Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

Still offers no glimpse whatsoever into the 2024 election.
At this moment the Republicans have two strong candidates.

The Democrats have no one. Not one.

Same as the Neo-Cons. They're going to have to nominate someone like a McCain, and whoever it is won't win.

Trust me, in the two years between now and then, progressive is going to become a hated word, and that stigma is going to stick to Democrats like stink on shit. For YEARS.

Biden and Harris aren't helping, that's for sure. :p
At this moment the Republicans have two strong candidates.

The Democrats have no one. Not one.

Same as the Neo-Cons. They're going to have to nominate someone like a McCain, and whoever it is won't win.

Trust me, in the two years between now and then, progressive is going to become a hated word, and that stigma is going to stick to Democrats like stink on shit. For YEARS.

Biden and Harris aren't helping, that's for sure. :p

None of that matters. No one knows yet who's running or who each party will select or what the economy will be like. Referencing polls a few months out from an election is a stretch. Referencing them years out is ludicrous and an abject waste of time.
Just like the rights' losses were in 2018. Just like the lefts' losses were in 2010. Republicans were the anomaly in 2002. The president's opposition party almost always does will in their first midterm.

Still offers no glimpse whatsoever into the 2024 election.
Seems like when 80% of Americans are saying the country is heading in the wrong direction you would listen to them. Guess not. Full steam ahead with Americans not liking how the country is doing.
Seems like when 80% of Americans are saying the country is heading in the wrong direction you would listen to them. Guess not. Full steam ahead with Americans not liking how the country is doing.

Who knows why you think I'm not listening to that? It's as if you think I claimed Democrats are going to win this November.

Who knows why you think I'm not listening to that? It's as if you think I claimed Democrats are going to win this November.

What are democrats doing in response to 80% of the country thinking we are going in the wrong direction? Their response is to keep on doing what they're doing, a typical leftist fault. When something doesn't work it is only because they didn't do enough of it so do more of what doesn't work because surely it can't be their policies.
What are democrats doing in response to 80% of the country thinking we are going in the wrong direction? Their response is to keep on doing what they're doing, a typical leftist fault. When something doesn't work it is only because they didn't do enough of it so do more of what doesn't work because surely it can't be their policies.

Here are Americans' concerns....

And the polls reveal Americans are fairly evenly split between which party they feel can best address those issues.
Oh! I'm so wounded by your words. Snif snif. I don't know what you Trumpers hope to accomplish with your childish bullshit. It just reveals that you have nothing to say. Grow up and join the adult world. Your nonsense doesn't work on adults.
You are a true hero. I’m so proud of you, Wicky. Finally! There’s an adult, here. I look forward to seeing you post intelligently and refraining from childish bullshit. I anticipate factually supported logically made claims and arguments with no taunts or efforts at ad hominem.
Oh yeah?! Well you're a poo poo head so there!! Children should be seen and not heard. What a lightweight.
That was a brilliant defense of your argument. So topical. On point. Mature. Well thought-out. Factual and logical. The way you majestically soared to the defense of a troll! Moving. What a post. I may have to nominate your effort for post of the year. Bravo!
That was a brilliant defense of your argument. So topical. On point. Mature. Well thought-out. Factual and logical. The way you majestically soared to the defense of a troll! Moving. What a post. I may have to nominate your effort for post of the year. Bravo!


Hey, Welshy, you ought to bet him over which of you will cast the next ad-hominem. What have ya got to lose??

Here are Americans' concerns....

And the polls reveal Americans are fairly evenly split between which party they feel can best address those issues.
LOL. 80% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction under Biden and the democrats, so much so that polls show that Trump would beat Biden in 2024. Democratic politicians are bailing out of the Titanic before the midterms. Democrats are going to suffer a drubbing in those midterms and it is because the public doesn't believe their lies and hold democrats accountable for the current state of the country. If people felt democrats would be better at handling our current problems then they would vote for democrats in the midterms. But, they aren't.
LOL. 80% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction under Biden and the democrats, so much so that polls show that Trump would beat Biden in 2024. Democratic politicians are bailing out of the Titanic before the midterms. Democrats are going to suffer a drubbing in those midterms and it is because the public doesn't believe their lies and hold democrats accountable for the current state of the country. If people felt democrats would be better at handling our current problems then they would vote for democrats in the midterms. But, they aren't.

