Jan 6 tapes you were forbidden to see by Pelosi. Mar. 6 & 7 Tucker Carlson, Fox News 9:00 pm Est.

I give a fuck, especially if his interpretation is wildly misleading.

At the very least, we can admit that his interpretation isn’t necessarily “truth” which is bandied about here.

What part of the story are you so fixated on?
The video that’s been held under wraps for 2 plus years.
“We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” Carlson texted Jan. 4, 2021. “I truly can’t wait.”

“I hate him passionately,” Carlson added."

And I guess the insurrection two days later changed his mind? Haha, I hope he is suffering. I genuinely do.

If the Capitol wasn’t on lockdown, why did the rioters have to smash their way into it?

The police were afraid of escalating physical force with the people who broke into the Capitol. Makes sense given the beatings many other officers faced earlier in the day when they were trying to keep them out with force.
Bullshit. When DC is motivated to lock something down, it gets locked down. The Capitol was not adequately locked down and there was enough intelligence in advance to have reinforcements; including the National Guard, which easily locked down the Capitol within hours and the Election was certified.
The Capitol was not adequately locked down and there was enough intelligence in advance to have reinforcements; including the National Guard, which easily locked down the Capitol within hours and the Election was certified.
They got caught with their pants down. It happens, when something unprecedented happens. It won't happen again, at least not like that. I think we can safely say that. Better bring 50,000 people to the next insurrection attempt.

Let's all keep in mind whose fault this is. And no, it's not the government's fault for not stopping the violent crowd sooner. While the government can (and will) do better next time, it's the criminals who are to blame for any and all of this happening, ultimately.
Bullshit. When DC is motivated to lock something down, it gets locked down. The Capitol was not adequately locked down and there was enough intelligence in advance to have reinforcements; including the National Guard, which easily locked down the Capitol within hours and the Election was certified.
The Capitol Police chief thought they had the national guard on standby to be able to respond quickly.

That turned out not to be the case as it took the national guard hours to respond after the Capitol Police called asking for backup.

The biggest failure was that they just didn’t really think Trump’s crowd would get so violent.

Whatever your feeling on the mistakes by the Capitol Police, that does nothing to exonerate the people who acted violently.
Yep! 140 injuries, at last count. You've seen the video of it, right? Cops getting sprayed, beaten, smashed against walls, etc.?
Yea…it was the same thing I saw in cities throughout 2020 yet you people said they had it coming to them. January 6th actually made you people care about the welfare of the police and showed you why and how it is necessary to shoot an unarmed threat when they don’t listen to commands. And, to think of all the cities your side burnt and looted and all of the innocents you beat for driving down the wrong street. And for what? So you could have a fucking epiphany January 6th 2021???
The Capitol Police chief thought they had the national guard on standby to be able to respond quickly.

That turned out not to be the case as it took the national guard hours to respond after the Capitol Police called asking for backup.

The biggest failure was that they just didn’t really think Trump’s crowd would get so violent.

Whatever your feeling on the mistakes by the Capitol Police, that does nothing to exonerate the people who acted violently.
Not looking to exonerate the people acted violently. The biggest failure is not being prepared based on credible threats.
Yea…it was the same thing I saw in cities throughout 2020 yet you people said they had it coming to them.
Not interested in the whataboutism. Trying to overturn a free and fair presidential election with violence and criminal conspiracy is not on the same level. Surely you get this.

January 6th actually made you people care about the welfare of the police
Whether that was true of anybody or nobody, that doesn't give any of the criminals a pass. Deflection.
Not looking to exonerate the people acted violently. The biggest failure is not being prepared based on credible threats.
But they didn’t think the threats were credible. Trump supporters aren’t afraid to talk in super violent terms but have no significant history of acting in it. Especially these three percenters. Hell, their entire organization is named after a concept of overthrowing governments.
Not looking to exonerate the people acted violently.
Just the criminal conspirators who didn't? Just exonerate them?
The biggest failure is not being prepared based on credible threats.

