Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

I'm the smart conservative minded fucker that will ruin your day. Everyday. I'm the one consistently calling you out on your tenuous grasp of American politics and the hypocritical bullshit therein. Everyday. I'm the only conservative in the room asking why the fuck you're even here. I'm the fucker who backs up his words.
You're a no facts, TDS suffering bitch who cries about Trump daily. Why are you here? So we have comic relief by bitch slapping you with reality.
You're a no facts, TDS suffering bitch who cries about Trump daily. Why are you here? So we have comic relief by bitch slapping you with reality.
You wouldn't know a bitch slap even after you've picked yourself off the ground after receiving one, you soft-as-fuck deplorable.
YOU, dummy. You're the m-a-g-a-t--u-r-d i-d-i-o-t. Would drawing it in crayon make more sense to you? Do you require flash cards?
Look at the shape this country is in while the illegitimate administration pulls its dick with Russia and distracts you and destroys this country. We were much better off with Trump.
You wouldn't know a bitch slap even after you've picked yourself off the ground after receiving one, you soft-as-fuck deplorable.

I did not say they were. Why do you people have such comprehension issues?

Dumbfuck, if Eastman was not Trump's attorney, then there's no attorney/client privilege. Even if Eastman was his attorney, attorney/client privilege disintegrates if it's being used to hide a crime.

You really are dumb as shit.
Look at the shape this country is in while the illegitimate administration pulls its dick with Russia and distracts you and destroys this country. We were much better off with Trump.
Trump is a weak leader, dude. He sucked up to literally the worst people (Putin, Il, Balsenaro, etc.) on earth. He ran his administration like a common mob boss. As a person that works with American intelligence, fuck the nonsense you're trying to spew. The way I see it, he disparaged his own American intelligence and gave Putin a pass. Full stop. No fucking spinning this away. I can't see how an American *pResident can do this without having his ass handed to him in a bid for reelection, which happened. You're not popular people in this country. Tread lightly. Thus, you're a magaturd, and I'd deport your stupid ass in a second if ever given the chance. Your white entitlement has no power here.
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Dumbfuck, if Eastman was not Trump's attorney, then there's no attorney/client privilege. Even if Eastman was his attorney, attorney/client privilege disintegrates if it's being used to hide a crime.

You really are dumb as shit.
Yeah, that privilege argument will not sell for a second.
It is not a fantasy dickhead.
He promoted the gathering, he publicly suggested they ho there and fight, he was filmed enjoying the riot from the bunker and at one point cheered and was overjoyed by saying " look how many are supporting me".
And you think the whole thing is a best up???
Youre mealy mouthed ignorance and denials don't cut boy.
Why are you protecting the fascist pig? The hypocrisy of you to bellow shout freedom but support an attempt to install fascism through the only insurrection in the history of America. That must make you proud you brain dead pos.
You remain a complete retard and dedicated to dishonesty. But, then again, you’re a colon. So, being full of shit is your thing. Get back to tossing Brandon’s salad.

Worry about your own land. Fascism here in my land is being fought. Yep. It’s true. Many of us here in America oppose the assault on American liberty favored by the Dumbocraps, the actual fascists in American politics.

So, toddle off now you dopey Limey.
Dumbfuck, if Eastman was not Trump's attorney, then there's no attorney/client privilege. Even if Eastman was his attorney, attorney/client privilege disintegrates if it's being used to hide a crime.

You really are dumb as shit.
Wouldn't they have to prove that crime first? I hope they fight it. It will be less people working on destroying this country.
Trump is a weak leader, dude. He sucked up to literally the worst people (Putin, Il, Balsenaro, etc.) on earth. He ran his administration like a common mob boss. As a person that works with American intelligence, fuck the nonsense you're trying to spew. The way I see it, he disparaged his own American intelligence and gave Putin a pass. Full stop. No fucking spinning this away. I can't see how an American *pResident can do this without having his ass handed to him in a bid for reelection, which happened. You're not popular people in this country. Tread lightly. Thus, you're a magaturd, and I'd deport your stupid ass in a second if ever given the chance. Your white entitlement has no power here.
Oh yes we are. The narrative is a lie. No one wants this shit. Keep choking your own chain.

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