Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy

“Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy”

There is no ‘may.’

Trump in fact committed crimes concerning the 2020 General Election.

The question is will he be subject to criminal prosecution as a consequence.
“Jan6 Committee: Trump may have engaged in criminal conspiracy”

There is no ‘may.’

Trump in fact committed crimes concerning the 2020 General Election.

The question is will he be subject to criminal prosecution as a consequence.
Yeah, I wish these investigators would use stronger language and get this done!
You’re a Russian bot.

Hot to Bot

BTW Gomer the Arizona audit by that bunch of idiots from Cyber Ninjas was paid for by 5 Pro Trump groups tied to corporations. They raised 5.7 Million dollars. The largest contributor was the former CEO of Overstock. Com. Most of that money magically disappeared. In fact Trump is sitting on a warchest of 102 Million bucks that was supposed to be spent on audits and to support GOP Candidates. (Warchest info from Politico.)

And, just like I said, and you just showed, Trump hasn't paid for any forensic audits.

Thank you for your help, Mac.
Mueller stated 10 points of obstruction.
Mueller said he thought it wasn't his job to indict a SITTING potus.

Mueller NEVER said trump was exonerated.

Mueller never said he was guilty, either.
Still holding your breath from all the failed investigations, are ya?
They are ongoing. You haven't noticed? Like I said, you're not gonna like the findings in the end. You're supporting a treasonous clown and that's on you.
That’s exactly what I said. Glad you ambit it.

I don’t see how you can feel so good about being a traitor to the United States.

I ambit it? I didn't ambit anything.

Anyone who doesn't support His excellency, President Trump, is a traitor to the United States.

Wow! You can count?
Forwards, backwards, up and down in at least four numbering systems: denary, binary, octal and hex. Which base do you prefer? But I bet you twang your banjo and can count to ten if you use all your sister's fingers and toes, Blitherthing idiot!

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