Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

You remember Kamala Harris coming to the rescue of BLM in Minneapolis? Yeah, I'm glad I can restore your selective memory. Here's another, the democrat city and state gov't in Seattle, WA and their refusal to support taxpayers who had the free use of their private denied by BLM/Antifa for six weeks? How about the democrats that sued Trump in Portland for suggesting bringing federal help when they allowed ninety straight days of riots, murder and arson by BLM/Antifa? Let's not forget the incendiary riot outside the WH by democrat-supported BLM/Antifa leading to the famous Trump/bible photo? Run along, your ignorance is tiring.
BLM was mostly non violent. You people conflate them with ANTIFA.

VP Harris did not come to anybody's rescue. Your narrative is based on bullshit. Easily refuted, which was done earlier, but you people just ignore things and keep on repeating bullshit.
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They weren't. Anyone could have gone to the court house and seen the trials for yourself. By law, trials are open to the public.

Authorities are still working to identify more than 80 people wanted for acts of violence at the Capitol and to find out who placed pipe bombs outside the Republican and Democratic national committees’ offices the day before the Capitol attack. And they continue to regularly make new arrests, even as some Jan. 6 defendants are being released from prison after completing their sentences.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Members of far-right extremist groups. Former police officers. An Olympic gold medalist swimmer. And active duty U.S. Marines.

They are among the hundreds of people who have been convicted in the massive prosecution of the Jan 6, 2021, riot in the three years since the stunned nation watched the U.S. Capitol attack unfold on live TV.

Washington’s federal courthouse remains flooded with trials, guilty plea hearings and sentencings stemming from what has become the largest criminal investigation in American history. And the hunt for suspects is far from over.

“We cannot replace votes and deliberation with violence and intimidation,” Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, told reporters on Thursday.

Why then are the trials held in secrecy?
which trials? List them.

I know of a single Jan. 6 rioter who was convicted and sentenced in secret. Hmm...

There is smoke there. What is the fire?

No the judges were condoning the constitution. Where in order to convict somebody of a crime you need evidence against them. And the riots of 2020 had very little evidence. Compared to the capitol on january 6th that had thousands upon thousands of hours of high resolution surveillance video and body camera footage.
Oh bullshit. They arrested hundreds of people in Portland in the act, and later they just gave them a slap on the wrist. This is just a small sampling, none of these people were jailed for any length of time.

Just say fuck the constitution while you are at it. It says it is legal to protest. So just fuck it.

Well, there is 'protesting' and there is 'protesting'.
"Officer body camera footage showed Mr. Johnatakis lifting a metal barricade and pushing it into officers"

Violently attacking uniformed police officers likely ain't, in my humble opinion, covered under poster Bob W.'s idea of legal protesting?
Or is it?

And BLM and Antifa rioters set fire to police stations
And then, on the other hand:
"‘Boogaloo Boi’ charged in fire of Minneapolis police precinct during George Floyd protest

Ivan Harrison Hunter, a Texas rightwing extremist, bragged about helping to set the fire then was seen shooting 13 rounds at the building"

But an unarmed protestor who trespassed was summarily executed.
A shrouded figure attacked armed police through a violently breached opening in a purpose-built barricade intended to bar attackers from hanging or harming our elected Representatives. The attacker was the point-of-the-spear leading a host of other attackers.
THAT.....proved to be criminally poor judgement on the attacker's part.

May the attacker's family find peace.

which trials? List them.

I know of a single Jan. 6 rioter who was convicted and sentenced in secret. Hmm...

There is smoke there. What is the fire?

A Pennsylvania man who was sentenced in secret for his role in the U.S. Capitol riot cooperated with authorities investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack and an unrelated case, according to court documents unsealed this week.

The documents provide insight into the unusual secrecy in the case of Samuel Lazar, who had been released from federal custody in September after completing his sentence in his Capitol riot case. His case remained under seal even after his release, so there was no public record of a conviction or sentence.

