Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Great, more of you potato heads will get locked up.

My, how quickly they forget.



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You're an idiot thinking storming the Capitol to subvert an election is like the Civil Rights movement.

You just don't get it.

We were talking about jail, dummy.

Do you smoke pot?

You can't seem to follow a conversation.

And why am I still waiting for you to tell me which country we're at war with?
"How to keep a liberal in suspense". :p

You were talking about poll numbers. I show you poll numbers and that's all you can muster??

What a shame.
Even democrats realize the House is gone and they are going to have to fight like hell in order to keep a 50/50 Senate, which is a tall order. Hey, I'm all for you sticking your head in the sand and wanting to continue the course the country is on where 80% of Americans think it is the wrong direction. It just proves that your ideology is more important to you than listening to your very own voters. How anyone can believe the solution to our problems is to stay the course which 80% of Americans think is the wrong course is beyond me. Inflation and crime are the two biggest problems and you can't learn from your mistakes. Full speed ahead to that iceberg.
Even democrats realize the House is gone and they are going to have to fight like hell in order to keep a 50/50 Senate, which is a tall order. Hey, I'm all for you sticking your head in the sand and wanting to continue the course the country is on where 80% of Americans think it is the wrong direction. It just proves that your ideology is more important to you than listening to your very own voters. How anyone can believe the solution to our problems is to stay the course which 80% of Americans think is the wrong course is beyond me. Inflation and crime are the two biggest problems and you can't learn from your mistakes. Full speed ahead to that iceberg.


Well I asked you what you think Congress can do to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid, and your only answer was to change course.

Cite examples. Be specific.
No charges means no such thing, and I think you know that. Mueller didn't pursue charges based on the OLC MEMO.

No charges mean no charges therefore NO reason to prosecute your avoidance of that reality isn't helping here.

Barr, the assistant AG and the DOJ lawyers related to this all agreed together that no charges means no charges thus doesn't change anything from Mueller's position.

Quoting myself:

"Mueller is full of shite because as Special Prosecutor had the power to indict him and turn in his finished report to the AG with charges in it the DOJ rules can't override Congressionally passed Special Prosecutor law!"

Stop ignoring the Special Prosecutor LAW!
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Your post shows that the only reason that Mueller didn't push for indictments was his belief that a sitting President could not be indicted as per the Office of Legal Counsel. He did not believe he could legally charge the Pres with any crime based on that Memo from OLC.

The memo has no power behind it, and Mueller knew it, but he is counting on fools like you to swallow that bullshit!

The dumb ass knows he has the power to charge the President as it is in the Special Prosecutor LAW that was passed by CONGRESS I posted the law many times here only to see that same STUPID as hell excuse that DOJ policy forbids it.

You leftists are easily snookered by it all.

  • Before the special counsel Robert Mueller's final report in the Russia investigation was released on Thursday, Attorney General William Barr laid out several reasons why he believed prosecutors did not come to a conclusion on whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice.
  • Barr ultimately made his own determination that Trump was not guilty of obstruction after reviewing Mueller's findings.
  • But Mueller's report directly contradicted nearly all of Barr's claims about what prosecutors uncovered in the obstruction case.

Mueller didn't post any charges end of story.

Repeat after me,

No Charges
No Charges
No Charges
No Charges
No Charges

That is the reality you need to embrace since that is what it means.

No Charges were filed!
So? Those are still added jobs. The word you're looking for is "created." Those are not newly created, but of course, they're added.

And did you see the latest jobs numbers out this morning? Another 431K jobs added. That's 8 million more jobs since Biden's been president and the unemployment rate down to 3.6%. At this rate, we'll have a record number of people working by the end of the summer.

Again, businesses are rehiring. Incest Joe has zip to do with it.
Again, businesses are rehiring. Incest Joe has zip to do with it.

Again, FruitLoops, that doesn't matter. Again, FruitLoops, economies are tied to the presidents overseeing them.

Trump's record 2.6 million jobs disappearing on his watch.

Biden's record (so far) is 8 million jobs added on his watch.
431,000 jobs added last month.

Unemployment rate dropping to 3.6%.
Not the millions of people coming over our border? Biden considers that good news too. If you wish to destroy America then support Biden.
Not the millions of people coming over our border? Biden considers that good news too. If you wish to destroy America then support Biden.

Has nothing to do with the border.

No worries, I know how much good news for America pains you.
"And it'll happen again.
And again
And again"


The poster 'scruffy' is, of course, referencing the January 6th attack on our Legislators and the Capitol....and that it will continue to happen.

OK, I suppose some may think that. Though personally, I think the response from authorities will be a tad more robust.

Still, what is encouraging to the rest of us loyal patriotic Americans is the quality of the folks who attacked our uniformed police and smeared their poo on the Capitol walls. They weren't exactly MENSA-caliber people. Judging by some of the news reports those arrested ain't top tier talent.

PBS Newshour last night had a graphic that illustrated that of the 777 people arrested for the attack, 70+% were identified by their social media postings.

Did someone say MENSA?

Here's a treatment about 'em from the Washington Post:

"There’s a pretty simple reason Bruce Wayne never fires up Twitter and writes “Off 2 do sum cool Batman stuff” before donning his bat suit: Because then everyone would know he’s Batman.

The rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 dressed in costumes of their own ......... Many of them bragged about their attempted insurrection on social media, making them pretty darn easy to identify.

As The Washington Post’s Dave Jorgenson asked in a TikTok, did this confederacy of dunces want to get caught?
That certainly seems to be the case.

For example, there is Kevin Lyons of Chicago, who originally told the FBI that he had a dream he was in the Capitol that day. Until, that is, they showed him a photo he posted to Instagram outside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office......"

So, while good poster Scruffy vows the attackers will keep coming back and back.....it should be clear to him that his screening process for new recruits may need to be tightened up a bit.

I would recommend first.......some intelligence testing. You know like IQ stuff. Maybe the Stanford-Binet test or Wechsler Intelligence Achievement?

You gotta do somethng Scruffy to offer the country an upgrade over your last team......highly snark-worthy though they proved to be.

Trust me.

Well I asked you what you think Congress can do to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid, and your only answer was to change course.

Cite examples. Be specific.
Undo everything democrats have done. Lower wages. Be pro-business instead of anti-business. Force people to work for a living instead of paying them to not work while businesses have job openings all over the place. Don't be anti-energy and for energy that costs more. Open up oil drilling more in the US. Approve the Keystone pipeline. As I said, undo everything democrats have done.
"Record low unemployment for women, blacks, and Hispanics under trump".....your link isn't working.
Been posted multiple time since in multiple threads. You’re lazy fat ass of course won’t look. Back under your bridge troll.

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