January 2019 and the Democrats' Genocidal Effort To Destroy The USA.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.
Race-baiting Dog-whistle Bull$hit thread No. 5,237...

The Dems know they're On Probation and walking on thin ice after getting their butts kicked on November 8, 2016.

The only reason why they picked-up seats is that The Creature in the Oval Office has pi$$ed off damned-near everyone.

That, and being a pathological liar; one that would sell-out America for a quick buck, in a heartbeat.

When crap like that floats to the top and actually manifests AS crap so vividly, even the recent Biggest Losers begin to look good again.

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for letting The Creature get so far out of hand, so that folks feel like they had to vote (D).

But, like The Creature itself, Pubs will delude themselves, and lie, protesting that it was not their fault.

Both sides of the aisle are full of $hit, and never seem to learn, collectively and sustainably, from their mistakes.
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Race-baiting Dog-whistle Bull$hit thread No. 5,237...

The Dems know they're On Probation and walking on thin ice after getting their butts kicked on November 8, 2016.

The only reason why they picked-up seats is that The Creature in the Oval Office has pi$$ed off damned-near everyone.

That, and being a pathological liar; one that would sell-out America for a quick buck, in a heartbeat.

When crap like that floats to the top and actually manifests AS crap so vividly, even the recent Biggest Losers begin to look good again.

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for letting The Creature get so far out of hand, so that folks feel like they had to vote (D).

But, like The Creature itself, Pubs will delude themselves, and lie, protesting that it was not their fault.

Both sides of the aisle are full of $hit, and never seem to learn, collectively and sustainably, from their mistakes.
I would have put it differently, but your way is better and concise. As a left leaner, I am concerned that Democrats will spend too much effort on revenge. I understand the need to restore faith in our national institutions and our national word and our national willingness to stand up for our values before friend or foe. And to restore checks and balances. But in no way do I believe there are no McConnels or even Trumps on the left side of the aisle. We need to stop thinking with our 'guts'.
Race-baiting Dog-whistle Bull$hit thread No. 5,237...

The Dems know they're On Probation and walking on thin ice after getting their butts kicked on November 8, 2016.

The only reason why they picked-up seats is that The Creature in the Oval Office has pi$$ed off damned-near everyone.

That, and being a pathological liar; one that would sell-out America for a quick buck, in a heartbeat.

When crap like that floats to the top and actually manifests AS crap so vividly, even the recent Biggest Losers begin to look good again.

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for letting The Creature get so far out of hand, so that folks feel like they had to vote (D).

But, like The Creature itself, Pubs will delude themselves, and lie, protesting that it was not their fault.

Both sides of the aisle are full of $hit, and never seem to learn, collectively and sustainably, from their mistakes.
I noticed that you didnt put in that over 40 Republicrat Congressman vacated the seat. So when you have multiple recounts where crooked bean counters favor Democrats, it is easy to see how those seats were flipped. But when the Dimocraps start doing impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, for Russian Colllluuuuuuussiiion. In 2020 when Hillary Runs again, the Dipwitocrats are going to lose bigly....again.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.
Race-baiting Dog-whistle Bull$hit thread No. 5,237...

The Dems know they're On Probation and walking on thin ice after getting their butts kicked on November 8, 2016.

The only reason why they picked-up seats is that The Creature in the Oval Office has pi$$ed off damned-near everyone.

That, and being a pathological liar; one that would sell-out America for a quick buck, in a heartbeat.

When crap like that floats to the top and actually manifests AS crap so vividly, even the recent Biggest Losers begin to look good again.

Republicans have nobody to blame but themselves for letting The Creature get so far out of hand, so that folks feel like they had to vote (D).

But, like The Creature itself, Pubs will delude themselves, and lie, protesting that it was not their fault.

Both sides of the aisle are full of $hit, and never seem to learn, collectively and sustainably, from their mistakes.
I noticed that you didnt put in that over 40 Republicrat Congressman vacated the seat. So when you have multiple recounts where crooked bean counters favor Democrats, it is easy to see how those seats were flipped. But when the Dimocraps start doing impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, for Russian Colllluuuuuuussiiion. In 2020 when Hillary Runs again, the Dipwitocrats are going to lose bigly....again.

When does reality ever enter in to play in your world? Everything for you is a conspiracy of some degree.

Dems simply just won.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.

Some of the biggest people behind "Whitey's demise" are actually Western Europeans.

Not a heck of a lot of East, or Southern Europeans supporting such.

But, Anglo-Saxon & Frenchie tend to be uber-pro-White genocide.

Also note those "3 Stooges" were historically among Europe's most violent "Three-some"
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.

Wait, so..... every "invasion" of people, from the Irish, Germans, British etc, has all been about destroying the US, and yet, 200 something years later, it's still there.
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.

Wait, so..... every "invasion" of people, from the Irish, Germans, British etc, has all been about destroying the US, and yet, 200 something years later, it's still there.

Those kind of "Protestants" tend to be Bible Belt trash, they're in fact some of the lowest "Whites" in the country.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.

Republicans also bend-over & take it, by the Brown-Hordes, merely because of the Commerce profits off of the Illegal Immigration ordeal.

The U.S.A has chosen the wrong path, on both sides, point blank.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.

Some of the biggest people behind "Whitey's demise" are actually Western Europeans.

Not a heck of a lot of East, or Southern Europeans supporting such.

But, Anglo-Saxon & Frenchie tend to be uber-pro-White genocide.