Still offers no glimpse into the 2024 election, despite a poll now showing Trump would beat Biden.

At this point in 2014, no one could know Trump would become president 2½ years later.

At this point in 2006, no one could know Obama would become president 2½ years later.

That poll about Trump beating Biden couldn't be more worthless.
LOL Got that all figured out eh?
Do you think Joe Biden or Kamala Harris could beat Trump in 2024?

How about AOC? Hillary?

If the Democrats want to have a chance in 2024 they best find some way to make sure Trump doesn’t run. Of course the Republicans have a deep field of possible candidates.
Still offers no glimpse into the 2024 election, despite a poll now showing Trump would beat Biden.

At this point in 2014, no one could know Trump would become president 2½ years later.

At this point in 2006, no one could know Obama would become president 2½ years later.

That poll about Trump beating Biden couldn't be more worthless.
Forget 2024. The fact is 80% of the country feels we are going in the wrong direction. What do democrats offer to go in the right direction? To me it looks like they're saying, "Be patient. The worst is behind us. Be optimistic. Let's stay on this course".

Isn't that kind of insane? Is that really the best they've got to offer, "Let's stay on this same course"?
Forget 2024. The fact is 80% of the country feels we are going in the wrong direction. What do democrats offer to go in the right direction? To me it looks like they're saying, "Be patient. The worst is behind us. Be optimistic. Let's stay on this course".

Isn't that kind of insane? Is that really the best they've got to offer, "Let's stay on this same course"?

Inflation is the biggest economic issue facing Americans but there's not much Congress can do to control that. That can dole out stimulus in the form of checks or tax cuts, but that doesn't lower inflation. If anything, it might exacerbate it. That just takes some bite out of costs for consumers. The Federal Reserve is in the best position to fight inflation by raising the Federal fund rate, which will hopefully lower inflation, and they are doing that now. So we'll see.

Another big issue is coronavirus. Here too, there's not much Congress can do beyond pushing recommendations made by the health sector.

Another big issue is unsatisfactory government and poor leadership. That's always a problem for Americans as Congress' approval rating typically runs between the teens and the 30's, no matter which party is in charge and no matter what the state of the economy is. It's been 13 years since the last time they breached the 40's and that peaked at 41% approval.

What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
Do you think Joe Biden or Kamala Harris could beat Trump in 2024?

How about AOC? Hillary?

If the Democrats want to have a chance in 2024 they best find some way to make sure Trump doesn’t run. Of course the Republicans have a deep field of possible candidates.
By that time, the American voting public will have a clearer view of the level of corruption, ties to Putin and criminal behavior of slippery Don. And every cow pasture becomes a DEEP field after a while. It's what it is deep with that the people will reject.
Inflation is the biggest economic issue facing Americans but there's not much Congress can do to control that. That can dole out stimulus in the form of checks or tax cuts, but that doesn't lower inflation. If anything, it might exacerbate it. That just takes some bite out of costs for consumers. The Federal Reserve is in the best position to fight inflation by raising the Federal fund rate, which will hopefully lower inflation, and they are doing that now. So we'll see.

Another big issue is coronavirus. Here too, there's not much Congress can do beyond pushing recommendations made by the health sector.

Another big issue is unsatisfactory government and poor leadership. That's always a problem for Americans as Congress' approval rating typically runs between the teens and the 30's, no matter which party is in charge and no matter what the state of the economy is. It's been 13 years since the last time they breached the 40's and that peaked at 41% approval.