When talking about accounting for violent insurrections, okay. In other words, let's not happen again, right? Okay, that point has been addressed already, I bet.
Yea…it was the same thing I saw in cities throughout 2020 yet you people said they had it coming to them. January 6th actually made you people care about the welfare of the police and showed you why and how it is necessary to shoot an unarmed threat when they don’t listen to commands. And, to think of all the cities your side burnt and looted and all of the innocents you beat for driving down the wrong street. And for what? So you could have a fucking epiphany January 6th 2021???

So it was the fault of police that BLM rioters burned down businesses because the police were not adequately prepared to deal with them in 2020.

'Bulls---': GOP senators rebuke Tucker Carlson for downplaying Jan. 6 as 'mostly peaceful'​

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called the Fox News host's portrayal a "mistake," while Sen. Kevin Cramer said it was “just a lie” to compare Jan. 6 to a peaceful protest.

At a GOP leadership press conference, McConnell said he wanted to associate himself with the letter sent to the U.S. Capitol Police force by Chief Thomas Manger, who denounced Carlson for spreading “offensive and misleading conclusions” about the Jan. 6 insurrection, including a “disturbing accusation” that Officer Brian Sicknick’s death had nothing to do with the riot.

"I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief and the Capitol Police about what happened on January 6," McConnell said as he held up a copy of the letter. "It was a mistake, in my view, for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”
A handful of other Senate Republicans on Tuesday pushed back on Carlson's claim that Jan. 6 was "peaceful chaos," with Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina blasting those remarks as “bullshit.”
Republican Sen. Kevin Cramer, a North Dakota conservative, said he was in the Capitol on Jan. 6 and firmly rejected Carlson's portrayal of that day as “some rowdy peaceful protest of Boy Scouts.”

“I think that breaking through glass windows and doors to get into the United States Capitol against the borders of police is a crime.
Sen. Mitt Romney
, R-Utah, said it’s “really sad to see Tucker Carlson go off the rails like that,” saying that he’s “joining a range of shock jocks that are disappointing America and feeding falsehoods.”

“The American people saw what happened on Jan. 6."
Sen. Mike Rounds
, R-S.D., also rejected Carlson’s comments that the day was peaceful.

“I was there on Jan. 6. I saw what happened. I saw the aftermath. There was violence on Jan. 6,” Rounds told reporters.
Sen. Lindsey Graham ...
"I think the Jan. 6 committee had a partisan view of things, and I'd like to know more about what happened that day and the day before," Graham added. "But I'm not interested in whitewashing the Covid lab theory, and I'm not interested in whitewashing Jan. 6."
Hey - the deep state weenies can bleat whatever they want, but we all know what happened and why.

I'll repeat my position on this: our asswipe Senators DESERVED a heads up on J6, and I really don't care to hear them spreading their bullshit about it NOW.

I don't CARE whether they like it or not, and fuck em if they dont.

The truth here, is our senators FAILED the People of the United States, they failed the Constitution and they failed the country.

Our fucktard Senators should be DEEPLY ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES that anything like this had to happen in the first place.

But instead, what do we get? Arrogance. And blame the reporters.

Our sitting senators are FUCKED UP. Let's vote them all out and start over.
Of course they all do.

The difference is that Tucker's employer agued in a court of law that no reasonable person would take what Tucker says seriously, and won a law suit since the judge agreed.

It was the same defense that Maddow used and won with.

So, tell me if Maddow had the tapes and showed just the parts she wanted to, would you trust them as blindly as you are the ones Tucker is showing?
I believe the liberals like Maddow showed only the the parts of the tapes they liked. The parts where there was violence.

Now I oppose violence in any demonstration as I like peaceful demonstrations. The prople who committed violence on Jan 6th should be arrested and prosecuted just as those who committed violence in the George Floyd riots and the White House riots should also be prosecuted.

To me it looks like once again the liberals can do any damn thing they want and never get prosecuted while the conservatives are hung high.

I believe the liberals like Maddow showed only the the parts of the tapes they liked. The parts where there was violence.

And Tucker will show only the parts he likes. That is how it works
Until now, we only saw a few edited hours out of the 41,000 hours that the far left wanted us to see.

Did Tucker Carlson show only the peaceful portions of the riot?

Why can they not just put them all on a pubic server for us all to watch for ourselves?

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