Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Everything the democrats do causes inflation. Borrowing extreme amounts, pushing for wage increases, encouraging people to stay home and not work leaving many open positions, attacking employers, attacking energy and promoting clean energy, and letting Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, which empowered Russia to invade Ukraine. Americans don't believe your crap that inflation would have happened anyway and has nothing to do with democrats. If that's your story and you're sticking to it, then expect a drubbing in the midterms.

I didn't ask you what you think caused it... I couldn't care less.

3rd time... What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
I didn't ask you what you think caused it... I couldn't care less.

3rd time... What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
That's easy. Don't do anything democrats want us to do and do exactly the opposite of what democrats have done. Democrats got us into this mess and now you want to say, yes, democrats got us into this mess but what do we do from this point on? Answer: kick the bums out and do things the Republican way.
That's easy. Don't do anything democrats want us to do and do exactly the opposite of what democrats have done. Democrats got us into this mess and now you want to say, yes, democrats got us into this mess but what do we do from this point on? Answer: kick the bums out and do things the Republican way.


Even Donald Trump laughs at that idiocy...

And of course, the worst years we had with massive deflation occurred under Republicans presidents. The worst years we've had with double-digit inflation occurred under both Republican and Democratic presidents.

Meanwhile, you're only answer was to Not borrow like a Democrat, but no one borrowed money faster than Trump. Don't push for wage increases, but wages are growing due to such a massive growth in employment, not because politicians are pushing for them. To encourage people to work and not stay at home, but politicians aren't encouraging people to do that and number of unemployed is near pre-pandemic levels. Stop attacking energy but oil production is expected to hit all-time record highs this year. Don't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban but that's not affecting inflation and we didn't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, the Afghan government did that when we left because they fled instead of fight and left all their weapons behind. Nor did that empower Russia to invade Ukraine as Russia began positioning troops at their border well before we left Afghanistan.

So basically, you offered no help at all. Not to mention, you didn't even address increasing distribution (which would lower inflation) and help reduce covid (which would also help reduce inflation).

Even Donald Trump laughs at that idiocy...

And of course, the worst years we had with massive deflation occurred under Republicans presidents. The worst years we've had with double-digit inflation occurred under both Republican and Democratic presidents.

Meanwhile, you're only answer was to Not borrow like a Democrat, but no one borrowed money faster than Trump. Don't push for wage increases, but wages are growing due to such a massive growth in employment, not because politicians are pushing for them. To encourage people to work and not stay at home, but politicians aren't encouraging people to do that and number of unemployed is near pre-pandemic levels. Stop attacking energy but oil production is expected to hit all-time record highs this year. Don't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban but that's not affecting inflation and we didn't let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, the Afghan government did that when we left because they fled instead of fight and left all their weapons behind. Nor did that empower Russia to invade Ukraine as Russia began positioning troops at their border well before we left Afghanistan.

So basically, you offered no help at all. Not to mention, you didn't even address increasing distribution (which would lower inflation) and help reduce covid (which would also help reduce inflation).

Voters will decide at the midterms and beyond and they are not buying your goods.
I didn't ask you what you think caused it... I couldn't care less.

3rd time... What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
“Locked?” Or are you attempting to claim you lick me? Ewww. Keep your distance. I’m gonna have to insist.
Yes. I can always tell when you divert off the subject then reply like you have still offering nothing to the debate.
Accept it dough boy, you are beaten so move on. Stop stamping your feet.
Yes. I can always tell when you divert off the subject then reply like you have still offering nothing to the debate.
Accept it dough boy, you are beaten so move on. Stop stamping your feet.
Colon, you may not realize it (because you’re retarded) but you’re babbling. You aren’t on topic. My reply to you is partly off-topic because it’s your off-topic shit that I’m responding to. That’s not a “debate.”

Furthermore, I’m not a doughboy, you slimey limey pissant. I’m not “beaten” at all and most certainly not by anything you’ve ever managed to grunt out. Go wipe the drool and snot off your face and clean the Pee out of your panties.

