Jane Fonda

Right. It wasn't all the neg reps you were getting from your trolling....

No I had more pos then neg before I turned it off.

I just got sick of the stupid notification messages. But denying dickless assholes like you the only thing that makes you feel powerful was a bonus.

Guy, you can shut off the notification messages... sounds likea pretty lame argument.

"Oh, I couldn't stand the applause...."

The only lame thing around here is you. I don't need validation from a bunch of anonymous people to make me feel important.

that you do is sad.

Bye now. Make sure you get a doctor's note when you call in sick today and maybe you won't get canned from your job this time.
We should all be very very relieved that we are not each other's final judge.

Have you considered authoring the inserts for fortune cookies?

"fortune cookies"? :eusa_eh:


besides, I thought you were of Oriental heritage a la michelle malkin anyway? [MENTION=12394]PoliticalChic[/MENTION] :eusa_whistle:
Last edited:
Yes, you are too much of a pussy to put your posts up for judgement by your fellow posters...

That supposes I give a flying fuck what a dickless whiner such as yourself thinks.

Obviously, you did because you turned your rep off.

some do that because they can't stand to moderate their message for the 1st 6-9 months so as to gradually integrate. I suspect this is what Spiderman's posting style is like:

Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay


Self-absorbed bitch
actuall OSS officers working in China at the time called him that.

Sure they did.

You may be an American hating Communist, caught in lies on a daily basis - but I'll just take your word for this... :cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

There was a reason why the Truman Administration didn't piss away good money after bad propping him up after WWII.

Yes, incompetence.

The guy was kind of useless.

heck, the ONLY reason we didn't let China annex Taiwan and hang Cash My Check was because when the Korean War broke out, we needed bases in the region.

So you democrats wanted to go to war on behalf of the Communists?

That wouldn't surprise me at all....
actuall OSS officers working in China at the time called him that.

Sure they did.

You may be an American hating Communist, caught in lies on a daily basis - but I'll just take your word for this... :cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

The guy was kind of useless.

heck, the ONLY reason we didn't let China annex Taiwan and hang Cash My Check was because when the Korean War broke out, we needed bases in the region.

So you democrats wanted to go to war on behalf of the Communists?

That wouldn't surprise me at all....

Well, no, you think that anyone stopping a plutocrat from giving you the Ned Beatty in Deliverence treatment is a "communist".

However, your ignorance of history should be corrected.

Joseph Stilwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But instead of confronting Stilwell or communicating his concerns to Marshall and Roosevelt when they asked Chiang to assess Stilwell's leadership after the Allied disaster in Burma, Chiang reiterated his "full confidence and trust" in the general[31] while countermanding some orders to Chinese units issued by Stilwell in his capacity as Chief of Staff. An outraged Stilwell began to call Chiang "the little dummy" or "Peanut" in his reports to Washington,[32] ("Peanut" originally being intended as a code name for Chiang in official radio messages[33]) while Chiang repeatedly expressed his pent-up grievances against Stilwell for his "recklessness, insubordination, contempt and arrogance" to U.S. envoys to China.[34] Stilwell would press Chiang and the British to take immediate actions to retake Burma, but Chiang demanded impossibly large amounts of supplies before he would agree to take offensive action, and the British refused to meet their previous pledges to provide naval and ground troops due to Churchill's "Europe first" strategy.[35] Eventually Stilwell began to complain openly to Roosevelt that Chiang was hoarding U.S. lend lease supplies because he wanted to keep Chinese Nationalist forces ready to fight the Communists under Mao Zedong after the end of the war with the Japanese,[

Betcha think Stillwell was a "Communist", too.
Oh, but there's MORE...

Stilwell was infuriated also by the rampant corruption of the Chiang regime. In his diary, which he faithfully kept, Stilwell began to note the corruption and the amount of money ($380,584,000 in 1944 dollars) being wasted upon the procrastinating Chiang and his government. The Cambridge History of China, for instance, also estimates that some 60%–70% of Chiang's Kuomintang conscripts did not make it through their basic training, with some 40% deserting and the remaining 20% dying of starvation before full induction into the military. Eventually, Stilwell’s belief that the Generalissimo and his generals were incompetent and corrupt reached such proportions that Stilwell sought to cut off Lend-Lease aid to China.[38] Stilwell even ordered Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officers to draw up contingency plans to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek after he heard Roosevelt's casual remarks regarding the possible defeat of Chiang by either internal or external enemies, and if this happened to replace Chiang with someone else to continue the Chinese resistance against Japan.[39]
Oh, but there's MORE...

