January 6 Committee Wins “Thorough” Victory Against RNC In Landmark Court Ruling

Deny or delay our so called victor, otherwise who may not have been a victor at all right ?

Denial of hearings or trials, and then having kangaroo hearings to replace where officials were actually caught using witness intimidation against those who were brought forward in good faith, otherwise to give testimony to the fact that irregularities existed to an extent that a full investigation was warranted but was denide.
That all BETTER begin to change next January.
U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly of Washington rejected the RNC’s claims that its and the Trump campaign’s information was protected under the First Amendment. Kelly also affirmed the committee's Constitutionally-granted legislative power to obtain the records and found that judges cannot interfere with how lawmakers obtain and use information.

The RNC has until Wednesday to appeal this fake story, to a fake appeals court.
A federal judge in liberal Washington rejected something from the RNC and Trump. How surprising. Dumfounded. Bewildered. Now it goes to the next level of court and up to the Supreme Court.
U.S. District Judge Timothy J. Kelly of Washington rejected the RNC’s claims that its and the Trump campaign’s information was protected under the First Amendment. Kelly also affirmed the committee's Constitutionally-granted legislative power to obtain the records and found that judges cannot interfere with how lawmakers obtain and use information.

The RNC has until Wednesday to appeal this fake story, to a fake appeals court.
Justice is blind and moves slowly.

The RNC and Trump play to that. But history will show how pathetically corrupt they've been
Justice is blind and moves slowly.

The RNC and Trump play to that. But history will show how pathetically corrupt they've been
Liberals are corrupt and you all embrace that. But history will expose every it for to the bright disinfecting light of day. Your corruption will be your blight.
Liberals are corrupt and you all embrace that. But history will expose every it for to the bright disinfecting light of day. Your corruption will be your blight.
History is not in your side. Get a refund in any education you may have paid for.
History is not in your side. Get a refund in any education you may have paid for.
History is on my side. Yours is obviously second rate. And that whole thing about “learning how to think for yourself” was a real dead end for you and your fellow libtards. ((Run to Democrat Underground or the Daily KOS to get your instructions on how to try to respond.))
History is on my side. Yours is obviously second rate. And that whole thing about “learning how to think for yourself” was a real dead end for you and your fellow libtards. ((Run to Democrat Underground or the Daily KOS to get your instructions on how to try to respond.))
Victory for Truth, Justice, and the American Way!!!
History is on my side. Yours is obviously second rate. And that whole thing about “learning how to think for yourself” was a real dead end for you and your fellow libtards. ((Run to Democrat Underground or the Daily KOS to get your instructions on how to try to respond.))
DU? lol

I was banned there in record time — years ago. You obviously live in a very small bubble of a world. Good luck going forward. You’ll need it

History is on my side. Yours is obviously second rate. And that whole thing about “learning how to think for yourself” was a real dead end for you and your fellow libtards. ((Run to Democrat Underground or the Daily KOS to get your instructions on how to try to respond.))
History is on your side, but not science. See signature. Just saying. :cool:
President Trump set those people up for harm. He cowardly stayed away, and has done nothing to help those he harmed.
President Trump set those people up for harm. He cowardly stayed away, and has done nothing to help those he harmed.
Well, he wanted to lead his people into battle but the 'Duh-Heap' State SS guards prevented it.
Proof is in the pudding. When did He do anything to get the folks imprisoned and tortured to safety? At the protest, He was still President. What did He do?
His call for a protest was an invitation to a set up.
If Trump did any of this, why isn't he in jail? Allegations are just that. PROOF, my dear, we want proof.
Why should the system complain? President Trump played straight into their hands. They got His followers in jail, which is what President Trump set them up for.
On another note, President Trump set up millions of people to be damaged by His precious covid drugs..... take note that He made the drug company exempt from all liability. And He has not confessed His guilt in His covid scam or even hinted at one drop of repentance.
Furthermore, He killed people in Syria, stole Syrian Oil, burned wheat fields, killed ambassadors. If you folks love all that, go ahead. But, remember, He is simply a puppet for anti-Christs.

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