Janet Reno Dead

She gave us a nice preview of the next 4 years.
USMB Conservatives....never miss an opportunity to show their class

I hate all the fucking false sentimentality here

Seriously none of you people really care if she died.
You're not going to mourn in fact your life will not be affected in the least little bit
Why would you mourn instead of celebrating what she did? I'm sure she doesnt want people mourning her life. She did way more than the average person fighting against bigotry. That is her legacy.
She didn't do squat

Janet Reno - Wikipedia

More humor thank you

Being the first woman AG is no big deal just being the first woman whatever is no big deal
She did kill a bunch of innocent children in Waco though so...
I heard they were going to cremate her...in an unusual fashion. They are going to load her up into an armored vehicle, fill it full of highly incendiary material, and then ram it into a large building filled with women and children and let it burn.

(#Waco) :(
The murderous bitch is going through the agony of the children she burned alive. Where did we see people being burned alive recently? Oh..yeah ISIS does it. Democrats set the precedent for ISIS to follow.
"Speak out against the hatred, the bigotry and the violence in this land. Most haters are cowards. When confronted, they back down. When we remain silent, they flourish,"

-Janet Reno
"Speak out against the hatred, the bigotry and the violence in this land. Most haters are cowards. When confronted, they back down. When we remain silent, they flourish,"

-Janet Reno
Says the government official who gave the order that resulted in children being slaughtered
"Speak out against the hatred, the bigotry and the violence in this land. Most haters are cowards. When confronted, they back down. When we remain silent, they flourish,"

-Janet Reno

Yes......send in the tank.....another Janet Reno quote......
Another reno quote when bill clinton gave the order to send in the Tank at Waco...

"yes master."
She's roasting in hell now.

If the entire Clinton and Obama families would just croak now, it would be a good day.
Thank you Janet.

Justice Cracks Down on Redlining

"Chevy Chase denies any wrongdoing. The bank says it settled to avoid costly litigation. No matter. The agreement it signed this week sends a clear message to banks across the nation that racial bias, whether artful or naive, is intolerable and that the Justice Department will crack down hard."
Thank you Janet.

Justice Cracks Down on Redlining

"Chevy Chase denies any wrongdoing. The bank says it settled to avoid costly litigation. No matter. The agreement it signed this week sends a clear message to banks across the nation that racial bias, whether artful or naive, is intolerable and that the Justice Department will crack down hard."
After making a joke you shouldn't keep piling on
Thank you Janet.


"We cannot say we have completed our journey when even today, blacks and Hispanics and in many cases women have a harder time getting into college, renting an apartment, getting a job or obtaining a loan,"

- Janet Reno

"We have not completed our journey when the unemployment rate for black males is still twice as high as it is for white males. . . . That's not right."

- Janet Reno

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