Stilwell was infuriated also by the rampant corruption of the Chiang regime. In his diary, which he faithfully kept, Stilwell began to note the corruption and the amount of money ($380,584,000 in 1944 dollars) being wasted upon the procrastinating Chiang and his government. The Cambridge History of China, for instance, also estimates that some 60%–70% of Chiang's Kuomintang conscripts did not make it through their basic training, with some 40% deserting and the remaining 20% dying of starvation before full induction into the military. Eventually, Stilwell’s belief that the Generalissimo and his generals were incompetent and corrupt reached such proportions that Stilwell sought to cut off Lend-Lease aid to China.[38] Stilwell even ordered Office of Strategic Services (OSS) officers to draw up contingency plans to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek after he heard Roosevelt's casual remarks regarding the possible defeat of Chiang by either internal or external enemies, and if this happened to replace Chiang with someone else to continue the Chinese resistance against Japan.[39]

You do know that George Marshall was Stillwell's 'padrone,' don't you.

Perhaps you don't know this:

The following is based on a discussion of FDR's 'Russia Uber Alles Policy'....

1. "It is unlikely that historians ever will be able to determine the proportionate share of responsibility which must be attributed collectively to Roosevelt, Hopkins and Marshall.... Roosevelt had the power, but he was influenced by Hopkins and Marshall. Hopkins also influenced Marshall, and therefore was the dominant member of the triumvirate.

Of the three, Marshall's record is the most tragic and incomprehensible. Throughout World War II and the postwar years, down to 1951, when he was largely responsible for the removal of General MacArthur from command in the Far East and for the strategy of appeasement which resulted in our defeat in the Korean War.... The record of his service to the communist cause, however innocent, is appalling, and hardly could have been worse if he had consciously acted on instructions from the Kremlin"
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.118

2. Hopkins and Marshall were fully behind handing all of Eastern Europe over to Stalin's tender mercies. Remember...they knew of the Terror Famine, the Katyn Forest Massacre, and other blood purges. by Stalin. Evidence can be seen in a document which Hopkins took with him to the Quebec conference in August, 1943, entitled "Russia's Position," quoted as follows in Sherwood's book about Hopkins:
"Russia's post-war position in Europe will be a dominant one. With Germany crushed, there is no power in Europe to oppose her tremendous military forces."

BTW....Stalin, through Harry Hopkins, demanded unconditional surrender from Germany.

That is what is missing from your understanding of the Chiang's being stabbed in the back.

It was all about support for Stalin, Mao, and communism.

And still is.
Well, no, you think that anyone stopping a plutocrat from giving you the Ned Beatty in Deliverence treatment is a "communist".

However, your ignorance of history should be corrected.

Joseph Stilwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But instead of confronting Stilwell or communicating his concerns to Marshall and Roosevelt when they asked Chiang to assess Stilwell's leadership after the Allied disaster in Burma, Chiang reiterated his "full confidence and trust" in the general[31] while countermanding some orders to Chinese units issued by Stilwell in his capacity as Chief of Staff. An outraged Stilwell began to call Chiang "the little dummy" or "Peanut" in his reports to Washington,[32] ("Peanut" originally being intended as a code name for Chiang in official radio messages[33]) while Chiang repeatedly expressed his pent-up grievances against Stilwell for his "recklessness, insubordination, contempt and arrogance" to U.S. envoys to China.[34] Stilwell would press Chiang and the British to take immediate actions to retake Burma, but Chiang demanded impossibly large amounts of supplies before he would agree to take offensive action, and the British refused to meet their previous pledges to provide naval and ground troops due to Churchill's "Europe first" strategy.[35] Eventually Stilwell began to complain openly to Roosevelt that Chiang was hoarding U.S. lend lease supplies because he wanted to keep Chinese Nationalist forces ready to fight the Communists under Mao Zedong after the end of the war with the Japanese,[

Betcha think Stillwell was a "Communist", too.

Comrade Stalin, where does this support your claim that "OSS officers called him Cash my check?"

Oh that's right, you were just lying.

Hey, you're a Communist - it's to be expected....
actuall OSS officers working in China at the time called him that.

