Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Colon, you may not realize it (because you’re retarded) but you’re babbling. You aren’t on topic. My reply to you is partly off-topic because it’s your off-topic shit that I’m responding to. That’s not a “debate.”

Furthermore, I’m not a doughboy, you slimey limey pissant. I’m not “beaten” at all and most certainly not by anything you’ve ever managed to grunt out. Go wipe the drool and snot off your face and clean the Pee out of your panties.

The actual Topic was about the idiot 1/6 committee’s false claim that Trump “may” have committed a crime. That denotes that he also may not have. There is scant evidence (if any) to support their arrogant, biased preconceived notions though.

There ya go, colon. Try to respond intelligently and ON topic if you can. Try to be factual, support your view with something of substance and preferably with a link. Try to employ logic. :itsok:

Welshy, you're still posting here?? You lost a bet. Man up, honor it & leave the forum forever as you agreed.
6.9% real GDP growth, some 6½ million jobs added last year, 3.8% unemployment. That's like being condemned to a Nazi concentration camp to you, idn't it, FruitLoops?
That is due to relaxing Covid restrictions not anything that meathead has done. Spoiled meat too, fly infested, shitty smelling meat.
That is due to relaxing Covid restrictions not anything that meathead has done. Spoiled meat too, fly infested, shitty smelling meat.

Matters not what produced it, FruitLoops. For better or worse, economies follow presidents for history. Trump's Hooveresque record is 2½ million jobs lost and a paltry 1.3% real GDP growth. Whereas little more than a year into Biden's presidency, we've added 6½ million jobs and have had 5.7% real GDP growth for 2021.

Matters not what produced it, FruitLoops. For better or worse, economies follow presidents for history. Trump's Hooveresque record is 2½ million jobs lost and a paltry 1.3% real GDP growth. Whereas little more than a year into Biden's presidency, we've added 6½ million jobs and have had 5.7% real GDP growth for 2021.

You have not added jobs people have been rehired, you moron.
6.9% real GDP growth, some 6½ million jobs added last year, 3.8% unemployment. That's like being condemned to a Nazi concentration camp to you, idn't it, FruitLoops?
Seems that every time the Dems come to power they are faced with cleaning up messes left by Republicans. And this one is no different. Left with a populace trained by the right to reject vaccines, accept alienating our allies, trying to spread blind hatred of anyone who isn't white, etc etc. 14 months in and they expect all of the problems to be fixed that were created by and hammered home to them by a madman and his clown car full of racist idiots.
Seems that every time the Dems come to power they are faced with cleaning up messes left by Republicans. And this one is no different. Left with a populace trained by the right to reject vaccines, accept alienating our allies, trying to spread blind hatred of anyone who isn't white, etc etc. 14 months in and they expect all of the problems to be fixed that were created by and hammered home to them by a madman and his clown car full of racist idiots.
You are a very sick puppy. Is your mind made out of silly putty? Just curious because no one is going to take that post seriously.
OK, you get your wish......KAZAAM! They be gone.
Then what?

Details would be helpful to the forum.
And to your credibility.
Just sayin'.

Then what?

Then we return to sanity.

All this messed up progressive madness goes away.
"Then what?
Then we return to sanity."

Ah, that is disappointing.
The good poster 'scruffy' can offer no practical insight that addresses the useful questions the poster Faun offered.
Only partisan hissiness instead of a thoughtful pragamatic response.
With no offense intended, methinks the good poster misses the intent of political 'discussion'. Namely, ideas, and useful suggestions. Not tropes with the bandwidth of memes.

Ah, that is disappointing.
The good poster 'scruffy' can offer no practical insight that addresses the useful questions the poster Faun offered.
Only partisan hissiness instead of a thoughtful pragamatic response.
With no offense intended, methinks the good poster misses the intent of political 'discussion'. Namely, ideas, and useful suggestions. Not tropes with the bandwidth of memes.

You miss the point.

Progressives are INSANE. Progressives are the CAUSE of all the problems we're having. Across the board.

There is not one single problem we're having today, that wasn't caused by progressives.

Don't you have any reading comprehension? How many times do I have to tell you?


Make them go away.

THEN we can start fixing all the problems they caused.

We can't fix a damn thing as long as they're around.
This is the third witch hunt designed to destroy Trump's electability. No substance, no truth, no facts. Just the lefts unhinged obsession with destroying Trump. They know they can't beat him and they know cheating is going to be harder this time, so they're going with another smear campaign. And it's all being led by Pelosi, who makes a habit of looking like a total asshole during SOU speeches, then again, that comes naturally to her.
She is a BITCH. Always has been. Time to fire her. Besides ,she is as Senile as Biden.
If you’d wanted to be on topic, you would have tried it. So, you started your last post off with a lie. Ssdd. Your claim that President Trump “orchestrated” any riots is unsupported crap made up by you. And of course, you wouldn’t bother to even try to support it. Your prediction of an eventual charge much less a conviction is just as baseless.

I don’t care how butthurt you are by being called “colon.” It suits your to a t. I am not familiar with your Brit twit cliches. “Crap on about logic”. I’d have to guess what that braying shit means. But, then again, like practically everything else you say, it doesn’t matter.

the question is not whether Trump is innocent. Your baseless and biased preconceived opinions don’t change the presumption that he is. I also don’t care if I make you vomit. You can choke on it to the point of lethal asphyxiation and I wouldn’t bat an eye. You don’t get it. You don’t matter.

Yes, I consider you a cretin and a diseased asshole. But that’s not the point, is it, you dolt? The point is that nothing you say about the topic is supported by facts or by links pointing to facts; nor are your musings supported by logic. Your posts bring nothing of value to any discussion.
The j6 committee released a statement read by Cheney that basically confirmed the original suspicions. Big tits ivanka will be interviewed next week and we'll see how tough she is.
They will also be interviewing his staff and higher people of authority and ill bet they won't go down because of that rat.
How's his re election going now son?

Only a fool, which you obviously are, to suggest the whole thing is a distraction or other bullshit. Trump broke his oath of office and the law. He will eventually be charged with attempting to destroy democracy yet you ignorant jerks call democrats fascists.

Why do you continually deny the facts? What is it you hope to achieve at the end of it? You must realise Trump did it because it's all on film.
The j6 committee released a statement read by Cheney that basically confirmed the original suspicions. Big tits ivanka will be interviewed next week and we'll see how tough she is.
They will also be interviewing his staff and higher people of authority and ill bet they won't go down because of that rat.
How's his re election going now son?

Only a fool, which you obviously are, to suggest the whole thing is a distraction or other bullshit. Trump broke his oath of office and the law. He will eventually be charged with attempting to destroy democracy yet you ignorant jerks call democrats fascists.

Why do you continually deny the facts? What is it you hope to achieve at the end of it? You must realise Trump did it because it's all on film.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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