What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
You just blocked every avenue these bozos take to sell the idea that you can put all the blame or all of the credit for the economy onto one person. If the economy was doing great right at this moment they'd be the last to credit Biden and that's how it should be because the seasons of the economy happen regardless of presidential policies. It's an ebb and flow determined by a host of external forces. The internal forces right now are COVID, corporate greed and the tariffs that were placed on trading partners that forced cheap goods out of the market. Tariffs that were placed by a guy who didn't understand that they are by their very nature, inflationary. Just wanted to play tough guy.
Inflation is the biggest economic issue facing Americans but there's not much Congress can do to control that. That can dole out stimulus in the form of checks or tax cuts, but that doesn't lower inflation. If anything, it might exacerbate it. That just takes some bite out of costs for consumers. The Federal Reserve is in the best position to fight inflation by raising the Federal fund rate, which will hopefully lower inflation, and they are doing that now. So we'll see.

Another big issue is coronavirus. Here too, there's not much Congress can do beyond pushing recommendations made by the health sector.

Another big issue is unsatisfactory government and poor leadership. That's always a problem for Americans as Congress' approval rating typically runs between the teens and the 30's, no matter which party is in charge and no matter what the state of the economy is. It's been 13 years since the last time they breached the 40's and that peaked at 41% approval.

What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
80% of Americans are ready to toss democrats out because they don't believe you. Are you even paying attention? Repeating the same nonsense that 80% of Americans don't believe is not going to convince them and change their minds. Went Trump was in there you guys claimed EVERYTHING was Trump's fault. Now that Biden and the democrats are in there, it is either still Trump's fault or, "this would have happened no matter who was president". You guys claimed that Trump would not take responsibility for anything and yet here you are, not taking any responsibility for anything.
80% of Americans are ready to toss democrats out because they don't believe you. Are you even paying attention? Repeating the same nonsense that 80% of Americans don't believe is not going to convince them and change their minds. Went Trump was in there you guys claimed EVERYTHING was Trump's fault. Now that Biden and the democrats are in there, it is either still Trump's fault or, "this would have happened no matter who was president". You guys claimed that Trump would not take responsibility for anything and yet here you are, not taking any responsibility for anything.

Well that's not True. 80% might not be happy with the direction of the country (if that figure is even accurate) but that doesn't translate into 80% want to put Republicans in charge. In fact, it's ludicrous to even suggest such nonsense.

Now don't take this the wrong way since the 2022 election is still too far out to rely on polls to predict winners -- but they are relevant now in terms of right track/wrong track polls which are also out now.

House (not counting toss ups):

Democrats: 180
Republicans: 168

Senate (not counting toss ups):

Democrats: 47
Republicans: 49

So no, 80% of America's electorate is not tossing out Democrats. :icon_rolleyes:

Now then, 2nd time since you avoided answering the first time...

What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
Well that's not True. 80% might not be happy with the direction of the country (if that figure is even accurate) but that doesn't translate into 80% want to put Republicans in charge. In fact, it's ludicrous to even suggest such nonsense.

Now don't take this the wrong way since the 2022 election is still too far out to rely on polls to predict winners -- but they are relevant now in terms of right track/wrong track polls which are also out now.

House (not counting toss ups):

Democrats: 180
Republicans: 168

Senate (not counting toss ups):

Democrats: 47
Republicans: 49

So no, 80% of America's electorate is not tossing out Democrats. :icon_rolleyes:

Now then, 2nd time since you avoided answering the first time...

What else do you propose the Congress does to lower inflation, increase distribution, or help reduce covid?
Everything the democrats do causes inflation. Borrowing extreme amounts, pushing for wage increases, encouraging people to stay home and not work leaving many open positions, attacking employers, attacking energy and promoting clean energy, and letting Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, which empowered Russia to invade Ukraine. Americans don't believe your crap that inflation would have happened anyway and has nothing to do with democrats. If that's your story and you're sticking to it, then expect a drubbing in the midterms.
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