Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

How can you support that shithead Potatohead that stole an election from the American people and call yourself an American?
Yes. Proudly. Unapologetic.

And I believe magaturds need to refrain from using the term 'American'. They don't fully understand what that term means.

So, just what the fuck do magaturds have?

-A lost election.
-A lost Congressional majority.
-The remaining duly elected caustic magaturd Congress sheep promoting propaganda highlighting a backwards culture of anti-American hate/jealousy for the winners (their betters) as a show of fealty to the narcissistic Orange dickhead that lost.
-A bunch of magaturds correctly rotting in correction facilities for acting upon said propaganda. A self fulfilling prophesy.
-Investigations, guilty pleas and subsequent convictions of ex mob administration employees doing dirty, anti-american shit.
-Fealty to a twice impeached, corrupt as hell wannabe mafioso crass rich white Hollywood elitist who no longer has any power and will likely be in prison at some point in time.
-The level of propaganda spewed forth from the Don's mob administration in conjunction with right wing bias from lapdog social/alternative media has been unprecedented. Like *Russia is shook* unprecedented. So magaturds got brainwashing on top of the failures.

Great fucking work, you stupid meat bags.

And magaturd idiots cannot, and will not accept the fact that most of America doesn't like these bottom feeding feral human Karens one fuck, and America subsequently voted their whole shitty political brand of douche canoes out, fair and square. Hit the fucking road, Aces.

Magaturds just won't accept that America no longer accepts them.

They are more than welcome back when they think they are relevant again, but start any more shit, and America will easily grind you into the dustbin of history.
Trump never violated the rule of law. The Democrats clearly reject the laws and the Constitution to get one man? What the fuck is that all about? You cannot ignore the law because Trump is the person you are doing it to. The corrupt media and politicians have you convinced they can.

You dumb POS.
President Trump’s attacks on the rule of law in his four years in office have ranged from blatant disregard to outright breach of everything from well-established ethical values to universally accepted international norms, from United States laws and regulations to international laws and treaties.
As the Trump presidency ends, there is hope that the Biden presidency will mark a return to the rule of law. So it is important to take stock of Trump’s actions from A-Z as clearly and concisely as possible. Since the English-language alphabet is only 26 letters long, however, it may not be possible to do so comprehensively.
Assault on peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square
Bribe-for-pardon scheme
Criminally negligent pandemic response, causing a globally disproportionate toll of American deaths
Disavowing US intelligence reports on Russian hacking of 2016 US presidential election
Emoluments clause in the US Constitution violated throughout his term in office
Firing US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Director James Comey and several inspectors-general
Granting recognition of Morocco’s claim to sovereignty over Western Sahara
Hush-money payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels
Inciting acts of violence against Democratic leaders and other political opponents
Jared Kushner’s security clearance issued, overruling objections of US national security officials
Kids separated from their families and caged at US-Mexico border
Labeling the free press as “Enemy of the People”
Mendacity with nearly 30,000 false or misleading claims during a single term in office
Nepotistic hiring of Ivanka and Jared and their self-dealing with her China trademarks and his Qatari bailout
Obstruction of justice in 10 instances documented in the Mueller investigation report
Promoting illegal annexation of Palestinian land by Israel in the so-called “Deal of the Century”
Questioning the integrity of the 2020 democratic election despite having no evidence of fraud
Refusing to denounce white supremacist and far-right extremist militias
Sexual assault and rape allegations by dozens of women
Trampling rules-based institutions and traditional alliances in favor of transactional adversaries
Uighur forced labor camps green-lighted to President Xi Jinping
Vitriolic attacks on women and bragging about nonconsensual vagina-grabbing
Withdrawing the US from the Iran deal, Paris Agreement, UN Human Rights Council and WHO
Xenophobic travel ban and restrictions on entry of refugees and other asylum-seekers
YMCA unlicensed use of the Village People’s song (and dancing to it so badly)
Zelenskyy quid pro quo blocking Congressionally authorized funds to Ukraine

Now that we know the ABC’s, it is time to seek accountability.
President Trump’s attacks on the rule of law in his four years in office have ranged from blatant disregard to outright breach of everything from well-established ethical values to universally accepted international norms, from United States laws and regulations to international laws and treaties.
As the Trump presidency ends, there is hope that the Biden presidency will mark a return to the rule of law. So it is important to take stock of Trump’s actions from A-Z as clearly and concisely as possible. Since the English-language alphabet is only 26 letters long, however, it may not be possible to do so comprehensively.
Assault on peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square
Bribe-for-pardon scheme
Criminally negligent pandemic response, causing a globally disproportionate toll of American deaths
Disavowing US intelligence reports on Russian hacking of 2016 US presidential election
Emoluments clause in the US Constitution violated throughout his term in office
Firing US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, FBI Director James Comey and several inspectors-general
Granting recognition of Morocco’s claim to sovereignty over Western Sahara
Hush-money payment of $130,000 to Stormy Daniels
Inciting acts of violence against Democratic leaders and other political opponents
Jared Kushner’s security clearance issued, overruling objections of US national security officials
Kids separated from their families and caged at US-Mexico border
Labeling the free press as “Enemy of the People”
Mendacity with nearly 30,000 false or misleading claims during a single term in office
Nepotistic hiring of Ivanka and Jared and their self-dealing with her China trademarks and his Qatari bailout
Obstruction of justice in 10 instances documented in the Mueller investigation report
Promoting illegal annexation of Palestinian land by Israel in the so-called “Deal of the Century”
Questioning the integrity of the 2020 democratic election despite having no evidence of fraud
Refusing to denounce white supremacist and far-right extremist militias
Sexual assault and rape allegations by dozens of women
Trampling rules-based institutions and traditional alliances in favor of transactional adversaries
Uighur forced labor camps green-lighted to President Xi Jinping
Vitriolic attacks on women and bragging about nonconsensual vagina-grabbing
Withdrawing the US from the Iran deal, Paris Agreement, UN Human Rights Council and WHO
Xenophobic travel ban and restrictions on entry of refugees and other asylum-seekers
YMCA unlicensed use of the Village People’s song (and dancing to it so badly)
Zelenskyy quid pro quo blocking Congressionally authorized funds to Ukraine

