January 6 Committee eviscerates Trump

If you are looking for an affidavit or an under oath video of Babbit claiming such, well.......you'll be disappointed.
However, Babbit was part of a violent mob that had been savagely beating uniformed police officers on the steps and in the entryways of the Capitol building. The officers upstairs were aware of the "Officer down" calls coming in on their earpieces. They knew this mob violently breaking the door that separated them weren't coming in to get autographs.
Watch the friggin' video......the people were violently smashing a door in the Capitol of the United States of America.
And then, importantly, the officers were shouting to back away, to leave, to not enter. AND....also importantly.....a gun was brandished before Babbit charged at the officers behind the barricade, and it was loudly shouted by Babbit's mob cohort that a gun was being aimed.
Yet she jumped towards the officers. And became DOA. Earned her toe-tag honors.

Ashli Babbit is dead because of Ashli Babbit.
And I'm sure her family is tired of the RWNJ-universe dragging her corpse around the internet in order to try to make a tired point.
Have some respect for the too-soon dead, poster Oldestyle

As poster Schmidlap duly noted, the Elmer Fudds of this world quickly run out of ammo. They are newbies and naifs about having enough ammo. Or enough gun to handle the response. Naïve nimrods.
Sad, really.
But it does foster a fair amount of snickering and snarking.
God bless their little souls.


Man, that poor horse is being beaten into horseradish.
But hell, Skippy, lets saddle 'er up again.

'Unprepared for the protest'.
Ummm, there was not to be a 'protest'.
There was to be a 'political rally'. Two miles away.
The only permit applied for ----and issued ----was for that 'rah-rah-rah rally' two miles away at the Ellipse.

The Capitol Police were not warned by the Administration, by the rally organizers, or Don Trump and his enablers........that he would order the crowd assembled at the Ellipse to march at our legislators two miles away.

Nor were the Capitol Police warned by the Administration that they knew a significant number of the 'rally goers' were armed. Or that they intended to violently assault the thin blue line of officers in order to vandalize our Capitol and, most importantly, halt the Constitutionally mandated count of the Electoral votes.

So because people in another part of the protest assaulted Police...that gave the officer who waited in hiding the right to shoot an unarmed protester that HADN'T assaulted anyone in a totally different location?

I did watch the video. I saw the protesters that were with Babbit let three Police officers walk away from the doors without doing a thing to them. So much for a "violent" mob! I saw an empty hallway beyond the doors. You claim there were Police on the other side of the door warning people not to come through the doors! Did you watch the video? When did that take place? That hallway is clear. The plainclothes Officer who comes out of hiding to shoot Babbit is out of sight to the left of the door and he's not saying a thing. The only warning that Babbitt gets that someone has a gun comes from fellow protesters who see the Capitol Police Officer jump out from the side of the door with his gun brandished and start screaming about someone with a gun. Seconds later he fires the shot that kills Babbit. Chances are...she never even saw the gun that killed her until it was being fired at her. Your claim that Babbit "jumped" towards the officer is patently false. She was still in the process of kicking out the window when she was shot...still on the other side of the doors. She didn't "jump" towards anyone!
She was warned to get back. She should have heeded the police's warning.
Who warned her to get back? I've listened to the tape many times. I've seen the video. The officer who shoots Babbit gives no warning before he fires. He waited in hiding until she was kicking the window out and then he comes from the side and fires one shot without saying a word.
Is there video of the Capitol police stepping aside? Every one of the terrorists in that building should have been shot. Signs, cops and broken windows and doors were more than adequate warning that they shouldn`t be there. You think?
Have you seriously never watched the video of what happened? Before you make more of a fool of yourself than you now are...don't you think you should?
Typical of a democrats attempt at diversion. If they claim it didn't happen, that is all these continuous liars and the minions desire to say it is the truth. I am beginning to hope that the Republicans do retake the house and senate and decide to treat you like you treat other people.

