Janet Napolitano warned us about vets becoming terrorists

Well it's a strong correlation . Angry ex military , with hints of metal illness .


Don't you mean...

"Angry 'black' ex-military, with hints of mental illness."

...There now we can continue...

Shall we put all 'black' ex-military on a terrorist watch list?


Well it's a strong correlation . Angry ex military , with hints of metal illness .

One vet out of tens of thousands is not a strong correlation

Two vets .

Mental illness wh vets is a big issue . Or do you not believe in ptsd ?

WOW 2 out of tens of thousands

Still not a strong correlation

do you know how to calculate percentages?

Oh I get it . We can have thread after thread bashing all black people , but point out how these two shooters were vets , now you want to talk stats ?
Watch what happens when the Fact that these violent shooters are almost all male.........you'd be called a man-hater for simply speaking the Truth.
Well it's a strong correlation . Angry ex military , with hints of metal illness .

One vet out of tens of thousands is not a strong correlation

Two vets .

Mental illness wh vets is a big issue . Or do you not believe in ptsd ?

WOW 2 out of tens of thousands

Still not a strong correlation

do you know how to calculate percentages?

Oh I get it . We can have thread after thread bashing all black people , but point out how these two shooters were vets , now you want to talk stats ?
Watch what happens when the Fact that these violent shooters are almost all male.........you'd be called a man-hater for simply speaking the Truth.
They are all liberals....so....
Hopefully, Trump will continue Obama's program of using the NSA against domestic terrorists who just so happen to be members of the opposing political party
This is what happens when you hook up with BLM or The Black Panthers after getting out.

But they weren't BLM members .

And the new black panthers are a joke . Aka westboro baptists .

I guess you missed Beyonce's Super Bowl halftime show...

This is what happens when you hook up with BLM or The Black Panthers after getting out.

But they weren't BLM members .

And the new black panthers are a joke . Aka westboro baptists .

reality means nothing to the loons.
Janet Napolitano is a criminal and should be behind bars.
Is this another one of those "she's a criminal even tho there's no evidence for indictment" stories?
She was warning about conservative vets, not the obvious type we suspected might actually do this crap.

Well there's them too!

Bushs wars, the gift that keeps on giving !
You mean Obamas surrender....
What surrender would that be?
You need to crawl out from under your rock more....
Hardly an answer. Let me ask again....What surrender would that be?
Well it's a strong correlation . Angry ex military , with hints of metal illness .
Remember when Janet was in charge at homeland security and that Memo was leaked about returning vets being at risk for becoming domestic terrorists ? She caught a ton of shit about it .

Maybe she was right after all . Dallas shooter was in Afghanistan , his family said it changed him. Now this Baton Rouge shooter pops up. An Iraq vet . ft Hood guy too.

What is our military doing to these people ?

Specially, Napaletano said the returning vets could be recruited by "right wing extremists". You want to stop your bullshit cherry picking as a means to deflecting from the fact that the correlation are that these returning vets are joining extremists groups the administration refuses to acknowledge as extreme nor a threat.

Are they not ? Ever run past "oath keepers"? Didn't they run off to defend the rancher dudes in Oregon?

Who did the oath keepers kill? Did they go after Federal Law enforcement in sniper mode? They peacefully protested with legal possession of firearm vs. Shootings of military and police personnel is being done with illegal firearms.

The Napaletano theory completely misses the mark. The greater threat are returning vets taking up with violent extremist groups that the administration refuses to call extremist.

The Feds didn't push the issue . But they were up their with rifles . And I don't think they were for duck hunting .

You are ingoring facts relevant to your own theory.... The violence is coming from those affiliated with extremist groups that the administration refuses to identify as extremist or a threat. Further, right wingers are not killing anyone nor are the targeting government. In Dallas, Ft. Hood, and Louisiana, the killers identified with platforms that are anything but right wing.
The operative association for Long is "Nation of Islam", not the U.S. Armed Forces.

The OP is a stupid hack.
This is what happens when you hook up with BLM or The Black Panthers after getting out.

But they weren't BLM members .

And the new black panthers are a joke . Aka westboro baptists .

We hear this shit all the time.

All vets are crazy

All gun owners are murderers

Conservatives are racist

Anybody that didn't vote for Obama wants to throw their grandmother off a cliff.

Nothing more than typical Moon Bat hate and stupidity.
Remember when Janet was in charge at homeland security and that Memo was leaked about returning vets being at risk for becoming domestic terrorists ? She caught a ton of shit about it .

Maybe she was right after all . Dallas shooter was in Afghanistan , his family said it changed him. Now this Baton Rouge shooter pops up. An Iraq vet . ft Hood guy too.

What is our military doing to these people ?

And there you have it.. blame it on the military.
The subset of piss off militant Blacks is a smaller subset than veterans, by a big margin.

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