Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

If they were "soft" on the BLM protesters attacking federal buildings, you have a whole new level of conspiracy theories.

That Trump was behind the BLM riots.
You are a total imbecile if you believe that stupidity.

Trump wanted to send Federal LEO's to the Courthouse, and the Oregon Governor and all the Dems in D.C. were screaming bloody murder.

Today's democrat party is the greatest threat this nation has ever faced.
More BS. There were plenty of people at the protests that were not part of BLM/Antifa. There is CCTV footage and thousands of hours of cell phone footage from people who were there as observers.

You excuses are nothing but pathetic attempts to justify the prosecution of people based on their political leanings.

I believe we are past the tipping point now, it's only a matter of time...
You've dropped to a new low in common sense. Any observer filming the rioters would have been noticed, and the rioters either threatening them, or waiting until they stopped filming before committing a serious crime.
They weren't like the capitol hill rioters who filmed themselves committing crimes, and posted them or streamed them live on the internet. Providing evidence against themselves.

BLM prosecutors were plagued by scant corroborating evidence (aka video), rioters who wore masks, making positive identification questionable. Not to mention the quality of video shot at night, vs video shot in the middle of the day.

In low light, your camera will use a slower shutter speed, which means your photos may come out blurry.
And according to you, there were no cameras at the BLM riots except the ones that BLM people had...

Yeah, sure. :cuckoo:
There were some street cams, and some business cams, but they had limited coverage. Exampled by the George Floyd killing that was caught by a single business surveillance camera and no street cameras.
You've dropped to a new low in common sense. Any observer filming the rioters would have been noticed, and the rioters either threatening them, or waiting until they stopped filming before committing a serious crime.
Oh my god you are unbelievably obtuse. There are thousands of videos of BLM riots on Twitter and youtube and lots of people that showed up to film them.

There were some street cams, and some business cams, but they had limited coverage. Exampled by the George Floyd killing that was caught by a single business surveillance camera and no street cameras.
That wasn't a riot. That was a police stop.

Jesus please stop being so fucking obtuse. Just look on youtube for christ sake.
Oh my god you are unbelievably obtuse. There are thousands of videos of BLM riots on Twitter and youtube and lots of people that showed up to film them.

Then go watch the videos, identify any crimes in progress you see, and then report it to the FBI for prosecution. I'm sure if there were such crimes caught on tape, others already beat you to the punch.
That wasn't a riot. That was a police stop.

Jesus please stop being so fucking obtuse. Just look on youtube for christ sake.
Same camera coverage for a police stop, as for a riot. Except George Floyd happened in daylight, and the riots happened at night. But you would have the same street and business cameras in both cases.
Then go watch the videos, identify any crimes in progress you see, and then report it to the FBI for prosecution. I'm sure if there were such crimes caught on tape, others already beat you to the punch.
They wouldn't be prosecuted dummy. That's the problem. :cuckoo:

I don't care anymore. It no longer affects me. Blue cities can burn, it's what they deserve for electing activists to public office.

There is nothing left of the democrat party that's worth saving...
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They wouldn't be prosecuted dummy. That's the problem. :cuckoo:

I don't care anymore. It no longer affects me. Blue cities can burn, it's what they deserve for electing activists to public office.

There is nothing left of the democrat party that's worth saving...
Trump picked the head of the FBI.
So are many home invaders who are shot
The Capitol is a public building not a home.
So are many rioters who are shot.
How convenient that none of the democrat BLM/Antifa rioters, murderers, arsonists and anarchists were shot by any law enforcement during the summer of love 2020.
What is your point? The LE officer should've allowed her through the heavily barricaded window?
At that point they were giving a tour to the wildman and allowing people in other entrances. Try again partisan hack.
At that point they were giving a tour to the wildman and allowing people in other entrances. Try again partisan hack.
What you leave out is they did indeed show the Shaman to the Senate Chambers.
But the Senate Chambers were EMPTY. Everybody was on the house side of the Capitol.
I do not like cops that shoot an unarmed women who simply was boosted into a broken window. The cop was trained how to handle these events and he fucked it up badly by murdering the woman.
You just don't hate cops you Marxist pig. Why don't you go to Canada if you hate cops so much?
Police took next day off and lying media and lib loons ran with the fake story it was due to incapacity

A Pennsylvania man who was sentenced in secret for his role in the U.S. Capitol riot cooperated with authorities investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack and an unrelated case, according to court documents unsealed this week.

