January 6th committee asks McCarthy to cooperate with their probe

Chairman Thompson,

While I would like to help you out we are too busy gathering evidence for the impeachment of Joe Biden this time next year along with formulating the Bills necessary that will try to unfuck everything your party has put in place in your efforts to undermine America.


Kevin McCarthy
Current Minority Speaker

PS.....Go fuck yourself.
Pretty ironic that the 50's democrat majority blamed the HUAC era on a republican senator named McCarthy and now the modern version of HUAC hearings is aimed at a republican with the same name.
No such thing. Dismissed.
"DEEP STATE" :eek:


Weird. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger’s J6 Committee Cry Over Ray Epps Who Ginned Up Crowd, Led Charge on US Capitol and HURLED GIANT SIGN AT DC POLICE​

The Deep State Swamp is very deep and very wide, and international in scope. They have compromised our Intelligence community, our public education system, our courts, and a major part of our political system. And now our medical system is in the hands of the NWO Globalist and their CCP Plandemic bioweapon, depopulation agenda. Irrefutable PROOF?
The January 6th Committee (more properly referred to as the PMS/DDSA Democratic Party Coup Cover-up Committee) is working, to forward a bill that will be worded so that only President Trump will be prevented from running for President again, signed into law by Joey X Bai Dung. Not saying that this will pass muster in the Senater and, of course, it will be crushed as unconstitutional. This is the plan.
None the less they will try and be made fools of themselves.
Ray Epps has been exempted and not focused upon by the agencies DOJ and FBI and Sen Cruz nailed them on it.

Fakeway Pundit :auiqs.jpg:
I'm looking forward to McCarthy being arrested right before the election. Which I think is the slow-walk strategy on a lot of these Republican seditionists. PedoGaetz, Bobo, Margie 3 Toes, gosar the dentist from Hell, the Wheelchair Nazi, Andy Biggs - arrested with no time to replace them on the ballots.
Arrested for what?...lol

I hope they are not holding their collective breath. Kevin knows who is watching in Florida.
This shit is busting wide open with the five states of fake Republican electors who forged signatures to try and fix the election in Trumps favor.

Kevin McCarthy is key, but it appears this was a multi pronged scheme by dozens and dozens of Trump lackeys.

This was the real steal, except it failed; Swing State Trumpers Forged Electoral Letters in Harebrained Scheme to Overturn Biden's Win
I never said antifa were there, you moron. But you're okay with antifa and BLM rioters killing people and destroying property all over the nation.
Grow a brain, gimp.

Leaked Documents Show Police Knew Far-Right Extremists Were the Real Threat at Protests, Not “Antifa”An analysis of leaked law enforcement documents reveals an obsession with “antifa” despite evidence of threats of violence to police and protesters.

As protests against police violence spread to every state in the U.S. and dramatic images flooded in from cities across the country, President Donald Trump and his attorney general spun an ominous story of opportunistic leftists exploiting a national trauma to sow chaos and disorder. They were the anti-fascists known as “antifa”, and according to the administration they were domestic terrorists who would be policed accordingly.

But while the White House beat the drum for a crackdown on a leaderless movement on the left, law enforcement offices across the country were sharing detailed reports of far-right extremists seeking to attack the protesters and police during the country’s historic demonstrations, a trove of newly leaked documents reveals.

Among the steady stream of threats from the far-right were repeated encounters between law enforcement and heavily armed adherents of the so-called boogaloo movement, which welcomes armed confrontation with cops as means to trigger civil war. With much of the U.S. policing apparatus on the hunt for antifa instigators, those violent aspirations appear to have materialized in a string of targeted attacks in California that left a federal protective services officer and a sheriff’s deputy dead and several other law enforcement officials wounded.

The cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.

“Throughout the documents you see counterterrorism agencies using extremism so broadly as to mean virtually anything that encompasses dissent,” Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s National Security Project, told The Intercept.

“There are instances in which people engaging in white supremacist violence get the benefit of the doubt as potential lone offenders, while people of color and those who dissent against government injustice are smeared as threats with guilt by association.”

I hope they are not holding their collective breath. Kevin knows who is watching in Florida.

Wait until Nancy gets deposed
This shit is busting wide open with the five states of fake Republican electors who forged signatures to try and fix the election in Trumps favor.

Kevin McCarthy is key, but it appears this was a multi pronged scheme by dozens and dozens of Trump lackeys.

This was the real steal, except it failed; Swing State Trumpers Forged Electoral Letters in Harebrained Scheme to Overturn Biden's Win

Rolling Stone quoting a Rachel Madcow Tweet... ....
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, both Democrats, :laughing0301:


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