BTW, editing a video is a liberal tactic, so it must have been done by your side., as if there were ever a doubt.
I am entirely open to the Legend of Whispering Ray, the man who can control hundreds of weak minds, but, like the myth of a stolen "Landslide!" - about which no credible evidence has been contrived, either - it is, to quote a conservative Republican, as I often do to the consternation of fanatical RINOs of Trumpery,

Screen Shot 2022-07-20 at 7.22.21 PM.png

That mob was already trying to break in before those cops stepped aside. Which they had to do for their own safety.
Were any of those Police Officers injured in any way by the protesters? The truth is...you have ZERO way of knowing if they would have been if they hadn't stepped aside! You're assuming they would have turned violent based on what?
Who warned her to get back? I've listened to the tape many times. I've seen the video. The officer who shoots Babbit gives no warning before he fires. He waited in hiding until she was kicking the window out and then he comes from the side and fires one shot without saying a word.
Signs, barricades and broken windows were more than enough warning. Suicide was her choice and It`s a shame that more of the terrorists weren`t shot.
Typical of a democrats attempt at diversion. If they claim it didn't happen, that is all these continuous liars and the minions desire to say it is the truth. I am beginning to hope that the Republicans do retake the house and senate and decide to treat you like you treat other people.

BTW, editing a video is a liberal tactic, so it must have been done by your side., as if there were ever a doubt.


Yeah, no one on the right ever edits videos.

So because people in another part of the protest assaulted Police...that gave the officer who waited in hiding the right to shoot an unarmed protester that HADN'T assaulted anyone in a totally different location?

I did watch the video. I saw the protesters that were with Babbit let three Police officers walk away from the doors without doing a thing to them. So much for a "violent" mob! I saw an empty hallway beyond the doors. You claim there were Police on the other side of the door warning people not to come through the doors! Did you watch the video? When did that take place? That hallway is clear. The plainclothes Officer who comes out of hiding to shoot Babbit is out of sight to the left of the door and he's not saying a thing. The only warning that Babbitt gets that someone has a gun comes from fellow protesters who see the Capitol Police Officer jump out from the side of the door with his gun brandished and start screaming about someone with a gun. Seconds later he fires the shot that kills Babbit. Chances are...she never even saw the gun that killed her until it was being fired at her. Your claim that Babbit "jumped" towards the officer is patently false. She was still in the process of kicking out the window when she was shot...still on the other side of the doors. She didn't "jump" towards anyone!

You're lying, of course. The truth is that violent was in the process of trying to break through those doors an windows despite 3 cops standing in front of the doors. And some in that mob were threatening the cops. So they stepped aside to leave.

And you're lying about her kicking in the window. She never tiuched the window as it was already broken out by another terrorist. She was climbing through the window frame to break past thr Police barricade when she was shot.

You're also lying about Ashes Targetpractice not being warned to get back. Yes, she was warned. While that may not be audible on the phone where someone recorded, Thomas Baranyi, who was standing right next to Benedict Babbitt when she got shot, said he heard the warnings and the she deed not heed them...

Who warned her to get back? I've listened to the tape many times. I've seen the video. The officer who shoots Babbit gives no warning before he fires. He waited in hiding until she was kicking the window out and then he comes from the side and fires one shot without saying a word.

How can you live with yourself being such an unabashed liar? I myself have shown this to you in the past...

"A number of police and secret service were saying, 'get back', 'get down', 'get out of the way,' she didn't heed the call and as we kind of raced up to grab people and pull 'em back, they shot her in the neck." ~ Thomas Baranyi, 1.6.21

... meaning you know what you're saying is a lie.
Were any of those Police Officers injured in any way by the protesters? The truth is...you have ZERO way of knowing if they would have been if they hadn't stepped aside! You're assuming they would have turned violent based on what?

140 cops were injured that day and those particular cops were being threatened as the violent mob tried to break the doors down.

At what point do you hold Ashes Targetpractice responsible for her own actions?
I am entirely open to the Legend of Whispering Ray, the man who can control hundreds of weak minds, but, like the myth of a stolen "Landslide!" - about which no credible evidence has been contrived, either - it is, to quote a conservative Republican, as I often do to the consternation of fanatical RINOs of Trumpery,

View attachment 672537
The only thing that you are "totally open" to is your own lies and bullshit.

Has Epps ever been questioned or arrested after the videos of his participation? No? I guess that makes you the biggest liar in this conversation. No surprise.
Signs, barricades and broken windows were more than enough warning. Suicide was her choice and It`s a shame that more of the terrorists weren`t shot.
So destruction of property is now justification for execution to you on the left? Where was that during the year plus of liberal riots that destroyed billions of dollars of businesses and public infrastructure? How many unarmed protesters were shot at THOSE protests by Police for destroying property? Was there one?
140 cops were injured that day and those particular cops were being threatened as the violent mob tried to break the doors down.

At what point do you hold Ashes Targetpractice responsible for her own actions?
Simple question for you...how many of those 140 were injured by Babbit? What Police officer was being threatened when the protesters tried to break through the doors? They'd just let three of them walk away telling them they DIDN'T want anyone to get hurt!

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