The documents provide insight into the unusual secrecy in the case of Samuel Lazar, who had been released from federal custody in September after completing his sentence in his Capitol riot case. His case remained under seal even after his release, so there was no public record of a conviction or sentence.

The records unsealed this week show that Lazar, of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, admitted to spraying a chemical irritant at police officers who were trying to defend the Capitol and to using a bullhorn to encourage other rioters to take officers’ weapons as he yelled, “Let’s get their guns!” He pleaded guilty to assaulting officers using a dangerous weapon and was sentenced to 30 months in prison during a sealed hearing last March.

The documents show that prosecutors asked the judge last year to sentence Lazar to a prison term below the federal guidelines range, citing Lazar’s “fulsome” cooperation with the government. That included providing “valuable information” to authorities investigating the Jan. 6 attack, prosecutors said in court papers.

The documents were unsealed on Wednesday after a coalition of news outlets, including The Associated Press, moved to publicly release records in his case.
Not sure what your point is here, if any.
Wrong. You don't know a damn thing about it. There were dozens of people with phones recording everything, and CCTV at the courthouse and north and east precincts.

If you're BLM/Antifa you get probation (or less).

If you are a Trump supporter you get years in Federal prison...

"Five of the Portland cases in which deals were recently struck involved a felony charge of interfering with police during civil disorder. Some defendants are accused of punching or jumping on police officers during the street battles. One individual was charged after being accused of shining a high-powered green laser into the eyes of officers seeking to disperse a riot outside a police union building.

The civil disorder cases are notable because the charge of police interference is also being wielded by prosecutors in dozens of the criminal cases brought over the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 by pro-Trump protesters. In the Washington cases, prosecutors have filed the felony anti-riot charge in tandem with others, like obstructing an official proceeding or assaulting police officers."
BLM and ANTIFA are two distinct movements. One has or had an organization - BLM. ANTIFA? Not so.

The protesters - BLM, were not in the streets in support of a politician or a political party. The rioters show up at almost every protest. They are an anti-fascist movement, with no real structural leadership or organization. You people always conflating the two make any arguments you may have fall into the garbage can.

Comparing the BLM protests with the Jan 6 events is laughable. It may work to keep drones like you all riled up, but as arguments they fall flat.

Try and think for yourself. Try resisting regurgitating talking points.
You, like your video, are a joke.
It is not my video

It is a video showing the events unfolding in real time.

The narratives you people put forth for ideological and political reasons do not hold water.

The officer inside is getting messages about violence and LE being injured outside. He has been inside with mayhem ensuing at his position at a heavily blockaded entrance. He shows his firearm and warns the rioters, They ignore his warnings, all while shouting about 'a gun.' There is an emergency team coming up the stairs to move the crowd of rioters out of the area, but they arrive seconds too late. They have shields and body armor and are trained for this type of event. They are the ones assisting the rioter who was shot.

The narrative that that woman was murdered does an injustice to reality. It's not an ideological or political shooting. It's an event that transpired during a violent riot inside the US Capitol building. I have seen photos of the woman in the window, almost all the way in when she is shot. I'm not sure what the LE officer should've done -- welcomed here in? Arrested her as he was protecting teh barricaded entrance with chaos and confusion inside? Down the hall from him our elected representatives are fleeing to safety as they hear the commotion and are warned of impending violence.

I find this name 'Babbitt' to be ironic here: "Babbitt (1922), by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity."

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