Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Polls? That's your evidence? LOL No poll ever anticipated the turnout that happened. People were fed up with the circus and they sent his ass packing. And BTW polling numbers of Biden's popularity in no way signal a desire among voters to return to Trumpism. That isn't gonna happen. And those sheep that still want to carry that forward are doomed to suffer the same fate. Intelligent people know we can't stand another 4 minutes of that authoritarian crap, let alone four years.
What on Earth are you babbling about? 80% of Americans say we are on the wrong track regarding pretty much everything. 80% of Americans are at least moderately afraid that Biden has brought us to the brink of a nuclear WWIII. Even Covid is making yet another comeback and the best the left can do is push the vaccines created due to the Trump administration. That's all they've got. Meanwhile, even Democratic politicians are jumping off ship rather than face the prospects of a huge blowout come the midterms, and polls show that if the 2024 election were held today, Trump would probably win. Biden couldn't pass his own agenda with his own party and now he is proposing big spending and huge tax increases which aren't even constitutional or workable on billionaires and millionaires so, once again, we will have yet more spending and more red ink and more inflation and higher interest rates.
Is there any doubt?

I mean there is 7+ hours of missing call log info during the heart of the insurrection. Trump is a joke. He can't even lie properly. I've never witnessed a bigger joke of a human being that him.
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What on Earth are you babbling about? 80% of Americans say we are on the wrong track regarding pretty much everything. 80% of Americans are at least moderately afraid that Biden has brought us to the brink of a nuclear WWIII. Even Covid is making yet another comeback and the best the left can do is push the vaccines created due to the Trump administration. That's all they've got. Meanwhile, even Democratic politicians are jumping off ship rather than face the prospects of a huge blowout come the midterms, and polls show that if the 2024 election were held today, Trump would probably win. Biden couldn't pass his own agenda with his own party and now he is proposing big spending and huge tax increases which aren't even constitutional or workable on billionaires and millionaires so, once again, we will have yet more spending and more red ink and more inflation and higher interest rates.
We should all thank our lucky stars that we have a Sane President.
What on Earth are you babbling about? 80% of Americans say we are on the wrong track regarding pretty much everything. 80% of Americans are at least moderately afraid that Biden has brought us to the brink of a nuclear WWIII. Even Covid is making yet another comeback and the best the left can do is push the vaccines created due to the Trump administration. That's all they've got. Meanwhile, even Democratic politicians are jumping off ship rather than face the prospects of a huge blowout come the midterms, and polls show that if the 2024 election were held today, Trump would probably win. Biden couldn't pass his own agenda with his own party and now he is proposing big spending and huge tax increases which aren't even constitutional or workable on billionaires and millionaires so, once again, we will have yet more spending and more red ink and more inflation and higher interest rates.
More fuckin polls? We still have time to show the world what the Orange nutjob has been up to. He's a sick, lying scoundrel and a clear and present danger to democracy. And idiots like you want that back? You're an imbecile, comrade.
Is there any doubt?

I mean there is 7+ hours of missing call log info during the heart of the insurrection. Trump is a joke. He can't even lie properly. I've never witnessed a bigger joke of a human being that him.
What just might be a bigger joke are the sheep who still believe a single Baah that comes from his Carp lips. He's so obviously a simpleton and a con man that you'd have to be on LSD to see anything else.
Translation: I got nothing. So, search the board. Maybe you'll find something that illustrates... whatever fucking point I think I'm making, then I will update my talking points. Then I'll be right. Checkmate, libtardz...
I have plenty. There was no integrity in the AZ. election. 30 laws were broken. WI. has 92,000 unverifiable votes due to fraud and law breaking. PA. just released a canvas that shows their election had no integrity. The have ballot trafficking on video in GA. Plus the first two videos showing fraud.

WI., AZ. and PA. want the election decertified, That is because there is proof it was a joke. Just like you.
I win at life. I eat fuckers like you for breakfast.
No, assholes like you get beaten down by smart conservatives on a daily basis. Or in your case, a grade schooler slaps the shit out of you. Now since I'm not interested in your perverted fantasies, fo talk to regressive pervert or JoeB. They seem to like that kind of thing.
Your pathetic deflection efforts reveal so much more about you than you realize. Every time you offer the idiotic canard that anybody is supporting a “commmnist” you prove that you are either an imbecile or a liar.

The reason you lie so compulsively is evidence of your own spinelessness. So maybe you should give up on your projection. It isn’t working.

Now then, let’s try to get you focused on the actual thread topic. You will recall it was some smack about the pretend “revelations” from the highly biased partisan anti-trump 1/6 committee. Do you have anything of ANY merit to contribute to that fantasy?
It is not a fantasy dickhead.
He promoted the gathering, he publicly suggested they ho there and fight, he was filmed enjoying the riot from the bunker and at one point cheered and was overjoyed by saying " look how many are supporting me".
And you think the whole thing is a best up???
Youre mealy mouthed ignorance and denials don't cut boy.
Why are you protecting the fascist pig? The hypocrisy of you to bellow shout freedom but support an attempt to install fascism through the only insurrection in the history of America. That must make you proud you brain dead pos.
No, assholes like you get beaten down by smart conservatives on a daily basis.
I'm the smart conservative minded fucker that will ruin your day. Everyday. I'm the one consistently calling you out on your tenuous grasp of American politics and the hypocritical bullshit therein. Everyday. I'm the only conservative in the room asking why the fuck you're even here. I'm the fucker who backs up his words.

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