The records unsealed this week show that Lazar, of Ephrata, Pennsylvania, admitted to spraying a chemical irritant at police officers who were trying to defend the Capitol and to using a bullhorn to encourage other rioters to take officers’ weapons as he yelled, “Let’s get their guns!” He pleaded guilty to assaulting officers using a dangerous weapon and was sentenced to 30 months in prison during a sealed hearing last March.

The documents show that prosecutors asked the judge last year to sentence Lazar to a prison term below the federal guidelines range, citing Lazar’s “fulsome” cooperation with the government. That included providing “valuable information” to authorities investigating the Jan. 6 attack, prosecutors said in court papers.

The documents were unsealed on Wednesday after a coalition of news outlets, including The Associated Press, moved to publicly release records in his case.
And then, on the other hand:
"‘Boogaloo Boi’ charged in fire of Minneapolis police precinct during George Floyd protest

Ivan Harrison Hunter, a Texas rightwing extremist, bragged about helping to set the fire then was seen shooting 13 rounds at the building"
Yes and...
After shooting at the building, Hunter was recorded on video high-fiving another person and yelling “Justice for Floyd!” Investigators matched the skull mask Hunter was wearing in the video to a photo on his Facebook page.
Oh bullshit. They arrested hundreds of people in Portland in the act, and later they just gave them a slap on the wrist. This is just a small sampling, none of these people were jailed for any length of time.

They had little evidence of their crime. Few if any witnesses to their actual acts, and certainly little video footage of them committing the crime.
They had little evidence of their crime. Few if any witnesses to their actual acts, and certainly little video footage of them committing the crime.
Wrong. You don't know a damn thing about it. There were dozens of people with phones recording everything, and CCTV at the courthouse and north and east precincts.

If you're BLM/Antifa you get probation (or less).

If you are a Trump supporter you get years in Federal prison...

"Five of the Portland cases in which deals were recently struck involved a felony charge of interfering with police during civil disorder. Some defendants are accused of punching or jumping on police officers during the street battles. One individual was charged after being accused of shining a high-powered green laser into the eyes of officers seeking to disperse a riot outside a police union building.

The civil disorder cases are notable because the charge of police interference is also being wielded by prosecutors in dozens of the criminal cases brought over the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6 by pro-Trump protesters. In the Washington cases, prosecutors have filed the felony anti-riot charge in tandem with others, like obstructing an official proceeding or assaulting police officers."
If you're BLM/Antifa you get probation (or less).

If you are a Trump supporter you get years in Federal prison...

Here's a hint. State vs Federal government.

Where do you think the term "make a federal case out of it" comes from.
The federal government comes down on people like a ton of bricks compared to the states.

...Chauvin's ... state sentence of 22.5 years. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for violating George Floyd's civil rights.
Here's a hint. State vs Federal government.

Where do you think the term "make a federal case out of it" comes from.
The federal government comes down on people like a ton of bricks compared to the states.

...Chauvin's ... state sentence of 22.5 years. Former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was sentenced to more than 20 years in prison for violating George Floyd's civil rights.
Did you read anything I posted? It was not just the County or State making the prosecution decisions.

This shit went on for months in Portland and Seattle. They took over parts of town and kicked out the cops. To suggest that there was lack of evidence is inane.

They tried to burn down a Federal Courthouse.

Federal prosecutors’
show of leniency for some defendants charged in the long-running unrest in the streets of Portland could have an impact on similar criminal cases stemming from the Capitol riot, lawyers say.

In recent weeks, prosecutors have approved deals in at least half a dozen federal felony cases arising from clashes between protesters and law enforcement in Oregon last summer. The arrangements — known as deferred resolution agreements — will leave the defendants with a clean criminal record if they stay out of trouble for a period of time and complete a modest amount of community service, according to defense attorneys and court records.
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First they came for the kazoos
and i did not speak out
because i did not play the kazzo

Then they came for the tambourines
and i did not speak out
because i did not play tambourine

Next they came for the megaphones
and nobody could speak out at all


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