Also note those "3 Stooges" were historically among Europe's most violent "Three-some"

Well, Italy, Spain and Portugal have a lot of Native Americas and black people.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.

Some of the biggest people behind "Whitey's demise" are actually Western Europeans.

Not a heck of a lot of East, or Southern Europeans supporting such.

But, Anglo-Saxon & Frenchie tend to be uber-pro-White genocide.

Also note those "3 Stooges" were historically among Europe's most violent "Three-some"

Well, Italy, Spain and Portugal have a lot of Native Americas and black people.

Southern Europe, has a lot less "Brownies" than the West of Europe, and Southern Europe is also much more racist than Western Europe against "Brownies"
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.

Wait, so..... every "invasion" of people, from the Irish, Germans, British etc, has all been about destroying the US, and yet, 200 something years later, it's still there.

Those kind of "Protestants" tend to be Bible Belt trash, they're in fact some of the lowest "Whites" in the country.

So? That still doesn't prove the "theory" that new people coming in is destroying the US. Changing it, yes, destroying it, no.
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.

Wait, so..... every "invasion" of people, from the Irish, Germans, British etc, has all been about destroying the US, and yet, 200 something years later, it's still there.

Those kind of "Protestants" tend to be Bible Belt trash, they're in fact some of the lowest "Whites" in the country.

So? That still doesn't prove the "theory" that new people coming in is destroying the US. Changing it, yes, destroying it, no.

Ulster Irish, Scots, Anglos & Germans tend to be of a lower success stature than other Whites within the U.S.A, at least.
Even in the Northern states, I mean just North of me is "Dover" NY, and it's got more of the types I just listed, and a lot more Poverty, and "Scumbags" it's kind of like Appalachia in Dover.

Meanwhile, South of Dover, NY is mostly Italian & Irish Catholics, who tend to be far wealthier, and successful.

The Indians, Chinese, Koreans, etc. etc. tend to be "Intelligentsia" of their countries, they're slightly more tolerable, than the Mexicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorians etc., who come as peasantry, who don't respect our laws.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.

Some of the biggest people behind "Whitey's demise" are actually Western Europeans.

Not a heck of a lot of East, or Southern Europeans supporting such.

But, Anglo-Saxon & Frenchie tend to be uber-pro-White genocide.

Also note those "3 Stooges" were historically among Europe's most violent "Three-some"

Well, Italy, Spain and Portugal have a lot of Native Americas and black people.

Southern Europe, has a lot less "Brownies" than the West of Europe, and Southern Europe is also much more racist than Western Europe against "Brownies"

Does it?

Now, you go to some Italian cities, there are a lot of black people. Granada in Spain has quite a few black people selling stuff, or at least it did when I was there. Madrid has a lot of Latin Americans, in fact you can find them in lots of places.

Demographics of Spain - Wikipedia

Spain has 798,000 Romanians, 773,000 Moroccans, 316,000 Ecuadorians, 250,000 Columbians, 183,000 Bolivians, 171,000 Chinese, for a country that is only 40 million people....

Madrid has 6.4 million people. Ecuadorian: 104,184, Romanian: 52,875, Bolivian: 44,044, Colombian: 35,971, Peruvian: 35,083, Chinese: 34,666, Moroccan: 32,498, Dominican: 19,602, Brazilian: 14,583, and Paraguayan: 14,308.

Italy too has 604,000 Romanians, 646,000 North Africans, 501,000 Albanians, 265,000 Chinese, 499,000 Asians who aren't Chinese, 324,000 Sub Saharan Africans, 285,000 Latin Americans and 782,000 "other".
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.

Wait, so..... every "invasion" of people, from the Irish, Germans, British etc, has all been about destroying the US, and yet, 200 something years later, it's still there.

Those kind of "Protestants" tend to be Bible Belt trash, they're in fact some of the lowest "Whites" in the country.

So? That still doesn't prove the "theory" that new people coming in is destroying the US. Changing it, yes, destroying it, no.

Ulster Irish, Scots, Anglos & Germans tend to be of a lower success stature than other Whites within the U.S.A, at least.
Even in the Northern states, I mean just North of me is "Dover" NY, and it's got more of the types I just listed, and a lot more Poverty, and "Scumbags" it's kind of like Appalachia in Dover.

Meanwhile, South of Dover, NY is mostly Italian & Irish Catholics, who tend to be far wealthier, and successful.

The Indians, Chinese, Koreans, etc. etc. tend to be "Intelligentsia" of their countries, they're slightly more tolerable, than the Mexicans, Guatemalans, Salvadorians etc., who come as peasantry, who don't respect our laws.

And still the US was not destroyed.
Not sure if I am looking forward to Democrats being honest in their diabolical hatred for Whitey or that justice might prevail to lock them up.

Wait, so..... every "invasion" of people, from the Irish, Germans, British etc, has all been about destroying the US, and yet, 200 something years later, it's still there.
Perhaps because previous waves of immigration were from Europe, piling on top of other immigrants who had been here a few generations?

Nowadays, it's the heirs of Azteca, and the cultures simply don't mix very well.
The thing is, actual, intelligent, educated Americans see President Trump as the last chance for America and Western Civilization. If Crooked Hillary, Mueller, etc. are not in court and facing life in prison...then that is the end. Welcome the genocide of Whitey and the conversion of the USA into a filthy brown, shithole.

Republicans also bend-over & take it, by the Brown-Hordes, merely because of the Commerce profits off of the Illegal Immigration ordeal.

The U.S.A has chosen the wrong path, on both sides, point blank.

Well put. An irrefutable truth, so far

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