The actual Topic was about the idiot 1/6 committee’s false claim that Trump “may” have committed a crime. That denotes that he also may not have. There is scant evidence (if any) to support their arrogant, biased preconceived notions though.

There ya go, colon. Try to respond intelligently and ON topic if you can. Try to be factual, support your view with something of substance and preferably with a link. Try to employ logic. :itsok:
Colon, you may not realize it (because you’re retarded) but you’re babbling. You aren’t on topic. My reply to you is partly off-topic because it’s your off-topic shit that I’m responding to. That’s not a “debate.”

Furthermore, I’m not a doughboy, you slimey limey pissant. I’m not “beaten” at all and most certainly not by anything you’ve ever managed to grunt out. Go wipe the drool and snot off your face and clean the Pee out of your panties.

The actual Topic was about the idiot 1/6 committee’s false claim that Trump “may” have committed a crime. That denotes that he also may not have. There is scant evidence (if any) to support their arrogant, biased preconceived notions though.

There ya go, colon. Try to respond intelligently and ON topic if you can. Try to be factual, support your view with something of substance and preferably with a link. Try to employ logic. :itsok:
I'm pleased you got back on topic. Trump orchestrated the j6 riots and promoted it while cheering on from the bunker.
He will eventually be found guilty of that regardless how you protect him or deny it.

If you think the silly name calling intimidates it, you haven't learnt a lot about me and it says more about you than me.
Dont crap on about logic while simultaneously suggesting Trump is innocent. You make me vomit.
I'm pleased you got back on topic. Trump orchestrated the j6 riots and promoted it while cheering on from the bunker.
He will eventually be found guilty of that regardless how you protect him or deny it.

If you think the silly name calling intimidates it, you haven't learnt a lot about me and it says more about you than me.
Dont crap on about logic while simultaneously suggesting Trump is innocent. You make me vomit.
If you’d wanted to be on topic, you would have tried it. So, you started your last post off with a lie. Ssdd. Your claim that President Trump “orchestrated” any riots is unsupported crap made up by you. And of course, you wouldn’t bother to even try to support it. Your prediction of an eventual charge much less a conviction is just as baseless.

I don’t care how butthurt you are by being called “colon.” It suits your to a t. I am not familiar with your Brit twit cliches. “Crap on about logic”. I’d have to guess what that braying shit means. But, then again, like practically everything else you say, it doesn’t matter.

the question is not whether Trump is innocent. Your baseless and biased preconceived opinions don’t change the presumption that he is. I also don’t care if I make you vomit. You can choke on it to the point of lethal asphyxiation and I wouldn’t bat an eye. You don’t get it. You don’t matter.

Yes, I consider you a cretin and a diseased asshole. But that’s not the point, is it, you dolt? The point is that nothing you say about the topic is supported by facts or by links pointing to facts; nor are your musings supported by logic. Your posts bring nothing of value to any discussion.

A hat-tip to poster Faun for: posing the most relevant of the recent posts on this thread. Relevant for not just this forum, but for political discourse at large; and second, for being persistent.

So, maybe two hat-tips?

It bears repeating.

  • What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
    • What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
    • 3rd time... What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?

A hat-tip to poster Faun for: posing the most relevant of the recent posts on this thread. Relevant for not just this forum, but for political discourse at large; and second, for being persistent.

So, maybe two hat-tips?

It bears repeating.

Answered three times already.

Get rid of the Democratic party leadership.
Voters will decide at the midterms and beyond and they are not buying your goods.

Of course they will. And despite current polling showing 80% feel we're on the wrong track, current polling also shows Democrats leading g in the House and a near even split in the Senate.
Actually, anything would be preferable to rapid destruction of our country we are witnessing right now.

6.9% real GDP growth, some 6½ million jobs added last year, 3.8% unemployment. That's like being condemned to a Nazi concentration camp to you, idn't it, FruitLoops?

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