 40, coordinated rioters to rush a police barricade at the Southwest stairs to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.


Before Jan. 6, Mr. Johnatakis posted numerous messages on social media expressing his desire to interfere with the election certification process at the Capitol. “That’s why I am going to D.C., to CHANGE the course of HISTORY #stopthesteal,” he wrote in one post, according to the U.S. attorney’s office.

Wearing a red MAGA hat and backpack and carrying a megaphone, Mr. Johnatakis led a group of people up to a police line on the Capitol’s Southwest stairs on Jan. 6, urging rioters to “push them out of here,” according to a court filing.

court filing: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.227212/gov.uscourts.dcd.227212.270.0.pdf
The overwhelming majority of those charged have been released before trial. NBC News identified 15 defendants who have not been convicted or entered a plea who are currently incarcerated; seven of them are among the 27 Jan. 6 defendants being held at the D.C. Department of Corrections, as Just Security reported. (Trump hasn’t clearly defined who he is referring to, but those who have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a federal judge in the United States are, by definition, not “hostages.”) In most of those cases, a judge found overwhelming evidence that the defendants had committed criminal acts of violence against law enforcement. Others had fled from authorities, either as law enforcement attempted to take them into custody or when they were out on release after their initial arrest. Two are being held while they are evaluated for mental health issues.
Why would Democrats attack the US Capitol trying to stop the certification of electoral votes? Democrats have a history, of going by the rules, and the laws on issues of election results. Only Mr. Trump as far back as anyone today can remember:

Facts: Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results

Trump has longstanding history of calling elections 'rigged' if he doesn’t like the results

Many people arrested, tried, and convicted worked in LE. Every field of LE has some bad eggs.

Your narrative is silly. The officer had his gun pointed, warning people. We can hear some of the rioters yelling about a gun, yet they continue rioting.

I am really thinking hard when the Democrats have not protested the elections of the past. I can't recall it at all. First, the Capitol was not attacked. Charges made prove that to be true. And it was not an insurrection as charges also prove that were not made for that reason.

Let me remind you of Republican presidents challenged by Democrats. Reagan then Bush then Trump. That should keep you busy for a time.

The cop who killed Babbitt in cold blood never warned anybody. And there were 3, maybe 4, busting the windows. They did not get murdered. She did.
Have you ever noticed these lib loons never say anything good about Biden---just Trump, wash, rinse, repeat.
TDS and BDS, try to stay on topic old man.
The thread isn't about Biden or Trump.

Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 2.26.55 PM.png
I am really thinking hard when the Democrats have not protested the elections of the past. I can't recall it at all. First, the Capitol was not attacked. Charges made prove that to be true. And it was not an insurrection as charges also prove that were not made for that reason.

Let me remind you of Republican presidents challenged by Democrats. Reagan then Bush then Trump. That should keep you busy for a time.

The cop who killed Babbitt in cold blood never warned anybody. And there were 3, maybe 4, busting the windows. They did not get murdered. She did.
Facts: The attempt to interfere with the certification of electoral votes in the US House, was not a protest of an election. They tried to stop and steal the election.

There are loads of photos and videos showing the attack. The prosecutors convicted many defendants based on their very own Tweets, videos, posts online, emails, texts...

Challenges to elections? By the rules and within the laws.

We have audio of people screaming about teh gun. The officer is waving it and warning teh violent rioters. Babbitt ignores it all. Why? Look at her life:

"In 2016, she faced criminal charges of reckless endangerment in Maryland after she allegedly repeatedly smashed her SUV into a vehicle being driven by a former girlfriend of Aaron Babbitt.[19][26] Citing ongoing harassment, the victim obtained multiple judicial orders forbidding Ashli any contact with her." -- She has a history of being a whack job.

So are many home invaders who are shot
The Capitol is a public building not a home.
So are many rioters who are shot.
How convenient that none of the democrat BLM/Antifa rioters, murderers, arsonists and anarchists were shot by any law enforcement during the summer of love 2020.
What is your point? The LE officer should've allowed her through the heavily barricaded window?
At that point they were giving a tour to the wildman and allowing people in other entrances. Try again partisan hack.
TDS and BDS, try to stay on topic old man.
The thread isn't about Biden or Trump.

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Yawn, did a troll fart? Run along Winnie.
Just say fuck the constitution while you are at it. It says it is legal to protest. So just fuck it.

They already have, they're using it for tiolet paper. Do you see any R's trying to help or calling any of it out? Nope, they sit in silence and do nothing, they're just as much a part of the problem.
Given the cops wore armored riot gear, what cops were attacked? Who got injured among the armored cops?
Oh Robert.
You try SO HARD to defend your insurrectionist. But you always fail.

The Capitol is a public building not a home.

How convenient that none of the democrat BLM/Antifa rioters, murderers, arsonists and anarchists were shot by any law enforcement during the summer of love 2020.

At that point they were giving a tour to the wildman and allowing people in other entrances. Try again partisan hack.

Yawn, did a troll fart? Run along Winnie.
Your apologetics are pathetic.

People have been arrested, charged, tried, convicted. No need to argue with your conspiracy theories.

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