January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day


How many other fake stories will you create.

Babbitt was on the Floor.
Babbitt was on her hands and knees.

Which is it?

FACTS are:

She was in the window, one leap/step away from entry to the other side.
She was told to STOP. She didn't.
They do s flip through the broken glass eubdow and land on their feet inside, poised snd ready to be a lethal threat
She died because of the democratic coward bird. She means nothing to you. Happy Patriots Day
She's dead because she believed Trump's lies. It couldn't have been you but you were too busy keeping your mushy ass at home, pissing on the rim of the toilet
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Is she listened to her family who urged her not to go instead of listening to the deranged rants of a psychopath, she'd be alive today.

The person who is responsible for Babbit's death, is TRUMP
Making nutjobs clutch for the moldy straw with his name on it every time, occupying rent free-space in what passes for minds of "conservatives"
Are those the wackos who believe a man can become a woman by proclamation…the loonies who believe dark people, faggots and trannies are Americas greatest assets?
Those “nutjobs”?

She's dead because she believed Trump's lies. It couldn't have been you but you were too busy keeping your mushy ass at home, pissing on the rim of the toilet
All you cowards should get together today and celebrate Ashley's death. Patriots day!
This "Happy Patriots Day" shit cracks me up. This was when a day when bunch of lawbreakers who love cosplaying with firearms, engaged in stupid shit, and when one stupid woman got shot, hit the road faster than Trump could say "bone spurs". And then later blamed it on FBI, Antifa, and BLM.

Funny as hell.
This "Happy Patriots Day" shit cracks me up. This was when a bunch of lawbreakers who love cosplaying with firearms, engaged in stupid shit, and when one stupid woman got shot, hit the road faster than Trump could say "bone spurs". And then later blamed it on FBI, Antifa, and BLM.

Funny as hell.
A day to celebrate for cowards who celebrate the death of an unarmed woman at the hands of dishonest Democrats. Patriots day! A day for those who suck BLM dick and don't understand what it means to make America great again. Cowards! Happy Patriots Day

Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'm sorry she was so brainwashed that she engaged in self-destructive behavior. If I had been her husband I would have filed lawsuits against organizers of the riot, even the president himself.

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