Sure they did.

You may be an American hating Communist, caught in lies on a daily basis - but I'll just take your word for this... :cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:

The guy was kind of useless.

heck, the ONLY reason we didn't let China annex Taiwan and hang Cash My Check was because when the Korean War broke out, we needed bases in the region.

So you democrats wanted to go to war on behalf of the Communists?

That wouldn't surprise me at all....

Well, no, you think that anyone stopping a plutocrat from giving you the Ned Beatty in Deliverence treatment is a "communist".

However, your ignorance of history should be corrected.

Joseph Stilwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But instead of confronting Stilwell or communicating his concerns to Marshall and Roosevelt when they asked Chiang to assess Stilwell's leadership after the Allied disaster in Burma, Chiang reiterated his "full confidence and trust" in the general[31] while countermanding some orders to Chinese units issued by Stilwell in his capacity as Chief of Staff. An outraged Stilwell began to call Chiang "the little dummy" or "Peanut" in his reports to Washington,[32] ("Peanut" originally being intended as a code name for Chiang in official radio messages[33]) while Chiang repeatedly expressed his pent-up grievances against Stilwell for his "recklessness, insubordination, contempt and arrogance" to U.S. envoys to China.[34] Stilwell would press Chiang and the British to take immediate actions to retake Burma, but Chiang demanded impossibly large amounts of supplies before he would agree to take offensive action, and the British refused to meet their previous pledges to provide naval and ground troops due to Churchill's "Europe first" strategy.[35] Eventually Stilwell began to complain openly to Roosevelt that Chiang was hoarding U.S. lend lease supplies because he wanted to keep Chinese Nationalist forces ready to fight the Communists under Mao Zedong after the end of the war with the Japanese,[

Betcha think Stillwell was a "Communist", too.

half the lend lease materials sent to russia were never utilized in the war. the lions share were never even unloaded until well after the war when they became the a major part of the build up of the soviet military. do you know the difference in volume we shipped to russia compared to china? 100 to 1. virtually no supplies were provided to the pacific theater until germany was defeated.
Bet you never thought you would hear me say that. (Niether did I) But really I have to thank you for that link to Rick Perlsteins article. He absolutely destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand. He draws a poignant picture of a true American patriot. Of her grace and poise even in the face of persecution by Nixonites and constant harrassment by the FBI.
The story of her cathartic meeting in Waterbury with Veterans was especially meaninful. The Veterans who had come to the meeting full of hate left without the lies and recrimination. As one said, "That was the beginning of my healing."

And so the cults of hate in America should take a lesson from Janes story. Hate is nurtured by lies and propaganda. Now I know you won't mind if I copy and paste a few excerpts from your article;

"A doctored photograph was circulated (it showed up in several newspapers) showing Kerry on a speakers’ platform with Fonda. The picture was found to be a fake, but the association had already been planted. ‘John Kerry with Tits’: five syllables full of implications for the politics of gender, power and anxiety in America".

" a former pow, Air Force Major Fred Cherry, recalled Fonda’s voice ringing out over the prison public address system during an ‘extended torture siege’ in 1967. Fonda didn’t speak out against the war until 1970. (She visited Hanoi in 1972-S.B.)"

"No wonder Nixon was keen to attack Fonda. Her visit to the pows provided the occasion. Fonda, who was carrying 200 letters from the pows’ families, was asked if she would like to meet any prisoners personally. All the captives she met were volunteers, all openly critical of the war. Of course this was the opposite of what the urban legends suppose: that they were tortured into seeing her. But that is the reason the urban legends exist. They are a prophylactic against the anxiety that these pows, the symbolic stand-ins for American innocence, had stabbed themselves in the back."

"The cult matured in the 1980s when America finally began to accept that it had lost a war which hadn’t been worth fighting in the first place. This was around the time Ronald Reagan observed: ‘Boy, I saw Rambo last night. Now I know what to do next time this happens.’ The moment had come to fix the blame where it properly belonged: not on Lyndon Johnson, not on Richard Nixon, but, as Burke points out, on the oldest story in the world, ‘the seductive woman who turns out to be a snake"

OK, that's enough. Thanks Again-S.B.

"...destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand."

I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Let's see how simple....the operative term when dealing with you.....it is to reveal you to be a moron.

