January 6 is Patriots Day ------ January 6 Will Forever Be Ashli Babbitt Day

If you're going to go back to my posts and quote them why don't you do a screenshot and save us all a bunch of work? Seems like the logical thing to do.
Quotes have their links built in, it's easy to check them.
Is exactly why they need to let the professionals do the investigating. Your “call to arms” as it were, by a bunch of amateur yahoos getting their jollies by handing over random names of people to the FBI could cause problems for people
Actually, the authorities have welcomed the Sedition Hunters efforts. As has been reported, this is the largest investigation in the history of the DOJ. Reports that over 3,000 illegally entered the Capitol, and many others who didn't enter yet participated in savaging uniformed officers outside.

The numbers are overwhelming. And with so few perpetrators apprehended on site....the best way of identifying who did what is with the video evidence of security cams, body cams, news cams, and selfies by participants and perps.

And that totals hundreds of thousands of hours of video.
But, fortunately, for America there is this dedicated loosely organized informal group of computer wonks who have embraced the challenge like Xbox gamers. They have become a community. And, when a perp has been isolated in the videos, and somehow someway somebody is able to identify the name of the individual.....well, that is turned over to the professionals at the FBI/DOJ. In short, they supplement the work of the authorities, but it is the authorities who finalize it and make the decision to go talk to the suspect....or not.

A good account of this patriotic work being done by the Sedition Hunters is this book:

Sedition Hunters, by Ryan Reilly

Check it out on Amazon. Here is Amazon's description:

"The attack on the Capitol building following the 2020 election was an extraordinarily large and brazen crime. Conspiracies were formed on social media in full public view, the law-breakers paraded on national television with undisguised faces, and with outgoing President Donald Trump openly cheering them on. The basic concept of law enforcement--investigators find criminals and serve justice--quickly breaks down in the face of such an event. The system has been strained by the sheer volume of criminals and the widespread perception that what they did wasn't wrong.

A mass of online tipsters--"sedition hunters"--have mobilized, simultaneously providing the FBI with valuable intelligence and creating an ethical dilemma. Who gets to serve justice? How can law enforcement still function as a pillar of civil society? As the foundations of our government are questioned, the FBI and Department of Justice are the first responders to a crisis of democracy and law that threatens to spread, and fast.

In this work of extraordinary reportage, Ryan Reilly gets to know would-be revolutionaries, obsessive online sleuths, and FBI agents, and shines a light on a justice system that's straining to maintain order in our polarized country. From the moment the police barriers were breached on January 6th, 2021, Americans knew something had profoundly changed. Sedition Hunters is the fascinating, high-stakes story of what happens next."
Actually, the authorities have welcomed the Sedition Hunters efforts. As has been reported, this is the largest investigation in the history of the DOJ. Reports that over 3,000 illegally entered the Capitol, and many others who didn't enter yet participated in savaging uniformed officers outside.

The numbers are overwhelming. And with so few perpetrators apprehended on site....the best way of identifying who did what is with the video evidence of security cams, body cams, news cams, and selfies by participants and perps.

And that totals hundreds of thousands of hours of video.
But, fortunately, for America there is this dedicated loosely organized informal group of computer wonks who have embraced the challenge like Xbox gamers. They have become a community. And, when a perp has been isolated in the videos, and somehow someway somebody is able to identify the name of the individual.....well, that is turned over to the professionals at the FBI/DOJ. In short, they supplement the work of the authorities, but it is the authorities who finalize it and make the decision to go talk to the suspect....or not.

A good account of this patriotic work being done by the Sedition Hunters is this book:

Sedition Hunters, by Ryan Reilly

Check it out on Amazon. Here is Amazon's description:

"The attack on the Capitol building following the 2020 election was an extraordinarily large and brazen crime. Conspiracies were formed on social media in full public view, the law-breakers paraded on national television with undisguised faces, and with outgoing President Donald Trump openly cheering them on. The basic concept of law enforcement--investigators find criminals and serve justice--quickly breaks down in the face of such an event. The system has been strained by the sheer volume of criminals and the widespread perception that what they did wasn't wrong.

A mass of online tipsters--"sedition hunters"--have mobilized, simultaneously providing the FBI with valuable intelligence and creating an ethical dilemma. Who gets to serve justice? How can law enforcement still function as a pillar of civil society? As the foundations of our government are questioned, the FBI and Department of Justice are the first responders to a crisis of democracy and law that threatens to spread, and fast.

