Jan 6th Fact: "Dad went to the Capitol with a gun, He walked up the Capitol steps with a gun on his hip."

May 4, 2022
“Actions are actions. Dad went to the Capitol with a gun,” said Jackson, then 20 years old. “He walked up the Capitol steps with a gun on his hip.”

On Jan. 16, 2021, the FBI raided their house and arrested her father, Guy Reffitt, on charges of obstruction of justice and unlawful trespassing related to Jan. 6. Her brother was interviewed on CNN the next week, and it was then she found out that he had tipped off the authorities.

“Me, Sarah and Mom just felt a lack of empathy on our part from you afterwards,” Peyton said to Jackson as their mother and sister nodded.

“It’s not that I’m proud of it, or I’m so happy about it,” Jackson said.

After rioters stormed the Capitol, relatives and friends who disagreed with their actions faced a difficult choice: Should they turn their loved ones over to authorities? Could they continue to have relationships with people accused of trying to interfere with the peaceful transition of power? Divisions that had been growing since the election of Donald Trump to the presidency were torn even wider in living rooms and family group chats across the country.

Ever since, families have been having or avoiding conversations like the Reffitts were having on that May afternoon. What had once been political disagreements had become questions about loyalty, truth and patriotism.

For me, this is what Donald J. Trump left behind. In his wake, detsroyed friendships, destroyed families, and neighbors no longer able to be decent and fair with each other.
Thoughtcrime is a dreadful thing, old man,' he said sententiously. 'It's insidious. It can get hold of you without your even knowing it. Do you know how it got hold of me? In my sleep! Yes, that's a fact. There I was, working away, trying to do my bit -- never knew I had any bad stuff in my mind at all. And then I started talking in my sleep. Do you know what they heard me saying?'
He sank his voice, like someone who is obliged for medical reasons to utter an obscenity.
"Down with Big Brother!" Yes, I said that! Said it over and over again, it seems. Between you and me, old man, I'm glad they got me before it went any further. Do you know what I'm going to say to them when I go up before the tribunal? "Thank you," I'm going to say, "thank you for saving me before it was too late."
'Who denounced you?' said Winston.
'It was my little daughter,' said Parsons with a sort of doleful pride. 'She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh? I don't bear her any grudge for it. In fact I'm proud of her. It shows I brought her up in the right spirit, anyway.'

1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a guide book.
“Actions are actions. Dad went to the Capitol with a gun,” said Jackson, then 20 years old. “He walked up the Capitol steps with a gun on his hip.”

For me, this is what Donald J. Trump left behind. In his wake, detsroyed friendships, destroyed families, and neighbors no longer able to be decent and fair with each other.
Total bullshit. Deranged idiot.
“Actions are actions. Dad went to the Capitol with a gun,” said Jackson, then 20 years old. “He walked up the Capitol steps with a gun on his hip.”

For me, this is what Donald J. Trump left behind. In his wake, detsroyed friendships, destroyed families, and neighbors no longer able to be decent and fair with each other.
Your side is destroying families and careers. This kind of projection should be beneath even a slug like you.
So, you'd have no problem with an angry mob breaking thru the doors/windows of your home or business? You'd offer them milk and cookies?
That was no ones home, it was a public building you filthy liar! But, liar, why only shoot one? Why not them all? I mean vandalizing while trespassing should carry the death penalty right?
“He walked up the Capitol steps with a gun on his hip.”

Not the first time that has happened ...


and not an offense under The Constitution
No reason to shoot an unarmed woman. Period.
Not even the pleasure of revenge?

By the time she had to be whacked, the police were involved in a life or death fight, and stirred with emotions of hate for the criminal insurrectionists.
Not even the pleasure of revenge?

By the time she had to be whacked, the police were involved in a life or death fight, and stirred with emotions of hate for the criminal insurrectionists.
Now the scum pretend to be mind readers.
Now the scum pretend to be mind readers.
We should be able to safely conclude that the police officer was highly motivated to pulling the trigger.

He had the advantage of being legally motivated to be able to claim premeditated murder. All police officers involved had gained that privilege! It couldn't have been a better situation in which police would be justified in bringing out the 50 cal. machine guns for a complete house cleaning.

From a foreigner's POV, it's hard to understand how it was avoided?
So, you'd have no problem with an angry mob breaking thru the doors/windows of your home or business? You'd offer them milk and cookies?
Ask the business owners that lost their business in the 2020 summer riots, not me.
Your side is destroying families and careers. This kind of projection should be beneath even a slug like you.
NOTHING is beneath him. He has no shame.
Not even the pleasure of revenge?

By the time she had to be whacked, the police were involved in a life or death fight, and stirred with emotions of hate for the criminal insurrectionists.
You are subhuman.
We should be able to safely conclude that the police officer was highly motivated to pulling the trigger.

He had the advantage of being legally motivated to be able to claim premeditated murder. All police officers involved had gained that privilege! It couldn't have been a better situation in which police would be justified in bringing out the 50 cal. machine guns for a complete house cleaning.

From a foreigner's POV, it's hard to understand how it was avoided?
I figure Michael Byrd might well have shot off in his pants when he murdered her.
He wasnt forced to kill her. Thats why we will throw him in prison after Trump takes back the WH.
I expect Slow Joe to pardon him his last day in office.
Frankly, I am surprised more of the domestic terrorists who sacked the Capitol weren't gunned down. They certainly deserved it.

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