Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

I hate to disagree but I believe he is an agent of Russia and that's because he is so stupid. He's like an admiring blushing child around Putin and will do pretty much what he wants in order to impress him. That makes him even more dangerous than if he actually understood what he was doing. He's alienated our NATO allies which Putin loved, he pulled troops out of Syria which allowed Russia to slaughter the Kurds. He denegrated our Intell agencies on the world stage which Putin loved. He attacked the free press at every opportunity which Putin could then use to deny anything he did. All of that was instrumental in helping Putin avoid real scrutiny which allowed him to freely interfere in our elections yet again. And he delayed the delivery of arms to Ukraine which allowed Putin to kill pretty much unchallenged. And his many connections to the Russian mob and whatever went on in the Miss Universe contests allowed Putin to blackmail him at will. All of these things and more show that he is indeed an agent of Russia however unwittingly.
I agree with you. Trump is like a black hole. There's never enough flattery, praise or pomp to satisfy Trump. He needs to be first in the 24 hour news cycle. He loves attention, to see himself on TV and to talk endlessly.
Get rid of health and safety laws.....allow unrestricted air and water polution...no support of schools or cops or fire depts. Make it a con-servative haven.
80% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. I would think that that would mean you would want to do something different than we are doing now.
Yeah, that's one of the most fascinating parts to this.

A hypersensitive, neurotic, hair sprayed, gold-plated New York City billionaire is their vision of an alpha male.

These last six years have been one hell of an education.
I see that the Tweener Twins are in a argumentative mood today

Trump grew up in the new york lib culture of anything goes

he has faults but at least he confined his pussy grabbing to adult women

whereas the trump hating democrats you support lean toward boys and little girls
80% of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. I would think that that would mean you would want to do something different than we are doing now.
We can do much better and should instead of mocking the "greenies". The Trumpies are the worst.
And the Trump cult, of which you are a member in good standing, are as delusional as their Imbecilic Baby Huey orange hero. There's a sucker born every minute: Barnum.
That sucker is you and other libs like you
I see that the Tweener Twins are in a argumentative mood today

Trump grew up in the new york lib culture of anything goes

he has faults but at least he confined his pussy grabbing to adult women

whereas the trump hating democrats you support lean toward boys and little girls
How do you know what he restricted his pussy grabbing to. Do you think he would hesitate for 2 seconds when he visited his buddy, Jeff? Then you are just plain stupid.
That sucker is you and other libs like you
You hate liberals so much then prove it by never collecting soc sec or disabilty or using medicare or Veteran's benefits or allowing your kids to apply for a Pell grant etc etc. Prove how much you hold to your beliefs.
"Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts," the committee said in a court filing.

"May have". Okay, so now you have to prove it. Or, perhaps this was a signal to the DOJ to do something.

I'm a little surprised this came out so early. They still have nine months before they're disbanded. Are they throwing rocks at Garland's window?

/——-/ Good faith belief???? May have???? Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha I have good faith belief you may have robbed the 7-11 last night, now go turn yourself in to the police, you robber you.
We have no evidence that trump ever sunk to the level of democrats
Did you study at Trump U? Because you are one dumb ass Mfer. There is no depth to which he would not go for selfish pleasure. The Guy said he'd date his daughter. That's not creepy enough? LOL

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