Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Not only are you Stupid, you're out of touch with reality - which suggests you are insane.
Stop projecting and tell me how mandates and taking political prisoners or censoring information and free speech is not destroying democracy?
GFY. It's biddable fools like you that has created the strength for China and Russia seeking absolute power, and working to destroy democracy not only in the U.S. but in nations all across the world.
I’ve noticed an uptick in Fly Catcher’s use of the word “biddable.” Kudos on that whole thesaurus and dictionary thing. Aside from an upgrade in your lexicon, you make no coherent point (as usual) Fly.

Your gibberish has no actual bearing on the thread topic. Some shit about a vapid claim by the overtly partisan 1/6 committee saying crap about evidence that they can’t themselves even credibly rely on….
Stop projecting and tell me how mandates and taking political prisoners or censoring information and free speech is not destroying democracy?
As I stated, you're out of touch with reality. Are you not watching the murderous behavior of the Russian Military, or are you seeking to destroy democracy and live under the authoritarianism which is on going in Russian?

Aren't your sources posting the events putting the protestors in Moscow and other Cities in Russia being violently taken into custody by police officers, and the Duma passing laws putting the TV and other press mediums being shut down?

Wake up!!!
As I stated, you're out of touch with reality. Are you not watching the murderous behavior of the Russian Military, or are you seeking to destroy democracy and live under the authoritarianism which is on going in Russian?

Aren't your sources posting the events putting the protestors in Moscow and other Cities in Russia being violently taken into custody by police officers, and the Duma passing laws putting the TV and other press mediums being shut down?

Wake up!!!
What is going on with Russia is not my concern. It has little to do with what a sorry state this country is in. It is distract and destroy America right before their eyes.
People on his behalf have. Trump never pays anybody for anything unless he gets sued and made to pony up. Why? Because he's a low life scoundrel.

Nice try, like I said, like it or not, Trump didn't pay for any forensic audits.
"May have"? "Good-faith belief"?

Those are some feckless weasel words.

They know damn well that Trump never told anyone to trespass.
Of course not. He only told them to go there and fight like hell.
Trump is a dictator and should be eliminated for his treasonous acts.
I do t blame the nuts jobs who did it. Republicans are born with no brains
"Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts," the committee said in a court filing.

"May have". Okay, so now you have to prove it. Or, perhaps this was a signal to the DOJ to do something.

I'm a little surprised this came out so early. They still have nine months before they're disbanded. Are they throwing rocks at Garland's window?

LOL, in other words they ain’t got hack shit from their witch hunt.
Of course not. He only told them to go there and fight like hell.
Trump is a dictator and should be eliminated for his treasonous acts.
I do t blame the nuts jobs who did it. Republicans are born with no brains
Lil’ colon dispenses with truth when he posts. Trump did ask people to rally at the Capitol. He did use the old phrase “fight like hell.” But descending colon neglects to note or to admit that the phrase “fight like hell” isn’t a war rallying cry. It can be and mostly is a figure of speech. Stupid lil Colon know this, but he doesn’t care for truth.

Obviously, too, Trump was not a “dictator.” Descending colon tosses that term around without a care in the world for the fact that it is facially false as applied to our former President. Likewise with Impacted colon’s misuse of the term “treason.” It’s not just his ignorance talking. It’s a deliberate lie.

Colon “anus” Norris was born with no brain, obviously. But true to his name, he is full of shit.
Of course not. He only told them to go there and fight like hell.
Trump is a dictator and should be eliminated for his treasonous acts.
I do t blame the nuts jobs who did it. Republicans are born with no brains
Challenging an election is not an act of treason. Why the challenge was never taken up is the treason. Nitwit.
GFY. It's biddable fools like you that has created the strength for China and Russia seeking absolute power, and working to destroy democracy not only in the U.S. but in nations all across the world.
It's not authoritarian when Drunk Nancy does it.

Got it
Challenging an election is not an act of treason. Why the challenge was never taken up is the treason. Nitwit.
He wasn't challenging the election. He was attempting to stop the electoral process confirming Biden had won.

He had over 100 challenges before courts etc and not one had grounds for further investigation. Even the sc told him to piss off.

Now who is the nitwit. Stick with your silly bible.
Lil’ colon dispenses with truth when he posts. Trump did ask people to rally at the Capitol. He did use the old phrase “fight like hell.” But descending colon neglects to note or to admit that the phrase “fight like hell” isn’t a war rallying cry. It can be and mostly is a figure of speech. Stupid lil Colon know this, but he doesn’t care for truth.

Obviously, too, Trump was not a “dictator.” Descending colon tosses that term around without a care in the world for the fact that it is facially false as applied to our former President. Likewise with Impacted colon’s misuse of the term “treason.” It’s not just his ignorance talking. It’s a deliberate lie.

Colon “anus” Norris was born with no brain, obviously. But true to his name, he is full of shit.
I'm under your skin. You have nothing to offer but hate.

You keep supporting the communists in Ukraine. Thats good enough for republican idiots.
It seems those who reject the committee are those who chanted, "lock her up" and have posted a gross number of comments lacking and evidence that Joe Biden is senile and he is corrupt, also lacking evidence and creating BIG LIES.
Totally acceptable in their universe. Just bend or manufacture reality until they like it.
He wasn't challenging the election. He was attempting to stop the electoral process confirming Biden had won.

He had over 100 challenges before courts etc and not one had grounds for further investigation. Even the sc told him to piss off.

Now who is the nitwit. Stick with your silly bible.
Stop the certification until after a proper investigation. They had no intention of anything else. You should ask yourself why Congress refused when they knew 40% of voters were unhappy and suspected foul play.
I'm under your skin. You have nothing to offer but hate.

You keep supporting the communists in Ukraine. Thats good enough for republican idiots.
You are enormously self important. You are more akin to a swarm of gnats.

You go on continuing your sycophantic support for the warmongering scumbag, Putin. You are already a known entity: a stupid void. But I am pleased to note that my speaking the truth irritates you. Burn baby. Burn. You may now return to spending time tossing Putin’s salad.

Putin —> :suck: <— colon “anus” Norris

Now back ON topic: The exclusively partisan fully biased anti-Trump 1/6 committee says bullshit and can’t support its biased suppositions.
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Stop the certification until after a proper investigation. They had no intention of anything else. You should ask yourself why Congress refused when they knew 40% of voters were unhappy and suspected foul play.
40% Gee, that's about the same number as the Trump herd. What a coincidence!
You are enormously self important. You are more akin to a swarm of gnats.

You go on continuing your sycophantic support for the warmongering scumbag, Putin. You are already a known entity: a stupid void. But I am pleased to note that my speaking the truth irritates you. Burn baby. Burn. You may now return to spending time tossing Putin’s salad.

Putin —> :suck: <— colon “anus” Norris

Now back ON topic: The exclusively partisan fully biased anti-Trump 1/6 committee says bullshit and can’t support its biased suppositions.
Of course Vladimir.
We'll see as time goes on the real truth about your communist loving potus.
You haven't the courage to admit youre supporting a communist loving potus yet you ridicule the j6 committee for investigating the traitorous mongrel.
Only fools like you will not admit you are all wrong.
Republicans are now the enemy of democracy in USA. A cancer eating itself from within by the very party which previously hated communism. You desperadoes will do anything to defeat the democrats including destroying the country.
Youre a very poor excuse for a human being.

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