Jan 6: In one day rioters injured more than one hundred police officers, caused more than 2.9 million dollars in losses. Septic Installer Sentenced

In recent weeks, prosecutors have approved deals in at least half a dozen federal felony cases arising from clashes between protesters and law enforcement in Oregon last summer. The arrangements — known as deferred resolution agreements — will leave the defendants with a clean criminal record if they stay out of trouble for a period of time and complete a modest amount of community service, according to defense attorneys and court records.[/B]
What you leave out is that the feds has little if any hard evidence of their crime. Ex: Multiple witnesses, or Surveillance video footage. Something they could put forward as absolute proof like they had for January 6th.

Witnesses would have to positively identify someone who was part of a crowd of tens of thousands.
What you leave out is that the feds has little if any hard evidence of their crime. Ex: Multiple witnesses, or Surveillance video footage. Something they could put forward as absolute proof like they had for January 6th.

Witnesses would have to positively identify someone who was part of a crowd of tens of thousands.
You are so full of shit. They had all the evidence they needed and had the perpetrators in jail.

This is the reason democrats have zero credibility. You make all kinds of bullshit excuses when the thugs are leftist groups. Businesses destroyed, people yanked out their cars and beaten, it's just "mostly peaceful protests".

But OH MY GAWD if it's conservatives protesting, it's an INSURRECTION!

Bunch of fucking Karens. Screw you all, and your two-tiered justice system.

I got out. Your shithole cities can burn to the ground now for all I care, you deserve it.
But OH MY GAWD if it's conservatives protesting, it's an INSURRECTION!

Bunch of fucking Karens. Screw you all, and your two-tiered justice system.
It's the difference between being caught on high resolution surveillance video committing the crime, that can be shown to the jury.

Vs the officer testifying, with no corroborating video or witnesses.
They didn't have high resolution video of the actual offense being committed.
That is so lame. What do you think they did before high resolution video?

When someone is arrested in the commission of a crime, you don't need high resolution video to charge them with the crime.

The decision to not charge the people who tried to burn down the courthouse came from Washington D.C., given to the US Attorney in Oregon.

Charges were dropped...

That is so lame. What do you think they did before high resolution video?
That's why they offered lenient prosecution, because they didn't have the hard evidence to convince a jury.

Your problem is that BLM riots happened mostly at night, by people wearing masks, and little if any video of the scene of the crime.

January 6tth happened in broad daylight, in front of thousands of surveillance cameras, by people who like Trump didn't wear facemasks.
That's why they offered lenient prosecution, because they didn't have the hard evidence to convince a jury.

Your problem is that BLM riots happened mostly at night, by people wearing masks, and little if any video of the scene of the crime.

January 6tth happened in broad daylight, in front of thousands of surveillance cameras, by people who like Trump didn't wear facemasks.
You have no idea about any of it. You just make up a narrative to suit you.

Post the statement from the US Attorney that says there was no evidence. You can't because that was not the problem. Many of those rioters pled to misdemeanors and took probation.

This shit went on for months, there was no mystery about who was trashing the downtowns. I had a business in downtown Portland at the time- I had bars on the windows, but I still had to deal with the graffiti on my building...

Thank god I am not still in that shithole.

The way they tracked down a lot of the the people who were in D.C., was by geofencing their cell phones and getting their text messages from the providers. If they wanted to arrest the supposedly "unknown" Antifa/BLM protesters they could have put that same effort in.

They didn't do that, because the BLM/Antifa rioters were doing the bidding of the democrat party. And that's why Garland lets them get away with it and prosecutes the conservatives with all kinds of trumped up charges.
You have no idea about any of it. You just make up a narrative to suit you.

Post the statement from the US Attorney that says there was no evidence. You can't because that was not the problem. Many of those rioters pled to misdemeanors and took probation.
An example of the video footage they might have of the crimes. Notice the guy arrested wasn't caught on tape throwing anything.

An example of the video footage they might have of the crimes. Notice the guy arrested wasn't caught on tape throwing anything.
You have no idea what the police saw that was not on the video. Also that was Atlanta, was that a Federal Courthouse? 99.9% likely the guy was released on PR and if anything, pled to a misdemeanor...

You said the Federal charges in Portland were dropped for lack of evidence.

Show me.
You have no idea what the police saw that was not on the video. Also that was Atlanta, was that a Federal Courthouse?

You said the Federal charges in Portland were dropped for lack of evidence.

