January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

I can prove what I post .......Now, since you have been called on your BS you are making demands of others who oppose you."

This is getting silly and nonsensical.
Look, mi amigo Catman..... YOU asserted I lied in this forum.
I asked you to show some of those lies.....falsehoods intended to deceive.

Now you whine I shouldn't have asked you to make your word good.

I demur, partner. Adult Swim doesn't work that way.
YOU said it. I didn't say it.

So batter up, Slim.
Show the forum you know what you are talking about, that you have some gravitas.
If you are looking for an affidavit or an under oath video of Babbit claiming such, well.......you'll be disappointed.
However, Babbit was part of a violent mob that had been savagely beating uniformed police officers on the steps and in the entryways of the Capitol building. The officers upstairs were aware of the "Officer down" calls coming in on their earpieces. They knew this mob violently breaking the door that separated them weren't coming in to get autographs.
Watch the friggin' video......the people were violently smashing a door in the Capitol of the United States of America.
And then, importantly, the officers were shouting to back away, to leave, to not enter. AND....also importantly.....a gun was brandished before Babbit charged at the officers behind the barricade, and it was loudly shouted by Babbit's mob cohort that a gun was being aimed.
Yet she jumped towards the officers. And became DOA. Earned her toe-tag honors.

Ashli Babbit is dead because of Ashli Babbit.
And I'm sure her family is tired of the RWNJ-universe dragging her corpse around the internet in order to try to make a tired point.
Have some respect for the too-soon dead, poster Oldestyle

As poster Schmidlap duly noted, the Elmer Fudds of this world quickly run out of ammo. They are newbies and naifs about having enough ammo. Or enough gun to handle the response. Naïve nimrods.
Sad, really.
But it does foster a fair amount of snickering and snarking.
God bless their little souls.


Man, that poor horse is being beaten into horseradish.
But hell, Skippy, lets saddle 'er up again.

'Unprepared for the protest'.
Ummm, there was not to be a 'protest'.
There was to be a 'political rally'. Two miles away.
The only permit applied for ----and issued ----was for that 'rah-rah-rah rally' two miles away at the Ellipse.

The Capitol Police were not warned by the Administration, by the rally organizers, or Don Trump and his enablers........that he would order the crowd assembled at the Ellipse to march at our legislators two miles away.

Nor were the Capitol Police warned by the Administration that they knew a significant number of the 'rally goers' were armed. Or that they intended to violently assault the thin blue line of officers in order to vandalize our Capitol and, most importantly, halt the Constitutionally mandated count of the Electoral votes.

He, on camera, directed and advised the crowds to enter into the capital and then disappeared from the case. A coward as well as a traitor, something that I am sure you can relate to.
I'll ignore the childish ad hominem because you're clearly desperate.

The Legend of Whispering Ray, the man who can control hundreds of weak minds, was amusing.

Those who contrived it to be parroted have still not been able to support their confection with any actual evidence. Of course, "evidence" is not required for mindless beliefs.

Mr Epps was one of the thousands of MAGA loyalists who believed Trump's lie that the 2020 election had been stolen. He also thought he and a throng of conservative allies would protest the election's certification.
The night before the Capitol riot on Jan 6, Mr Epps told a crowd of fellow Trump supporters that they should enter the Capitol. This exchange was caught on video. He did not call for violence, and later claimed that he was encouraging a peaceful protest inside the building.
Nearly 900 people have been arrested for their participation in the failed insurrection that occurred the following day. Though Mr Epps is not among that number, he has nonetheless become the focus of a MAGA-world conspiracy theory placing the blame for the entire debacle squarely on his shoulders.
Since the Capitol riot, his life has been turned upside down by the very people he once marched alongside.
After failing to pin the Capitol riot on Antifa, right-wing media outlets refocused their efforts to reshape their narrative around Mr Epps. According to the New York Times, obscure right-wing outlets like Revolver Media began reporting on selectively-edited videos of Mr Epps during the Capitol riot, and later capitalized on the footage from 5 January in which he called for people to enter the Capitol.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson, picked up on the story, thrusting Mr Epps into the mainstream conservative consciousness. Republican lawmakers including Senator Ted Cruz and Representatives Thomas Massie, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Matt Gaetz leapt on the theory in their efforts to reframe the Capitol riot narrative.
Trump himself eventually signed onto the conspiracy theory, feeding the man who believed his lies into the right-wing conspiracy machine's ever hungry maw.

