Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

I think the thing most overlooked by the Cult is that many are cowards and even though they talk tough, one or more of them will sing to save their ass or asses. Primo candidates are Rudy, Kushner, Ivanka, Meadows or McCarthy. But we need to wake up the DOJ and get them to indict and make arrests. And because the Trump suckers are such cowards, we can put pressure on the periphery of scoundrels and that will give us the big fish. The latest two who face indictment for helping plan the insurrection Navarro and the other knucklehead are also prime targets. I hope that Garland is biding his time to spring the trap very soon. So far, he seems disinterested. Damn! I hope I'm wrong. In any case, we have about 4 months to close this case because we'll need 2-3 months to let the reality sink in to voters.
Another ^ tragic victim of lobotomy addiction. You really should have stopped after that first one, Wicky.
Now you have established you have nothing, we'll move on.

oh how kind of you to express that just because i ask the difgicult questions. It might be that you don't have the answers.

That you for your expert advice. I'll print it out and wipe my arse on it.

Why the silly Brandon name? Its very childish to go down that road. Youre better than that.

You are convinced there has been fraud so why backnout now? Not taking the heat too well?

no. I dont believe a deep state event exists. It was fabricated by republicans to justify wanting Obama bought down and as if there was some clandestine so ister plot being orchestrated. It simply doesn't exist other than your mind.

this might come as shock son so sit down. The beaurocrats are there to formulate policy under coorporate governance rules to what the ruling party wants. They don't have to consider them.

Well your recent president had over 3500 postive fact checks that he lied about things. Democrats never ran a close second to him. What annoys me more is how not one of you criticised him for it. He was you gid so you ignored it. I didn't.

Thats good because now I'm getting through to you.
When your finished describing me with hate alone, let's continue.

Is it really? Stacked with democrats isn't it? Wheres your evidence they continually supported democrats? Youre a liar.

I never asked that.

yeah i know that. Youv e expressed it before. Can we move on with debate. Youre sounding like a steady drumbeat.

I've taken your advice and had it done. I hope my actions are pleasing you. The attempts you made to impress me are very exhausting. I will not let you down.

strongly suspect will not get you a vote and hope was never a good contraception. It won't work in a election. Its those swinging voters that chose President's and they will not be voting for that idiot

youre probably right. I do try to insulate myself from weirdo paedophile supporting republican godbotherers. They are a dangerous mob.

Oooooooh. Youre skills are boundless. You do psychological diagnosis also? I didn't know i was in thenpresence if republican royalty. Please forgive me.

There's no quarrel from me about that other than prayers will do nothing.

No. I'm the one who called you lot of Trump lackeys out and wedged you because you wouldn't disclose your allegiances when the war started. You are now coming out like you've all seen the light but coincidentally when the gop also decided to support Biden. Not a good look son. Yourebnot thinking real straight.

yes. Youre point is?

Yes. You point is?

What you really mean is you don't have a rebuttal so dismissal is your only reply.

You don't gave the wit, knowledge or unbiased discussion to have a debate. You hate democrats with a passion for no reason. You adhere to everything Trump has said. You follow him like a young hungry goat.
Hes led the gop into political oblivion for at least 2 terms but yet you wdbt to resuscitate him like a dying fish should be. I'd drown thr bastard also.
Youve been banging away for days with this and never laid a glove. The same old hate bile and venom towards dems is all you've displayed. You dont have a good memory for past events nor the knowledge to know when you've made a hypocrite of yourself.
It all comes with having a low IQ associated with republicans.
Sleep tight little girl
Happy to report that your imbecility this time was TL/DR after that first sentence.

Go gargle with sharp shards of broken glass and remember to chew only a little and swallow often. But I’m sure you swallow all manner of things.
Do you know nearly 800 people have been charged with various crimes from j6? Are they all being processed because it didn't happen? Dont be so arrogant and ignorant to dismiss it as a fantasy. Thats very immature but you are a lying godbotherer.

It certainly is now. The j6 inquiry will put a stop to the root of the problem. Trump will eventually appear and be found guilty. His appearance will include dragging others in like that crooked Thomas.

