January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

hit in the neck.....lol...so funny listening to you slaves to a 40 hr job...lolol....what a pathetic life..i hope your most cherished female loved one is shot to fucking death by a democrat
She was shot in the neck, asshat. By a policeman who ordered her to stand down. And she didn't. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
There is NO WAY you are smart enough to be self employed.
Internet tough guys get me all tingly.
Your one brain cell?

lolol.shot in the neck...lolol.i pray you go through what her parents have gone...again, you guys love chilfren so a parent you are not

you god damned worthless 40 hr slave..if you are so smart....why have you depended your whole life to eat on someone elses.what a misearble existence
Yes, son. Shot in the neck. I saw the video before they took it down. It wasn't pretty. But she bought the lie. She was a veteran. She should have known better.
Not sure what the rest of your ramblings have to do with the subject at hand.
Yes, son. Shot in the neck. I saw the video before they took it down. It wasn't pretty. But she bought the lie. She was a veteran. She should have known better.
Not sure what the rest of your ramblings have to do with the subject at hand.
There was NO reason to shoot her. That FACT will never change.
There was NO reason to shoot her. That FACT will never change.
She was ordered to stand down. She didn't. If she had made it through the door, she would have unlocked it and set the mob on the representatives trying to flee.

She bought the lie and paid for it with her life. The fault for that, lies with your Savior. Those are FACTS, and they are not in dispute.
lolol.i love how you 40 he a week slaves who never made more than a pittance tell me anything......i laugh at you miserable people

lolol......waking up every morning trudging along to make pennies....then here is all you have...man....lololol
You seem to be in denial and trying desperately to change the subject. Ashli Babbitt was not shot in the back.
I don't give a shit what lie you tell yourself when you get up in the morning. It's got nothing to do with the subject at hand. :)
So was the fraud. A lot happening with that. But we will finally hear why it was justifiable. And the opposing attorney will rip them a new asshole for trying.
Nothing happened with either of those.

You lost. And she was justifiably killed.
my god reading this shit......i'd take my oen life if i thought like you 40 hr slaves without pot to piss in give an opinion....................lololol..........3 rs after you retire you'd be fucking dead....lolol
Oh sweet Jesus, put the fucking bottle down. :auiqs.jpg:
You're starting to worry me with your disassociation. :)
she was not shot in the back...ok...in the neck...loloL
let me ask you something, if both of your lungs coLlapse and you miss16 meager paychecks...would you make it

this is the reason i cannot take any of you tax eaters SERIOUSLY....SHOP RATS

lolol...............what a thread...i'm done for tonight....this is your life here son, along wit a 40 hr a week slave job

it is so obvious.lol
I would say having a good network and contacts to pick up jobs as an independent contractor (as I have been at times in the past) puts me in a good position to continue my standard of living.
Again, this has nothing to do with Babbitt not being shot in the back or the fact that she should have stood down (if she did, she'd still be alive).

40 hours a week? I haven't worked a 40 hour week in over 20 years. I'd say closer to a 60-80 hour week on average...but I make really good money...so, there's that. :)

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