Days after the Capitol riot, Mr Epps learned that the FBI was treating him as a person of interest in its then nascent investigation into the riot. He immediately called the agency and agreed to call them to discuss what had happened.
During their talks, Mr Epps insisted that he had remained peaceful and had instructed other rioters to do the same. Video footage that was eventually edited and used to suggest Mr Epps was inciting violence actually showed that he was trying to talk down other protesters who were getting angry.
In one video, he tells another protester, Ryan Samsel, to relax and reminds him that the Capitol police were doing their jobs. According to the Times, Mr Samsel was questioned by the FBI and fully corroborated Mr Epps' version of events.
The Trump cult has ruthlessly sacrificed one of their own to contrive a ridiculous pretense tht no rational person would ever swallow.
What I found most disturbing about Babbit's murder is that prior to her shooting Capitol Police stepped aside from in front of the doors she was trying to breach seemingly inviting the protestors to break through those doors while at the same time the officer who shot and killed Babbit hid out of sight waiting to jump out and shoot someone. If you did that at your house you'd be arrested and charged with murder. You say that it was "unfortunate"? I say that's a gross understatement. You don't shoot to kill in a situation that involves unarmed protesters. I'm sorry...you just don't. You didn't see that in the dozens of violent protests all across the nation for the better part of a year yet you did at the Capital. Babbit didn't deserve to die that day. The "committee" won't be investigating THAT part of the riot though because quite frankly they don't CARE that she got shot! They don't CARE that the Capitol Police were woefully unprepared for the protest despite being told it had the potential to get violent. The only thing they care about is using their political power to attack Donald Trump with a show trial in which inconvenient questions about Jan. 6th aren't allowed.
Is there video of the Capitol police stepping aside? Every one of the terrorists in that building should have been shot. Signs, cops and broken windows and doors were more than adequate warning that they shouldn`t be there. You think?
What I found most disturbing about Babbit's murder is that prior to her shooting Capitol Police stepped aside from in front of the doors she was trying to breach seemingly inviting the protestors to break through those doors while at the same time the officer who shot and killed Babbit hid out of sight waiting to jump out and shoot someone. If you did that at your house you'd be arrested and charged with murder. You say that it was "unfortunate"? I say that's a gross understatement. You don't shoot to kill in a situation that involves unarmed protesters. I'm sorry...you just don't. You didn't see that in the dozens of violent protests all across the nation for the better part of a year yet you did at the Capital. Babbit didn't deserve to die that day. The "committee" won't be investigating THAT part of the riot though because quite frankly they don't CARE that she got shot! They don't CARE that the Capitol Police were woefully unprepared for the protest despite being told it had the potential to get violent. The only thing they care about is using their political power to attack Donald Trump with a show trial in which inconvenient questions about Jan. 6th aren't allowed.

That mob was already trying to break in before those cops stepped aside. Which they had to do for their own safety.

This is getting silly and nonsensical.
Look, mi amigo Catman..... YOU asserted I lied in this forum.
I asked you to show some of those lies.....falsehoods intended to deceive.

Now you whine I shouldn't have asked you to make your word good.

I demur, partner. Adult Swim doesn't work that way.
YOU said it. I didn't say it.

So batter up, Slim.
Show the forum you know what you are talking about, that you have some gravitas.
As stated in prior posts, all of you posts contain lies but I don't want to encourage you by reposting them.

So, for the mean time, I will spend my time conversing with someone with intelligence, which leaves you out.
As stated in prior posts, all of you posts contain lies but I don't want to encourage you by reposting them.

Well then, it appears the above poster, Catman, cannot make his own word good.
Cannot show the lies he accuses other of making.
He whiffs. Chickens out.

Is he an empty suit?
Is he a fake? A phony?
I dunno.....but I could see how some could argue that he is.

It's sad.
I'll ignore the childish ad hominem because you're clearly desperate.

The Legend of Whispering Ray, the man who can control hundreds of weak minds, was amusing.

Those who contrived it to be parroted have still not been able to support their confection with any actual evidence. Of course, "evidence" is not required for mindless beliefs.

Mr Epps was one of the thousands of MAGA loyalists who believed Trump's lie that the 2020 election had been stolen. He also thought he and a throng of conservative allies would protest the election's certification.
The night before the Capitol riot on Jan 6, Mr Epps told a crowd of fellow Trump supporters that they should enter the Capitol. This exchange was caught on video. He did not call for violence, and later claimed that he was encouraging a peaceful protest inside the building.
Nearly 900 people have been arrested for their participation in the failed insurrection that occurred the following day. Though Mr Epps is not among that number, he has nonetheless become the focus of a MAGA-world conspiracy theory placing the blame for the entire debacle squarely on his shoulders.
Since the Capitol riot, his life has been turned upside down by the very people he once marched alongside.
After failing to pin the Capitol riot on Antifa, right-wing media outlets refocused their efforts to reshape their narrative around Mr Epps. According to the New York Times, obscure right-wing outlets like Revolver Media began reporting on selectively-edited videos of Mr Epps during the Capitol riot, and later capitalized on the footage from 5 January in which he called for people to enter the Capitol.
Fox News' Tucker Carlson, picked up on the story, thrusting Mr Epps into the mainstream conservative consciousness. Republican lawmakers including Senator Ted Cruz and Representatives Thomas Massie, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Matt Gaetz leapt on the theory in their efforts to reframe the Capitol riot narrative.
Trump himself eventually signed onto the conspiracy theory, feeding the man who believed his lies into the right-wing conspiracy machine's ever hungry maw.

Days after the Capitol riot, Mr Epps learned that the FBI was treating him as a person of interest in its then nascent investigation into the riot. He immediately called the agency and agreed to call them to discuss what had happened.
During their talks, Mr Epps insisted that he had remained peaceful and had instructed other rioters to do the same. Video footage that was eventually edited and used to suggest Mr Epps was inciting violence actually showed that he was trying to talk down other protesters who were getting angry.
In one video, he tells another protester, Ryan Samsel, to relax and reminds him that the Capitol police were doing their jobs. According to the Times, Mr Samsel was questioned by the FBI and fully corroborated Mr Epps' version of events.
The Trump cult has ruthlessly sacrificed one of their own to contrive a ridiculous pretense tht no rational person would ever swallow.
Typical of a democrats attempt at diversion. If they claim it didn't happen, that is all these continuous liars and the minions desire to say it is the truth. I am beginning to hope that the Republicans do retake the house and senate and decide to treat you like you treat other people.

BTW, editing a video is a liberal tactic, so it must have been done by your side., as if there were ever a doubt.
Well then, it appears the above poster, Catman, cannot make his own word good.
Cannot show the lies he accuses other of making.
He whiffs. Chickens out.

Is he an empty suit?
Is he a fake? A phony?
I dunno.....but I could see how some could argue that he is.

It's sad.
Yes you are sad. Even your lies, such as the one above, are pathetic. But then so are you in your feeble attempts to sound intelligent. This works only with those like you that cannot think for themselves.

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