January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

I sometimes think about Ashli freezing in Hell, and it always cheers me up.

Yes, freezing. Traitors go to the icy ninth circle.

It also cheers me up to know that many other MAGA traitors have joined her and will keep joining her.
he shot a woman in the fucking back...unarmed, you god damned fucking coward
Only to those who want to see this country and its Constitution dismantled...all in reverence to a dictator.
I promise you, in 10 years, people will look back on that day in horror (as most already do).
Only the zealots will celebrate that day.
she was unarmed and shot in the back you weak god damned worthless piece of fucking shat
he shot a woman in the fucking back...unarmed, you god damned fucking coward
Actually, she got hit in the neck. She was facing the officer when he fired, trying to climb the door to crawl through the broken top window. I saw it before they scrubbed the video from the Internet.
I don't know. Is it patriotic to gather large numbers together to stop the Vice-President from doing his constitutionally mandated duty?
Remember Ashli Babbitt, never forgive those who took her life at the point of a discharged handgun carried by a thug. MAGA2024 is coming - and remember Ashli Babbitt when you vote.

Let’s dig the bitch up and shoot her again for her insurrection.
Dang, you suck at lying.

Look at you, telling us to believe a commie traitor shithuman like you over our own lying eyes.

Given how many decades you've been lying for the glory of MotherRussia, you have no excuse for being this bad at it.
mother russia....lolol.i love how you have no idea what is going on....you deserve punching that god damned time card your whole life
Actually, she got hit in the neck. She was facing the officer when he fired, trying to climb the door to crawl through the broken top window. I saw it before they scrubbed the video from the Internet.
hit in the neck.....lol...so funny listening to you slaves to a 40 hr job...lolol....what a pathetic life..i hope your most cherished female loved one is shot to fucking death by a democrat
LOL Dante is not church canon law.
Fine. If it makes you feel better, Ashli is screaming in agony for eternity as she roasts in the fires of the pit.

The flamey part is in the Bible.

Freeze or roast, it still makes me happy.

Nice deflection though, you got caught citing fiction
The Bible is fiction too, dumbass.

Even by Trump cult standards, you're stupid, and that's saying something.
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