January 6 Was Not A Coup

By the way, Ray From Cleveland , your gun avatar just makes me ridicule you. Maybe if you had a bow & arrow avatar and wore a feather headdress, or showed yourself riding a black stallion wielding medieval sword & shield, I’d really “go nuts” … laughing. :itsok:
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Latest news on Steve Bannon’s demanding another delay in his trial for contempt of Congress, alleging that the Jan. 6 hearings are getting so much publicity they would prejudice any actual trial.

This is the guy, we may note, who once proudly called himself “a Leninist,” and characterized both the National Review and Weekly Standard as “left-wing magazines — and I want to destroy them also.”

And didn’t Bannon once call Trump “treasonous” and “unpatriotic” for dealing with the Russians? Or was that just to sell more books? Count me … confused by what these Trumpsters even mean by “right” and “left.”

Right now what matters is that there was a conspiracy headed by Trump to stop the legitimate transfer of power in late 2019 / early 2020. That alone convinces me that this narcissist and ever more aggrieved lunatic must not be allowed near the Presidency again.

Steve Bannon asked for his contempt-of-Congress trial to be delayed because the Jan. 6 hearings are getting so much publicity
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By the way, Ray From Cleveland , your gun avatar just makes me ridicule you. Maybe if you had a bow & arrow avatar and wore a feather headdress, or showed yourself riding a black stallion wielding medieval sword & shield, I’d really “go nuts” … laughing. :itsok:


He would have to have been batshit crazy to think he didn't lose.

Every claim of fraud was debunked.

Every court case of fraud was lost.

Every investigation into fraud had findings ranging from none to a couple of isolated cases.

Every hand recount confirmed the original tabulation.

His own staff either informed him he lost or helped him to cheat in a failed effort to flip the election.

Personally, I believe he knew he lost but maintained the Big Lie to fleece his cult out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Lying g is very profitable for him.

Not for lack of trying.

Ignored, not be debunked.
This is precisely why the fake citizen outrage that Trump generated with his “Big Lie,” and the crude theatrics of Jan. 6th, was so dangerous.

As sitting President still, Trump figured he only needed to generate enough doubt and anarchy and pressure so his own Vice President would deny validation to the legitimate winning slate of electors in several key states. (He also tried to get his supporters to submit completely fake alternative electoral slates from a few states to get this result.)

The “mechanism for it [the coup] to succeed” was clear. The plan was that the “winner” — after the Electoral College was declared (by his V.P.) as unable to make a decision — would instead be decided (as the Constitution specifies) by a special vote of the House of Representatives. Of course Trump and his team of grifters figured (probably correctly) that there Republicans had the numbers to “constitutionally” complete Trump’s “auto golpe.”

This sort of thing has been done many times in South and Central American “banana republics.”

He thought he got cheated out of the Presidency, and he was supposed to just take it?
They came to stop the certification and get theresults changed so trump could stay in power.

And they would have had to stop it for 2 weeks to get anything.

The riot lasted less than 8 hours total.
All of this still is not a coup or an insurrection.

CHAZ/CHOP was an actual Insurrection.
How about recruiting fake electors to replace the legitimate ones.
Was that a coup?
How about trying to pressure Georgia election officials to find fake votes.
Was that a coup?
How about pressuring the Justice Department to lie about evidence of election fraud.
Was that a coup?
That the secret service didn't tell anyone about until now?

I realize Correll is uncomfortable if he sees my posts but he needs to know the following facts:

They, the Secret Service told Trump at 10 AM on the morning of January 6 that his mob was armed and then Trump told them to take the magnetometers down because they, the armed white Christian mob, were not there to harm him. Trump then wanted to join the armed mob in an illegal armed March to the Capitol to hang Mike Pence for committing treason against TRUMP NATION and John Eastman’s rules of law.

BLM never had the Secret Service tell it’s highest official that he or she could not participate in their own peaceful protest rally because the participants were armed and dangerous and were threatening to hang the VPOTUS
Maybe you did.
Your MAGA mob was armed on Jan6 and DJT was fine with being with them in a march from the WH to the Capitol to capture and hang Mike Pence.


Perhaps jr was gonna let daddy carry his during the coup.
Correll is pretty damn funny ….

“Your honor, I’m guilty as hell but this case violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. The FBI worked too hard, used too many resources, to catch me. And now U.S. attorneys are working too damn hard prosecuting me!”

Like I said earlier, Correll is a snowflake when it comes to prosecuting Trump supporters’ violent crimes on Jan. 6th, just as he opposed Congress impeaching and convicting the President for “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Hell, he was even against a truly bipartisan Congressional investigation of this conspiracy.


In the most serious cases, Steve Bannon and the lawyers for the “Proud Boys” themselves repeatedly asked for delays, claiming the House hearing has contaminated public and likely jurors’ views of their cases. They and many others expect that the November election results will help them escape serious prosecution, since their cases will not be heard at least until December — if they are held even then.

1. I'm not denying that many of hte people charges are guilty of various crimes. Are you ridiculing me for that?

2. I do want the rights of the accused respected. Are you ridiculing me for that?

3. The Equal Protection CLause is a real issue here. "Making an example" of rioters of the other side of the political divide, is a serious violation of their civil rights. Are you denying this?

4. The juror pool certainly HAS been tainted by the Left's media spin on the events. This is an obvious and real concern. Do you deny that?
You lied. It's still there. You falsely claimed there were multiple massive violations but you can only name one person whose rights were violated.

You derailed the discussion. That was your choice. You are an asshole more interesting in calling people names than discussing the issues.

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