Jane Fonda

Get the tissues ready......

1."'I have so little time left!' Jane Fonda, 76, reveals she can't stop crying as she comes to terms with her own mortality

2. ...admits she has been brought to tears on more than one occasion recently as she comes to terms with her own mortality.

3. In a thoughtful blog post entitled 'Crying', which has since been removed, Jane wrote: '[I've been thinking], how come my tears are so close to the surface? And I’ve come to feel it has to do with age. I have become so wonderfully, terribly aware of time, of how little of it I have left; how much of it is behind me, and everything becomes so precious.'

4. 'I've listed sad things but what startles me even more is how I get emotional about nice things,.....

5. The thrice-married prolific blogger, who has three children, also joked she is becoming so weepy these days that she can 'only wear waterproof mascara from now on'."
Jane Fonda 'keeps crying as she comes to terms with her mortality' | Mail Online

And....in two related stories......

6. "You don’t know America if you don’t know the Jane Fonda cult. Or rather, the anti-Fonda cult. At places where soldiers or former soldiers congregate, there’ll be stickers of her likeness on the urinals;...."
Rick Perlstein reviews ?Jane Fonda?s War? by Mary Hershberger · LRB 17 November 2005

7. One enterprising manufacturer sells urinal cakes with Ms. Fonda's likeness....

jane fonda urinal cakes | eBay


Jane Fonda is irrelevant.

Why do you people like to dust the cobwebs off these zombies anyway?

Is 'irrelevant' newspeak for 'let's hide any examples of Liberal anti-American behaviors'?

"You can run but you can't hide."
The Brown Bomber

No one but you people care what Jane Fonda or Ted Nugent says.
What Fonda did had virtually no effect on anything. She was naive and was used by the North Vietnamese. What happened was not the effect on the American's she planned or expected or wanted. She went there to offer comfort and support to our soldiers and to foster goodwill with the North Vietmese. It all backfired. Her intentions were well meant.

Jane Fonda's supported the enemy in Vietnam got American POW's killed-Truth! and Fiction!

The Fonda trip became unforgettable because it infuriated Americans, especially Americans in uniform, many of whom still regard her as a traitor. She praised the North Vietnamese, posed for a photo at a Communist anti-aircraft gun emplacement, made several radio broadcasts for the Communist North Vietnamese in which she called American military leaders "war criminals," then when some of the POWs returned home and described mistreatment by the North Vietnamese, she said Americans should "...not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars."


What's sad, is you actually believe what you posted.

Ya think she looks upset that these lies continue to be told and embellished.

I'm sure that her conscience has been bothering her for decades now, especially for fraternizing with the enemy while our troops were facing casualties.

She'll need to meet her maker one day, and when she does she'll need to account for her past actions.
I'm sure that her conscience has been bothering her for decades now, especially for fraternizing with the enemy while our troops were facing casualties.

She'll need to meet her maker one day, and when she does she'll need to account for her past actions.

So will the war hawks who got us into VietNam in the first place
So will the war hawks who got us into VietNam in the first place

Kennedy and Johnson already have.

If there is a god, Jane has a LOT more to worry about.

But then a man devoid of all ethical or moral foundation, such as you are, cannot believe in a god. In fact, you obviously bank on the idea that there is no power in the universe greater than your shameful party.
If Chiang's troops were capable of beating Mao's, they'd have done in the 1940's.

"Cash My Check" is what the Americans called him, for good reason.

You and your fellow CPUSA members called him that - decent Americans didn't.

actuall OSS officers working in China at the time called him that. There was a reason why the Truman Administration didn't piss away good money after bad propping him up after WWII.

The guy was kind of useless.

heck, the ONLY reason we didn't let China annex Taiwan and hang Cash My Check was because when the Korean War broke out, we needed bases in the region.
idk? why are libs still blaming reagan for issues 4 terms of democratic leadership haven't changed?

It baffles me the shit these people obsess over.

Ted Nugent, burnt out rock star

Jane Fonda, mummified actress

Who fucking cares what these walking dead say anyway?

I'm sensing that even shiny metal objects baffle you.

Says the person obsessed with actresses and what they say

And the vulgarity.....is that supposed to represent your sophistication?
I'm sophisticated enough to know that obsessing over the moronic utterances of people with absolutely no influence or relevance is a waste of time.
Spider-Troll, Spider-Troll
That's the way he'll Roll
Derail's threads, adds nothing smart
He's a permanent brain-fart

Look out, here comes the Spider Troll.

You call me a troll yet you are plagiarizing and posting doggerel.

I know why you do it. it's because you can't neg rep me and giving neg reps is the only thing you have to make you feel like a man instead of the limp dick you are.
Right. It wasn't all the neg reps you were getting from your trolling....

No I had more pos then neg before I turned it off.

I just got sick of the stupid notification messages. But denying dickless assholes like you the only thing that makes you feel powerful was a bonus.
Right. It wasn't all the neg reps you were getting from your trolling....

No I had more pos then neg before I turned it off.

I just got sick of the stupid notification messages. But denying dickless assholes like you the only thing that makes you feel powerful was a bonus.

Guy, you can shut off the notification messages... sounds likea pretty lame argument.

"Oh, I couldn't stand the applause...."

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