Here, more about the 'lovely lady' you endorse....

1. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part:

“Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return…

People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live. And a Voice to Sing With -- A Memoir, by Joan Baez

2. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…”
Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979

You imbecile....her stand is and was pure pro-communism.

I've seen a few of your posts....she's not the only pro-communist anti-American you endorsed, is she.

You can't make up stuff like this......

"Men like Harvey Weinstein should go to jail, says Jane Fonda"
Men like Harvey Weinstein should go to jail: Jane Fonda

This traitor, who symbolically shot down American pilots for the North Vietnamese.....

...talking about someone who should 'go to jail.'

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for Fonda to come along and give it meaning.
This traitor, who symbolically shot down American pilots for the North Vietnamese.....

...talking about someone who should 'go to jail.'

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for Fonda to come along and give it meaning.

How do symbolically shoot someone down? To you use symbolic bullets?

Not a fan of what Fonda did, but it's been 50 years. Get over it.
Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay

jane fonda urinal cake - Google Search

You voted for and back a trice married pussy grabbing man. I guess you have nothing to really say do you.
Bet you never thought you would hear me say that. (Niether did I) But really I have to thank you for that link to Rick Perlsteins article. He absolutely destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand. He draws a poignant picture of a true American patriot. Of her grace and poise even in the face of persecution by Nixonites and constant harrassment by the FBI.
The story of her cathartic meeting in Waterbury with Veterans was especially meaninful. The Veterans who had come to the meeting full of hate left without the lies and recrimination. As one said, "That was the beginning of my healing."

And so the cults of hate in America should take a lesson from Janes story. Hate is nurtured by lies and propaganda. Now I know you won't mind if I copy and paste a few excerpts from your article;

"A doctored photograph was circulated (it showed up in several newspapers) showing Kerry on a speakers’ platform with Fonda. The picture was found to be a fake, but the association had already been planted. ‘John Kerry with Tits’: five syllables full of implications for the politics of gender, power and anxiety in America".

" a former pow, Air Force Major Fred Cherry, recalled Fonda’s voice ringing out over the prison public address system during an ‘extended torture siege’ in 1967. Fonda didn’t speak out against the war until 1970. (She visited Hanoi in 1972-S.B.)"

"No wonder Nixon was keen to attack Fonda. Her visit to the pows provided the occasion. Fonda, who was carrying 200 letters from the pows’ families, was asked if she would like to meet any prisoners personally. All the captives she met were volunteers, all openly critical of the war. Of course this was the opposite of what the urban legends suppose: that they were tortured into seeing her. But that is the reason the urban legends exist. They are a prophylactic against the anxiety that these pows, the symbolic stand-ins for American innocence, had stabbed themselves in the back."

"The cult matured in the 1980s when America finally began to accept that it had lost a war which hadn’t been worth fighting in the first place. This was around the time Ronald Reagan observed: ‘Boy, I saw Rambo last night. Now I know what to do next time this happens.’ The moment had come to fix the blame where it properly belonged: not on Lyndon Johnson, not on Richard Nixon, but, as Burke points out, on the oldest story in the world, ‘the seductive woman who turns out to be a snake"

OK, that's enough. Thanks Again-S.B.

"...destroys the foundation of the anti-Jane cult. And the lies and urban legends that engulfed her because of her antiwar stand."

I would say that you are barking up the wrong tree, but that is your natural voice.

Let's see how simple....the operative term when dealing with you.....it is to reveal you to be a moron.

Here, more about the 'lovely lady' you endorse....

1. In 1979, Humanitas, the organization of anti-war activist Joan Baez, purchased a newspaper ad that ran in five large circulation dailies, called “An Open Letter to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam,” which ran in part:

“Thousands of innocent Vietnamese, many of whose only “crimes” are those of conscience, are being arrested, detained and tortured in prison and re-education camps… The jails are overflowing with thousands upon thousands of “detainees”… People disappear and never return…

People are used as human mine detectors, clearing live mine fields with their hands and feet. For many, life is hell and death is prayed for. With tragic irony, the cruelty, violence and oppression practiced by foreign powers in your country for more than a century continue today under the present regime.

