Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Of course it is but it will eventually put Trump and his corrupt cronies in jail and then dickheads like you will wear it like a crown of thorns. Ill remind you of it until the day I die.
No it won't unless it happens before Nov. That won't happen.
You call 4 years of Trump, Sanity? LOL
YES !!!

Liberals have shit for brains

If you had a brain cell you'd be missing Donald Trump by now.

Progressives are INSANE. Fucked in the head. Half a dozen pepperoni's short of a pizza
The j6 committee released a statement read by Cheney that basically confirmed the original suspicions. Big tits ivanka will be interviewed next week and we'll see how tough she is.
They will also be interviewing his staff and higher people of authority and ill bet they won't go down because of that rat.
How's his re election going now son?

Only a fool, which you obviously are, to suggest the whole thing is a distraction or other bullshit. Trump broke his oath of office and the law. He will eventually be charged with attempting to destroy democracy yet you ignorant jerks call democrats fascists.

Why do you continually deny the facts? What is it you hope to achieve at the end of it? You must realise Trump did it because it's all on film.
Ok. You’re done. You lack any appreciable ability to discuss anything without your ever-present childish imbecility. You are overtly hostile to honesty and facts. You are incapable of logic. You’re utterly worthless.
Mueller stated 10 points of obstruction.
Mueller said he thought it wasn't his job to indict a SITTING potus.

Mueller NEVER said trump was exonerated.

Another lie leftists promote since Mueller actually stated point blank there were no provable evidence of election collusion with the Russians from Trump and his election team.

I posted all the quotes from the Mueller report showing it and even showed that Mueller had the power as Special Prosecutor to post charges against the President about month ago in the forum and several other times only to see a barrage of lies come out while AVOIDING what Mueller actually said in his several declinations in section one of the Mueller Report.

Stop lying!
Another lie leftists promote since Mueller actually stated point blank there were no provable evidence of election collusion with the Russians from Trump and his election team.

I posted all the quotes from the Mueller report showing it and even showed that Mueller had the power as Special Prosecutor to post charges against the President about month ago in the forum and several other times only to see a barrage of lies come out while AVOIDING what Mueller actually said in his several declinations in section one of the Mueller Report.

Stop lying!
Then you should have kept reading because in vol. 2 he outlines ten instances of obstruction. Most of you Trump sheep bought into Bill Barr's version of the report which was horse hooey.
Then you should have kept reading because in vol. 2 he outlines ten instances of obstruction. Most of you Trump sheep bought into Bill Barr's version of the report which was horse hooey.
Alleged obstruction?
YES !!!

Liberals have shit for brains

If you had a brain cell you'd be missing Donald Trump by now.

Progressives are INSANE. Fucked in the head. Half a dozen pepperoni's short of a pizza
Yeah, and if I was Jewish, I'd be missing Hitler.
Then you should have kept reading because in vol. 2 he outlines ten instances of obstruction. Most of you Trump sheep bought into Bill Barr's version of the report which was horse hooey.

Yet he didn't charge Trump with any of it thus irrelevant and Barr made it official for Mueller who left it wide open which is a violation of his powers since he was supposed to have posted charges or declination, one or the other.

You get it?

No Charges means No crime was committed it is that simple.


Meanwhile here is my post showing the declinations from the Mueller report:


Excerpts from the Mueller Report:








Leftists needs to stop lying about it.
Obstruction that was evident by all of the subpoenas ignored by his whole clown car full of looneys.


Here is what Meuller states about the alleged obstruction claims:

NBC News

Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump

July 24, 2019

By Dareh Gregorian


The special counsel's report said he never came to a determination about whether the president should be charged because of DOJ rules.

Lieu recounted the three elements needed for the crime of obstruction of justice.

"I believe a reasonable person looking at these facts could conclude that all three elements of the crime of obstruction of justice have been met, and I'd like to ask you the reason, again, you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC (the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel) opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?" Lieu asked.

"That is correct," Mueller asked


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Mueller is full of shite because as Special Prosecutor had the power to indict him and turn in his finished report to the AG with charges in it the DOJ rules can't override Congressionally passed Special Prosecutor law!
Obstruction that was evident by all of the subpoenas ignored by his whole clown car full of looneys.
Your conclusion about what’s “obvious” is of no value. You’re biased as fuck, after all.

