Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

You hate liberals so much then prove it by never collecting soc sec or disabilty or using medicare or Veteran's benefits or allowing your kids to apply for a Pell grant etc etc. Prove how much you hold to your beliefs.
All of those programs were enacted before I was born and I have been paying for them involuntarily since I was 15
You mean the money laundering or the rip off Trump University o his bogus charities?
It does not take an alpha male to engage in financial chicanery

If it did democrats would never hold power again
It does not take an alpha male to engage in financial chicanery

If it did democrats would never hold power again
Trump makes them look like amateurs. Trump was a scumbag in the early 1970 s.
It does not take an alpha male to engage in financial chicanery

If it did democrats would never hold power again
Trump makes them look like amateurs. Trump was a scumbag in the early 1970 s.
Trump makes them look like amateurs. Trump was a scumbag in the early 1970 s.
He was a private sector businessman dealing with government scumbags in New York and New Jersey
Don't ever join a labor union and send your stimulus payments back.
The stimulus was a bad idea motivated by an even worse idea called economic shutdown

now we are all screwed

yes I cashed the check

if i could have denied everyone including myself I would not have
But it was liberals who developed them. So prove how much you stand up for your beliefs.
/-----/ "If you want to piss off a conservative, ask him to extend a helping hand to someone in need."
Conservatives donate more to charity than liberals do. Conservatives Give More to Charity than Liberals?
But, if you really want to piss off a conservative, tell him liberals are taking away our God-given rights. and indoctrinating our children.
Not exactly. Trump just admires Putin and wants to be liked. No question that Putin wants to undermine our government and elections. Trump is useful to Putin. Trump isn't a Russian agent. He's too dumb and can't keep his mouth shut.
It`s unfortunate that we don`t know what secrets Trump sold Putin. We do know the man. Anyone who would rob their own charity has no moral bounds.
It`s unfortunate that we don`t know what secrets Trump sold Putin. We do know the man. Anyone who would rob their own charity has no moral bounds.
Trump sure doesn't care about morals. Just money. He didn't want to name his first born Don junior because he might turn out to be a loser.
Undo everything democrats have done. Lower wages. Be pro-business instead of anti-business. Force people to work for a living instead of paying them to not work while businesses have job openings all over the place. Don't be anti-energy and for energy that costs more. Open up oil drilling more in the US. Approve the Keystone pipeline. As I said, undo everything democrats have done.

Undo everything democrats have done

Vague statement which means nothing.

Lower wages

Utter nonsense. Aside from the fact that the only "wages" Congress can lower is the federal minimum wage. And not even Republicans are dumb enough to do that. Not to mention, but most states have their own minimum wage, so most businesses wouldn't even be affected. And in the 7 states where wages would be lowered as a result of that, aside from all the minimum wage earners quitting, it would lower inflation anyways as few businesses would lower prices. They would simply pocket the profits.

Be pro-business instead of anti-business

Vague statement which means nothing. Besides, businesses are flourishing now.

Force people to work for a living instead of paying them to not work while businesses have job openings all over the place

That would not lower inflation.

Don't be anti-energy and for energy that costs more. Open up oil drilling more in the US. Approve the Keystone pipeline.

Drilling is already at a peak as we are expected to hit record level production this year.

And approving the XL Keystone pipeline would not open it. The courts had already shut it down before Biden revoked their permit.

As I said, undo everything democrats have done

Vague statement which means nothing.

Thanks for confirming what I already suspected -- you have no ideas for what Congress can do to lower inflation.

I also asked you what you thought Congress could do to increase distribution or help reduce covid. Do you want to take a stab at those or do you want to surrender them too?
Get rid of health and safety laws.....allow unrestricted air and water polution...no support of schools or cops or fire depts. Make it a con-servative haven.

Yeah, conservatives want to return to this ...

... for the sake of corporate profits.

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