It was an abiding commitment to fundamental principles of human dignity, freedom and self-determination that motivated so many Americans to oppose the government of South Vietnam and our country's participation in the war. It is that same commitment that compels us to speak out against your brutal disregard of human rights. As in the 60s, we raise our voices now so that your people may live. And a Voice to Sing With -- A Memoir, by Joan Baez

2. Baez mailed the letter to 350 anti-war activists. Among those who refused to sign was Jane Fonda. “Your name would mean much more than any other,” she told Fonda, in a long letter. Fonda wrote that the add would lend credence to those who believe “that Communism is worse than death…”
Washington Post, Lynn Darling, “Joan Baez at 38,” June 29, 1979

You imbecile....her stand is and was pure pro-communism.

I've seen a few of your posts....she's not the only pro-communist anti-American you endorsed, is she.

You can't make up stuff like this......

"Men like Harvey Weinstein should go to jail, says Jane Fonda"
Men like Harvey Weinstein should go to jail: Jane Fonda

This traitor, who symbolically shot down American pilots for the North Vietnamese.....

...talking about someone who should 'go to jail.'

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for Fonda to come along and give it meaning.

Men like Weinstein lose their job but Evangelicals hire a pussy grabber for President. You must be so proud.
The burden of evil people is to be afraid to die. It is part of the punishment for living lives of evil.

Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Actually what she did, Joe, was to betray the Prisoners of War by handing little scraps of paper they had handed to her in secrecy. She earned her name Hanoi Jane. She handed the little bits of paper to the communists right in front of the american prisoners of war and didn't show any sign of conscience for what she'd done.

In fact, she denied she'd done anything wrong. So now she is having a crisis of conscience and it could very well be that God is dealing with her heart about having been a part in the torture that resulted to those men for her turning them in. That is probably something she is beginning to feel the weight of as time draws to a close for her.

I'm praying for Jane Fonda that she will repent publicly - for her part in assisting the communists - it doesn't matter whether anyone accepts her apology or not - it only matters that she does it because there are many people she harmed by her actions. Also there is no forgiveness without repentance. It has to be done so she can be reconciled back to God.

Do I believe Jane Fonda could be saved? Most definitely. I prayed for Kirsten Powers everytime she came to my mind or I saw her on tv - she was a fox news correspondent for the democratic party. I could look at her and tell she was utterly lost. One day I am reading on the internet and she has publicly confessed Jesus Christ as her savior and today she is a completely different woman! She even looks different!

How many other people felt led to pray for Kirsten who never met her? Probably many. I hope that this story leads to Jane Fonda's conversion. It would be great news to have a former communist who could be used by God to witness to Hollywood & other lost people. ........before it's too late for them also.

Do you pray that Trump quits grabbing pussies too.
The burden of evil people is to be afraid to die. It is part of the punishment for living lives of evil.

Really? Because Ms. Fonda stood up and said, "hey, this Vietnam War is a really, really stupid idea", we did eventually get out of there, saving thousands of American lives.

I guess she could have said nothing and concentrated on her acting career.

Actually what she did, Joe, was to betray the Prisoners of War by handing little scraps of paper they had handed to her in secrecy. She earned her name Hanoi Jane. She handed the little bits of paper to the communists right in front of the american prisoners of war and didn't show any sign of conscience for what she'd done.

In fact, she denied she'd done anything wrong. So now she is having a crisis of conscience and it could very well be that God is dealing with her heart about having been a part in the torture that resulted to those men for her turning them in. That is probably something she is beginning to feel the weight of as time draws to a close for her.

I'm praying for Jane Fonda that she will repent publicly - for her part in assisting the communists - it doesn't matter whether anyone accepts her apology or not - it only matters that she does it because there are many people she harmed by her actions. Also there is no forgiveness without repentance. It has to be done so she can be reconciled back to God.

Do I believe Jane Fonda could be saved? Most definitely. I prayed for Kirsten Powers everytime she came to my mind or I saw her on tv - she was a fox news correspondent for the democratic party. I could look at her and tell she was utterly lost. One day I am reading on the internet and she has publicly confessed Jesus Christ as her savior and today she is a completely different woman! She even looks different!

How many other people felt led to pray for Kirsten who never met her? Probably many. I hope that this story leads to Jane Fonda's conversion. It would be great news to have a former communist who could be used by God to witness to Hollywood & other lost people. ........before it's too late for them also.

Do you pray that Trump quits grabbing pussies too.

Hah! You're just jelly yours never gets grabbed! Hah!

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