The only insurrection in American history by a republican potus to install fascism yet you call democrats fascists???
Wheres the liberty in that action?
Youre hypocrisy is breathtaking when all you did was demand that Obama and Hilary be investigated on trumped up charges. Now there is real crime by Trump, its suddenly a fantasy. What a lying sob you are.

Toddle off??
As if you're some intellectual giant to dismiss my views. Youre a dickhead and I will be proven to be correct with time. What I write here will be recorded in history as being correct. What you write will be used in a toilet to clean your date.
Toddle off you intellectless lummox.
Another ^ tragic victim of lobotomy addiction. You really should have stopped after that first one, Wicky.
Oh! I'm so wounded by your words. Snif snif. I don't know what you Trumpers hope to accomplish with your childish bullshit. It just reveals that you have nothing to say. Grow up and join the adult world. Your nonsense doesn't work on adults.
Happy to report that your imbecility this time was TL/DR after that first sentence.

Go gargle with sharp shards of broken glass and remember to chew only a little and swallow often. But I’m sure you swallow all manner of things.
Oh yeah?! Well you're a poo poo head so there!! Children should be seen and not heard. What a lightweight.
It hurts when you can't get over me. I don't know why you bother. It always ends in tears for you.
You just don't have it.
That's okay. When they cry, it helps them to develop and strengthen their lungs. It's good for them. Annoying, I know, but they are just in the early stages of development and the more oxygen they take in the more brain development there will be. Then, when they reach adulthood at about the age of fifty or so, they can begin to learn things. It's amazing to watch even when it fails.
The Jan 6 committee is closer to a conspiracy against Democracy than our patriot, Trump, ever was.
It was your Trump who tried to overthrow democracy. Why do you slags continue to deny that? That is what it is all about. Yet you say dems are a threat to democracy.

You are completely mad. Get help.
"Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts," the committee said in a court filing.

"May have". Okay, so now you have to prove it. Or, perhaps this was a signal to the DOJ to do something.

I'm a little surprised this came out so early. They still have nine months before they're disbanded. Are they throwing rocks at Garland's window?

Threads like these need to be moved to the man caught a unicorn section.
Another ^ tragic victim of lobotomy addiction. You really should have stopped after that first one, Wicky.
Happy to report that your imbecility this time was TL/DR after that first sentence.

Go gargle with sharp shards of broken glass and remember to chew only a little and swallow often. But I’m sure you swallow all manner of things.
Toddle off you intellectless lummox.


Poor Welshy, what a pity you're unarmed in a battle of wits and can't refute a word cast in your direction.
More fuckin polls? We still have time to show the world what the Orange nutjob has been up to. He's a sick, lying scoundrel and a clear and present danger to democracy. And idiots like you want that back? You're an imbecile, comrade.
It's rather quite funny how your ideology is more important to you than public opinion. 80% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track and you ignore your own voters at your peril. What happened in recent elections has already spread and democrat politicians have been jumping off the Titanic in droves rather than face re-election.
Did it ever occur to you just how badly things are going now that those same voters would now re-elect Trump?


Putz, that's today. That's not in 2½ years. And that's assuming Biden is running again .... which I doubt he will.
The Jan 6 committee is closer to a conspiracy against Democracy than our patriot, Trump, ever was.
It's a kangaroo court. Bunch of butthurt liberals. Who should be ashamed of themselves for ever fucking up so badly as to invite a protest in the first place.

But no, they have to double down on the stupidity.

Putz, that's today. That's not in 2½ years. And that's assuming Biden is running again .... which I doubt he will.
Let's say for the sake of argument that that is true. Your losses in the 2022 midterms will be staggering. Will you still continue wearing the blinders then?
Let's say for the sake of argument that that is true. Your losses in the 2022 midterms will be staggering. Will you still continue wearing the blinders then?

Just like the rights' losses were in 2018. Just like the lefts' losses were in 2010. Republicans were the anomaly in 2002. The president's opposition party almost always does will in their first midterm.

Still offers no glimpse whatsoever into the 2024 election.

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