Show me.
Having video evidence is the point. This was at CNN where video is their business, The police saw it, but had no VIDEO of it.
It became a he said - she said. Which would not be enough to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

So the feds has no choice but to use their scant evidence to convince the people to take a favorable deal, instead of take them to trial and likely lose.
January 6th had over 40,000 hours of surveillance video. Covering every area of the Capitol. Add to that the body cam video from the officers, and you have the ability to catch the moment of the crime.

And with it, the ability to seek a tough sentence.
Having video evidence is the point. This was at CNN where video is their business, The police saw it, but had no VIDEO of it.
It became a he said - she said. Which would not be enough to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt.

So the feds has no choice but to use their scant evidence to convince the people to take a favorable deal, instead of take them to trial and likely lose.
Bullshit. The cops wear body cams. There are dozens of people with cameras in that crowd, just like every other BLM riot.

You don't need video of a crime to charge a crime. There are hundreds of witnesses.

You are just making up an excuse to fit your narrative, I am waiting for you to back it up with ANY official statement.
January 6th had over 40,000 hours of surveillance video. Covering every area of the Capitol. Add to that the body cam video from the officers, and you have the ability to catch the moment of the crime.

And with it, the ability to seek a tough sentence.
Oh sure, the US capitol is the only place with video cameras...

40,000 hours of video for a 4-hour riot... :cuckoo:
So the feds has no choice but to use their scant evidence to convince the people to take a favorable deal, instead of take them to trial and likely lose.
You are a liar.

The BLM/Antifa rioters were not prosecuted because there was no DESIRE to prosecute them. They were doing the bidding of the democrat party.

The exact opposite applies to the J6 protesters. There is no expense spared to prosecute them, even if they were doing nothing but walking around the Capitol grounds that day.

That is what your party has become, and let me tell you- you will reap what you sew...
Bullshit. The cops wear body cams. There are dozens of people with cameras in that crowd, just like every other BLM riot.

You don't need video of a crime to charge a crime. There are hundreds of witnesses.

You are just making up an excuse to fit your narrative, I am waiting for you to back it up with ANY official statement.
You strangely figured out why the BLM prosecution were tenuous at best. All the evidence, the videos, the witnesses, were all BLM members. They would not voluntarily either share the video, or give testimony to the police.
The George Floyd case is a case in point in the importance of video
The 9 minutes and 29 seconds of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck was captured by several bystander videos, surveillance video from across the street and video from outside the Cup Foods store. The searing bystander footage that first went viral last May was played for jurors during opening statements.
Oh sure, the US capitol is the only place with video cameras...

40,000 hours of video for a 4-hour riot... :cuckoo:
Now you're getting it. 4-hour riot. 40,000 hours of video, means there were 10,000 video cameras covering the capitol.

10,000 cameras. That's more cameras then there were rioters.
You strangely figured out why the BLM prosecution were tenuous at best. All the evidence, the videos, the witnesses, were all BLM members. They would not voluntarily either share the video, or give testimony to the police.
The George Floyd case is a case in point in the importance of video
The 9 minutes and 29 seconds of Chauvin kneeling on Floyd's neck was captured by several bystander videos, surveillance video from across the street and video from outside the Cup Foods store. The searing bystander footage that first went viral last May was played for jurors during opening statements.
More BS. There were plenty of people at the protests that were not part of BLM/Antifa. There is CCTV footage and thousands of hours of cell phone footage from people who were there as observers.

You excuses are nothing but pathetic attempts to justify the prosecution of people based on their political leanings.

I believe we are past the tipping point now, it's only a matter of time...
You are a liar.

The BLM/Antifa rioters were not prosecuted because there was no DESIRE to prosecute them. They were doing the bidding of the democrat party.

The exact opposite applies to the J6 protesters. There is no expense spared to prosecute them, even if they were doing nothing but walking around the Capitol grounds that day.

That is what your party has become, and let me tell you- you will reap what you sew...
Re: They were doing the bidding of the democrat party.

Remember, who was in charge of federal prosecutions. Trump appointed US Attorneys, and a Trump appointed Attorney General.

If they were "soft" on the BLM protesters attacking federal buildings, you have a whole new level of conspiracy theories.

That Trump was behind the BLM riots.
Now you're getting it. 4-hour riot. 40,000 hours of video, means there were 10,000 video cameras covering the capitol.

10,000 cameras. That's more cameras then there were rioters.
And according to you, there were no cameras at the BLM riots except the ones that BLM people had...

Yeah, sure. :cuckoo:

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