And that’s not what you claimed before. Your bogus claim was “in vol. 2 he outlines ten instances of obstruction.” No. He didn’t. He listed a number of items that could possibly be considered for an obstruction charge — and he specifically declined to state a legal conclusion.

Here is what Meuller states about the alleged obstruction claims:

NBC News

Mueller clarifies comments on whether he could indict Trump

July 24, 2019

By Dareh Gregorian


The special counsel's report said he never came to a determination about whether the president should be charged because of DOJ rules.

Lieu recounted the three elements needed for the crime of obstruction of justice.

"I believe a reasonable person looking at these facts could conclude that all three elements of the crime of obstruction of justice have been met, and I'd like to ask you the reason, again, you did not indict Donald Trump is because of the OLC (the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel) opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?" Lieu asked.

"That is correct," Mueller asked


:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Mueller is full of shite because as Special Prosecutor had the power to indict him and turn in his finished report to the AG with charges in it the DOJ rules can't override Congressionally passed Special Prosecutor law!
Your post shows that the only reason that Mueller didn't push for indictments was his belief that a sitting President could not be indicted as per the Office of Legal Counsel. He did not believe he could legally charge the Pres with any crime based on that Memo from OLC.
Your conclusion about what’s “obvious” is of no value. You’re biased as fuck, after all.

And that’s not what you claimed before. Your bogus claim was “in vol. 2 he outlines ten instances of obstruction.” No. He didn’t. He listed a number of items that could possibly be considered for an obstruction charge — and he specifically declined to state a legal conclusion.
  • Before the special counsel Robert Mueller's final report in the Russia investigation was released on Thursday, Attorney General William Barr laid out several reasons why he believed prosecutors did not come to a conclusion on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.
  • Barr ultimately made his own determination that Trump was not guilty of obstruction after reviewing Mueller's findings.
  • But Mueller's report directly contradicted nearly all of Barr's claims about what prosecutors uncovered in the obstruction case.
Yet he didn't charge Trump with any of it thus irrelevant and Barr made it official for Mueller who left it wide open which is a violation of his powers since he was supposed to have posted charges or declination, one or the other.

You get it?

No Charges means No crime was committed it is that simple.


Meanwhile here is my post showing the declinations from the Mueller report:


Excerpts from the Mueller Report:








Leftists needs to stop lying about it.
No charges means no such thing, and I think you know that. Mueller didn't pursue charges based on the OLC MEMO.
You wouldn't know a bitch slap even after you've picked yourself off the ground after receiving one, you soft-as-fuck deplorable.
Yes, you are a fat coward who knows all about being a bitch. A BIG bitch slap is coming your way in November. Get your tissues now.
You call 4 years of Trump, Sanity? LOL
Record low unemployment for women, blacks, and Hispanics under Trump. Putin didn’t invade any countries while Trump was in office. Gas prices at record highs and inflation at near record highs under Brandon. More Covid deaths under Xiden despite having vaccines available. World leaders refusing Xiden’s calls. White House reps constantly having to walk back Brandon’s comments right after he makes them. Thanks to Xiden, American families will spend an average of $5200 more this year than last on the SAME items. But you think that’s good and sane. Tells us all we need to know about you...
Yeah, and if I was Jewish, I'd be missing Hitler.
Well gee, I hope you're enjoying your wars (there were none with Trump), your inflation (there was none with Trump), your insane gas prices (which were 50% less with Trump)...

Yeah, you probably would. You probably would miss Hitler. Liberals are that crazy.
Obstruction that was evident by all of the subpoenas ignored by his whole clown car full of looneys.
I would ignore the subpoenas too.

I'd do everything I could to disrupt and ridicule that kangaroo court.

Investigation my foot. If they're too stupid to understand what happened they don't deserve an investigation.
You have not added jobs people have been rehired, you moron.
So? Those are still added jobs. The word you're looking for is "created." Those are not newly created, but of course, they're added.

And did you see the latest jobs numbers out this morning? Another 431K jobs added. That's 8 million more jobs since Biden's been president and the unemployment rate down to 3.6%. At this rate, we'll have a record number of people working by the end of the summer.


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