In this work of extraordinary reportage, Ryan Reilly gets to know would-be revolutionaries, obsessive online sleuths, and FBI agents, and shines a light on a justice system that's straining to maintain order in our polarized country. From the moment the police barriers were breached on January 6th, 2021, Americans knew something had profoundly changed. Sedition Hunters is the fascinating, high-stakes story of what happens next."
More important to read 1984 by George Orwell. You'll see where sedition Hunters really originate. This book is more tried and true realism. You'll see what really happens next.
Actually, the authorities have welcomed the Sedition Hunters efforts. As has been reported, this is the largest investigation in the history of the DOJ. Reports that over 3,000 illegally entered the Capitol, and many others who didn't enter yet participated in savaging uniformed officers outside.

The numbers are overwhelming. And with so few perpetrators apprehended on site....the best way of identifying who did what is with the video evidence of security cams, body cams, news cams, and selfies by participants and perps.

And that totals hundreds of thousands of hours of video.
But, fortunately, for America there is this dedicated loosely organized informal group of computer wonks who have embraced the challenge like Xbox gamers. They have become a community. And, when a perp has been isolated in the videos, and somehow someway somebody is able to identify the name of the individual.....well, that is turned over to the professionals at the FBI/DOJ. In short, they supplement the work of the authorities, but it is the authorities who finalize it and make the decision to go talk to the suspect....or not.

A good account of this patriotic work being done by the Sedition Hunters is this book:

Sedition Hunters, by Ryan Reilly

Check it out on Amazon. Here is Amazon's description:

"The attack on the Capitol building following the 2020 election was an extraordinarily large and brazen crime. Conspiracies were formed on social media in full public view, the law-breakers paraded on national television with undisguised faces, and with outgoing President Donald Trump openly cheering them on. The basic concept of law enforcement--investigators find criminals and serve justice--quickly breaks down in the face of such an event. The system has been strained by the sheer volume of criminals and the widespread perception that what they did wasn't wrong.

A mass of online tipsters--"sedition hunters"--have mobilized, simultaneously providing the FBI with valuable intelligence and creating an ethical dilemma. Who gets to serve justice? How can law enforcement still function as a pillar of civil society? As the foundations of our government are questioned, the FBI and Department of Justice are the first responders to a crisis of democracy and law that threatens to spread, and fast.

In this work of extraordinary reportage, Ryan Reilly gets to know would-be revolutionaries, obsessive online sleuths, and FBI agents, and shines a light on a justice system that's straining to maintain order in our polarized country. From the moment the police barriers were breached on January 6th, 2021, Americans knew something had profoundly changed. Sedition Hunters is the fascinating, high-stakes story of what happens next."
Actually, the authorities have welcomed the Sedition Hunters efforts. As has been reported, this is the largest investigation in the history of the DOJ. Reports that over 3,000 illegally entered the Capitol, and many others who didn't enter yet participated in savaging uniformed officers outside.
Of course they have! Hitler welcomed the brown shirts input into their government as well. What we have here by chili cloth is government brainwashing at its finest. What a cull!
I have not seen one explanation in 3 years how this group was going to take command and control of the military and all government entities.

Angus, this is well-plowed ground. I would have thought you had read various responses to that suggestion here on USMB. Didn't you?

Here's the Reader's Digest version: That group who attacked our Representatives and savagely beat our uniformed police officers wasn't going to run the government. They had no intention to. And as we've seen ad infinitum --- too many of them were too dumb to run even their own lives.


But their role, the only role they were capable of was.........was to be the excuse, the deus ex machina, used to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Thus the Trump Administration thought they themselves could remain in office, and they themselves would remain in control.

In short, the attackers, the people who beat our police, and then pee'd and pooped in the hallways of The People's House.....were just cannon fodder.

(From a Captain Obvious TED Talk on January 6th : Dupes, Pawns, Any Means to an End.
Angus, this is well-plowed ground. I would have thought you had read various responses to that suggestion here on USMB. Didn't you?

Here's the Reader's Digest version: That group who attacked our Representatives and savagely beat our uniformed police officers wasn't going to run the government. They had no intention to. And as we've seen ad infinitum --- too many of them were too dumb to run even their own lives.


But their role, the only role they were capable of was.........was to be the excuse, the deus ex machina, used to stop the peaceful transfer of power. Thus the Trump Administration thought they themselves could remain in office, and they themselves would remain in control.

In short, the attackers, the people who beat our police, and then pee'd and pooped in the hallways of The People's House.....were just cannon fodder.

(From a Captain Obvious TED Talk on January 6th : Dupes, Pawns, Any Means to an End.
Chili cloth is a great dupe for a government that over reaches. an arrogant, condescending sycophant who really doesn't know his head from his ass LOL.

I know that you would think no one because you are a little bitch parasite and cuckold of the white man's civilization. You are a fortunate little ingrate.
I know that you cuck whites have a lot of talk but no real solutions to your on going demographic replacement. :funnyface:

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