Now that we know the ABC’s, it is time to seek accountability.
No election has ever had so many cult members willing to support such a criminal asshole. What's with the little animation stuff. Maybe once you reach puberty you can discuss adult things without reverting back to babyhood. Maybe.
Once your brain goes through a rinse cycle you might accept the reality the election was stolen and this clown show is just part of a cover up.
Once your brain goes through a rinse cycle you might accept the reality the election was stolen and this clown show is just part of a cover up.
Or maybe not. Maybe your bullshit won't ever be accepted by certain people. Now what? You gonna 'virtue signal' to avoid getting your stupid ass kicked? Because that's not gonna work.
Once your brain goes through a rinse cycle you might accept the reality the election was stolen and this clown show is just part of a cover up.
Tell that to 60 judges, many of whom were Trump appointees. And tell that to the many so-called audits of the vote count from your side. Found exactly what evidence was there. None. Zero. Even found in one case that Biden had more votes than was reported. Even Trump's former toady and AG. Bill Barr has described the "steal" as nonsense, which it is.
Same with magaturds.
The latest is a democrat judge from a liberal state saying that Trump "likely" committed crimes. New York said the same thing and wound up giving up due to no evidence. Ditto every other Trump investigation. You guys are all proving that Trump is the squeakiest clean person there ever was.
The latest is a democrat judge from a liberal state saying that Trump "likely" committed crimes. New York said the same thing and wound up giving up due to no evidence. Ditto every other Trump investigation. You guys are all proving that Trump is the squeakiest clean person there ever was.
Slimiest, not squeakiest.
Well, if you can't prove any guilt other than your constant accusations then he is squeaky clean.
By that measure, OJ was squeaky clean too. Trump has been escaping accountability his whole adult life. His time is coming. And, keep in mind that unlike OJ, Trump doesn't have a Dream Team of lawyers because he's screwed them all along the way. No decent lawyer wants any part of that scoundrel and he's in a money bind because of all of his other legal problems.
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Or maybe not. Maybe your bullshit won't ever be accepted by certain people. Now what? You gonna 'virtue signal' to avoid getting your stupid ass kicked? Because that's not gonna work.
Talking about the obvious fraud is not virtual signaling. Virtue signaling is supporting the the Ukraine when no ones knows what the fuck is going on. We can see the damage being done to this country and you want to ignore it.
Tell that to 60 judges, many of whom were Trump appointees. And tell that to the many so-called audits of the vote count from your side. Found exactly what evidence was there. None. Zero. Even found in one case that Biden had more votes than was reported. Even Trump's former toady and AG. Bill Barr has described the "steal" as nonsense, which it is.
The words of proven liars and corrupt or intimidated judges only means there was never a proper investigation. There is too much new evidence to think any election in 2020 had any integrity.
By that measure, OJ was squeaky clean too. Trump has been escaping accountability his whole adult life. His time is coming. And, keep in mind that unlike OJ, Trump doesn't have a Dream Team of lawyers because he's screwed them all along the way. No decent lawyer wants any part of that scoundrel and he's in a money bind because of all of his other legal problems.
Escaping accountability is just fancy way of admitting that he hasn't been found guilty of any of your trumped up witch hunt charges. Funny how you guys accuse Trump of not taking any responsibility for anything and yet here YOU are, not taking any responsibility and blaming everything bad on Trump. Have you seen this:

As thoroughly disgusting as Trump is, Americans would prefer going back to him rather than continue in the direction we are currently going under Biden and the democrats.
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The words of proven liars and corrupt or intimidated judges only means there was never a proper investigation. There is too much new evidence to think any election in 2020 had any integrity.
What new evidence? LOL Frickin' sheep will buy into any conspiracy theory cooked up by the cultmaster.
Escaping accountability is just fancy way of admitting that he hasn't been found guilty of any of your trumped up witch hunt charges. Funny how you guys accuse Trump of not taking any responsibility for anything and yet here YOU are, not taking any responsibility and blaming everything bad on Trump. Have you seen this:

As thoroughly disgusting as Trump is, Americans would prefer going back to him rather than continue in the direction we are currently going under Biden and the democrats.
Polls? That's your evidence? LOL No poll ever anticipated the turnout that happened. People were fed up with the circus and they sent his ass packing. And BTW polling numbers of Biden's popularity in no way signal a desire among voters to return to Trumpism. That isn't gonna happen. And those sheep that still want to carry that forward are doomed to suffer the same fate. Intelligent people know we can't stand another 4 minutes of that authoritarian crap, let alone four years.

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