Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

These are the same clowns who 'alleged' Trump and everything Russia.

How'd that work out?

Pretty well thank you.

Trump will go down in history as the President that was only elected because interference in our elections by a foreign and hostile country.
"a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have"

What they really mean is that they've nailed Trump & Co., but they're leaving themselves wiggle room just in case it doesn't pan out.
I wonder if they would let this go public only if they were very confident.
How can you say such idiotic things and call yourself an American?
How can you support that shithead Potatohead that stole an election from the American people and call yourself an American?
"Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts," the committee said in a court filing.

"May have". Okay, so now you have to prove it. Or, perhaps this was a signal to the DOJ to do something.

I'm a little surprised this came out so early. They still have nine months before they're disbanded. Are they throwing rocks at Garland's window?

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I was?

Example, please.

Lying, delusional Trumpster.

There are SO many, but this one's as good as any. Bonus points for sucking Biden's dick like the DNC employee you are.

Comparatively that will be easy.

While you adore a traitorous buffoon who ADMITS to trusting Russia more than America.

Who trolls an American President in favor of the murderous Putin.

Do you see Biden doing ANYTING like that? You do not.

Pretty well thank you.

Trump will go down in history as the President that was only elected because interference in our elections by a foreign and hostile country.

What is it the democrats say?

The end justifies the means.
So many maybes and ifs and what could haves and never any factual occurring reality
Not that I know of.

Anything else, coward?
But Trump DID collude with his attorney and Steve Bannan and Rudy Giuliani.

The lawyer's late: his "privileged information" has already been published.

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