January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

She died because of the democratic coward bird. She means nothing to you. Happy Patriots Day
She died because she was an avid conspiracy theorist and was a prime candidate for Trumps stolen election lies.

Hard to believe she lived as long as she did
What kept you from being a "patriot" like Ashlie? My bet is you were short on gas money
Patriots Day is a day to celebrate the cowardice of the people who would murder a young Patriot like Ashley Babbitt! Congratulations!

She died because she was an avid conspiracy theorist and was a prime candidate for Trumps stolen election lies.

Hard to believe she lived as long as she did
She died because of the cowardice of your side of the aisle, dishonest Democrat. Bird was sent down there to murder her, it's obvious to any intelligent person who watched the video. Happy Patriots Day, don't be like officer bird the murderer.

George Washington was MAGA. He fought the same tyranny Biden has placed on America
Washington wanted independence from Britain. And we weren't the United States when the Revolutionary War was going on.
Washington wouldn't have tolerated the type of insurrection that went on J6th. He would have seen it as treason. :)

Nice try..but try again.
Washington wanted independence from Britain. And we weren't the United States when the Revolutionary War was going on.
Washington wouldn't have tolerated the type of insurrection that went on J6th. He would have seen it as treason. :)

Nice try..but try again.
Washington wanted independence period
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I'm sorry she was so brainwashed that she engaged in self-destructive behavior. If I had been her husband I would have filed lawsuits against organizers of the riot, even the president himself.
You're not sorry, you are a coward. You would never do anything to make this country great again. Her husband has a good case. Happy Patriots Day
She's dead because she believed Trump's lies. It couldn't have been you but you were too busy keeping your mushy ass at home, pissing on the rim of the toilet

Oh, don't you know that he is of those who let's others fight his battles. He will talk about fighting, but he just another keyboard coward.
Are those the wackos who believe a man can become a woman by proclamation…the loonies who believe dark people, faggots and trannies are Americas greatest assets?
Those “nutjobs”?

No, nutjobs who follow laws according to convenience and are in thrall to the loser leader of their cult. You know, like your own avatar shows.


Lost the 2020 election, helped the Senate go Dem, and made the threatened 2022 Red Wave(!) a red dribble. Leading to America seeing what the GOP does in the House - and hear it from your own...

And you know the funniest thing of all? It was YOUR Dear Leader who screwed things up so badly that HE helped a Black man become Senator in Georgia, making McConnell Senate Minority Leader, with a Black woman to cast the tie-breaking vote. I love it.


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