Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Undo everything democrats have done. Lower wages. Be pro-business instead of anti-business. Force people to work for a living instead of paying them to not work while businesses have job openings all over the place. Don't be anti-energy and for energy that costs more. Open up oil drilling more in the US. Approve the Keystone pipeline. As I said, undo everything democrats have done.
Get rid of health and safety laws.....allow unrestricted air and water polution...no support of schools or cops or fire depts. Make it a con-servative haven.
Mueller’s report did no such thing. Mueller qualified his report ahead of time by noting that it reached No conclusion about whether the President could be charged. He unnecessarily (and wrongly) added at the end that it also wasn’t to “exonerate” him; but of course that was never his province in the first place.

I don’t care what Barr said and I certainly don’t care that he might not agree with things claimed by Mueller. Their disagreement (to the extent there was disagreement) doesn’t mean a thing.
Well, you GOP types are not big readers or big thinkers. They watch all of the propaganda networks for their political "NEWS" LOL Barr didn't cook up that farce for nothing. He did it specifically for consumption by the cult. Because he knows that if you morons buy anything Trump is selling, you will buy that horseshit as well.
The Black unemployment rate fell 8% under Obama and one more percent under Trump. Trump tells his goons "look what I did" and they eat it up.
Yeah, Trump's economy was a product of the Obama economy. That coupled with his deregulation of Corporate polluting. He turned the EPA into the EDA. But despite that, Trump still managed to blow it by his absolutely moronic response or lack of response to Covid. And now those corporations that he pandered to are profiteering and gouging the American people and causing inflation that the Cult will hold and have held Biden responsible for. Corporations have forgotten that American consumers are their life blood and have served only their shareholders and themselves. Fuck America! Fuck patriotism! Profits are our only concern. But the cult gets butthurt when Democrats try to level the playing field a little. Being a sucker for Trumpism is being a sucker for Corporate greed.
Well, you GOP types are not big readers or big thinkers. They watch all of the propaganda networks for their political "NEWS" LOL Barr didn't cook up that farce for nothing. He did it specifically for consumption by the cult. Because he knows that if you morons buy anything Trump is selling, you will buy that horseshit as well.
The fact that you’re a total hack, plenty willing to state your very rank and biased speculation as “facts” is clear enough. Beyond that, you being nothing to the table.
The fact that you’re a total hack, plenty willing to state your very rank and biased speculation as “facts” is clear enough. Beyond that, you being nothing to the table.
I being nothing to the table? So you clowns not only can't read but can't write either? That's why you are so easily suckered by idiots. And that's a FACT! LOL
I being nothing to the table? So you clowns not only can't read but can't write either? That's why you are so easily suckered by idiots. And that's a FACT! LOL
You’re adorable. You caught a typo! Give yourself a fold star. :itsok: Have your mommy post it on your refrigerator. 😂
I think it’s more likely Jan 6 Committee has committed crimes than Trump

The poster 'scruffy' is, of course, referencing the January 6th attack on our Legislators and the Capitol....and that it will continue to happen.

OK, I suppose some may think that. Though personally, I think the response from authorities will be a tad more robust.

Still, what is encouraging to the rest of us loyal patriotic Americans is the quality of the folks who attacked our uniformed police and smeared their poo on the Capitol walls. They weren't exactly MENSA-caliber people. Judging by some of the news reports those arrested ain't top tier talent.

PBS Newshour last night had a graphic that illustrated that of the 777 people arrested for the attack, 70+% were identified by their social media postings.

Did someone say MENSA?

Here's a treatment about 'em from the Washington Post:

"There’s a pretty simple reason Bruce Wayne never fires up Twitter and writes “Off 2 do sum cool Batman stuff” before donning his bat suit: Because then everyone would know he’s Batman.

The rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 dressed in costumes of their own ......... Many of them bragged about their attempted insurrection on social media, making them pretty darn easy to identify.

As The Washington Post’s Dave Jorgenson asked in a TikTok, did this confederacy of dunces want to get caught?
That certainly seems to be the case.

For example, there is Kevin Lyons of Chicago, who originally told the FBI that he had a dream he was in the Capitol that day. Until, that is, they showed him a photo he posted to Instagram outside House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office......"

So, while good poster Scruffy vows the attackers will keep coming back and back.....it should be clear to him that his screening process for new recruits may need to be tightened up a bit.

I would recommend first.......some intelligence testing. You know like IQ stuff. Maybe the Stanford-Binet test or Wechsler Intelligence Achievement?

You gotta do somethng Scruffy to offer the country an upgrade over your last team......highly snark-worthy though they proved to be.

Trust me.

I don't do trust.

No, I'm afraid your salvo is quite meaningless in the face of what happened last summer.
In other words you have no link and your "been posted multiple times" is just another lie on your part. SSDD

Libs are pretty funny with this stuff. If there's no link it doesn't exist, and if it hasn't been fact checked it's a lie. :p
Fine...and when he is charged AND convicted AND sentenced in court for it...THEN I will care much.

Not before.

BTW - I despise both parties.
Why don`t you just leave if you hate this country so much?
More libtard trolling?

Don't you brain dead fools have anything else?

No, dumb shit progtard, I believe in exterminating rats and weasels and all other forms of undesirable rodent infestation.

I love this country very much. I'm not going anywhere. You might be, though.
In other words you have no link and your "been posted multiple times" is just another lie on your part. SSDD
No. In other words, it’s true and you’re just too fat and lazy to do any actual work.

So fuck you troll. :fu::fu:
Do you believe the trump-putin collusion charge?
Not exactly. Trump just admires Putin and wants to be liked. No question that Putin wants to undermine our government and elections. Trump is useful to Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent. He's too dumb and can't keep his mouth shut.
Not exactly. Trump just admires Putin and wants to be liked. No question that Putin wants to undermine our government and elections. Trump is useful to Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent. He's too dumb and can't keep his mouth shut.
Putin had more to gain with hillary the weak and for sale woman than with the alpha male
Not exactly. Trump just admires Putin and wants to be liked. No question that Putin wants to undermine our government and elections. Trump is useful to Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent. He's too dumb and can't keep his mouth shut.
I hate to disagree but I believe he is an agent of Russia and that's because he is so stupid. He's like an admiring blushing child around Putin and will do pretty much what he wants in order to impress him. That makes him even more dangerous than if he actually understood what he was doing. He's alienated our NATO allies which Putin loved, he pulled troops out of Syria which allowed Russia to slaughter the Kurds. He denegrated our Intell agencies on the world stage which Putin loved. He attacked the free press at every opportunity which Putin could then use to deny anything he did. All of that was instrumental in helping Putin avoid real scrutiny which allowed him to freely interfere in our elections yet again. And he delayed the delivery of arms to Ukraine which allowed Putin to kill pretty much unchallenged. And his many connections to the Russian mob and whatever went on in the Miss Universe contests allowed Putin to blackmail him at will. All of these things and more show that he is indeed an agent of Russia however unwittingly.

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