January 6th committee asks McCarthy to cooperate with their probe

Because the little people of this nation? They don't count. Other people's lives? Those aren't important. Private businesses? Those aren't important either. Only the everlasting and sacred holy STATE is of value. . . is that it? Only the ordained elites have the protection of the law. . . is that how this is played now?

False equivalency is all they've got. This is also why they start threads about Biden supposedly lying. Because Trump lied constantly.
Yeah, fuck equal protection of the law. . that's just silly rhetoric in the Constitution. Actually applying that shit? It's a fallacy!

This shit is busting wide open with the five states of fake Republican electors who forged signatures to try and fix the election in Trumps favor.

Kevin McCarthy is key, but it appears this was a multi pronged scheme by dozens and dozens of Trump lackeys.

This was the real steal, except it failed; Swing State Trumpers Forged Electoral Letters in Harebrained Scheme to Overturn Biden's Win
BWK be all like:

There is nothing to be gained by cooperating with enemies who want to destroy you

tell ‘em to go f@@k they-selves Kevin
There is nothing to be gained by cooperating with enemies who want to destroy you

tell ‘em to go f@@k they-selves Kevin
Yeah, fuck patriotism, and the country and the Constitution, right? Someone hurt your feelings, dammit!
The problem with giving you a source to that information? Is Pelosi has exempted herself from investigation. THAT information, the information of communication between the Sgt. at Arms for the Cpt. Police and her, has been sealed to the public.

How can there be a thorough accounting of the events of the day, when she won't open that up to scrutiny? :dunno:

Such evasions, only feeds suspicions that the select committee is trying to weave a false narrative that distorts the timeline, and the events of Jan. 6th.

OTH? It might feed into Trump's narrative that the entire thing is rigged and corrupt.

I don't know if you have ever read Franz Kafka's The Trial, but if you create a crime, and create the definitions, then anyone is guilty of anything.

We saw, and have the transcript of his speech on tape. And the communications to what Pelosi had with the capitol police has been kept secret, so we don't know when or why there was not more support for the Capitol Police called in earlier. With testimony that we DO have? It doesn't look good.

We do know, that before the Capitol protest, Trump authorized more protection, so where was it, and why didn't Nancy call it in? There are a lot of unanswered questions, that I doubt we will ever have answered.

The whole thing may be a manufactured event. It seems to be a spectacle for a reason. . .

"The New York Times previously reported that the Speaker’s office confirmed that the National Guard was approved around 1:43 pm. Sund said he sent a request for help from the National Guard to Irving around 1:09 p.m, according to CNN. Irving said he was contacted about the matter after 2:00 pm, Axios reported. Sources questioned how Irving got the request after 2 pm but Pelosi approved the request at 1:43 pm."

“If you believe Irving’s timeline that he testified under oath to, how could he ask for permission from the Speaker 20 minutes before he got the request?” one of the sources told the Daily Caller.

How Did the Proud Boys Have Better Lines of Communication about National Guard Reinforcements than the National Guard Did?

General William Walker's Explosive Testimony on January 6th Capitol Riots​

This video basically blows the entire narrative away. If you are watching or listening to the media, you are being brainwashed. The whole thing was a set-up.

READ: Former Capitol Police Chief’s ‘Scathing’ Resignation Letter to Speaker Pelosi​

". . . When the group arrived at the perimeter, they did not act like any group of protestors I had ever seen. Unlike other heated protests, these protesters did not simply congregate to angrily voice their grievances. As soon as this group arrived at our perimeter, they immediately began to fight violently with the officers and to tear apart the steel crowd control barriers, using them to assault the officers. It was immediately clear that their primary goal was to defeat our perimeter as quickly as possible and to get past the police line. This mob was like nothing I have seen in my law enforcement career. The group consisted of thousands of well-coordinated, well-equipped violent criminals. They had weapons, chemical munitions, protective equipment, explosives, and climbing gear. A number of them were wearing radio ear pieces indicating a high level of coordination.

Given these factors, it was clear to me at 1:00 p.m. that the situation was deteriorating rapidly. I called MPD and requested assistance and they responded immediately. I also requested assistance from the U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division and other law enforcement agencies. I notified the two Sergeant at Arms by 1:09 p.m. that I urgently needed support and asked them to declare a State of Emergency and authorize the National Guard. I was advised by Mr. Irving that he needed to run it up the chain of command. I continued to follow up with Mr. Irving, who was with Mr. Stenger at the time, and he advised that he was waiting to hear back from congressional leadership, but expected authorization at any moment. At approximately 1:50 p.m., not yet having authorization from CPB, and noting the extreme urgency of the situation, I notified General William Walker that I should have approval shortly and that we had an urgent request for the National Guard. At 2:10 p.m., I finally received notification from Mr. Irving that the CPB authorized me to request the National Guard. However, as explained below, I soon learned that our request would also need to be approved by the Department of Defense.

Meanwhile, at approximately 1:50 p.m., USCP resources dispatched to look for other possible explosives located another pipe bomb at the Democratic National Committee headquarters, as well as a vehicle with explosives and a weapon, all within close proximity of the Capitol Grounds. As a result of these explosive devices, extensive USCP resources were dispatched to the scenes, and two congressional office buildings had to be evacuated. I believe all of this was part of a coordinated plan related to the attack on the Capitol.

At 1:51 p.m., I activated the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Mutual Aid Agreement, requesting assistance from law enforcement agencies from the National Capital Region (NCR). As a result of this request for law enforcement assistance, we had over 1,700 officers from 18 law enforcement agencies respond to assist the USCP. I worked closely with Assistant Chief Thomas and Deputy Chief Pickett to establish resource management to account for and deploy the officers from the responding agencies in the most effective and efficient manner.. . . "

I honestly can say, I'm not real clear on who was in charge of releasing what, and authorizing what forces to be prepared for where. . . and if I'm not clear on that, I doubt anyone else is. . . and I think that is intentional. For both the left, right, and all Americans, to not know exactly WHO to blame.
Yeah, fuck patriotism, and the country and the Constitution, right? Someone hurt your feelings, dammit!
Thats liberal bullshit

obama weaponized the DOJ aka the Deep State and corrupted the constitutional process before Trump ran for president
Thats liberal bullshit

obama weaponized the DOJ aka the Deep State and corrupted the constitutional process before Trump ran for president
The republican majority in congress let him do that?

Grow a brain, gimp.

Leaked Documents Show Police Knew Far-Right Extremists Were the Real Threat at Protests, Not “Antifa”An analysis of leaked law enforcement documents reveals an obsession with “antifa” despite evidence of threats of violence to police and protesters.

As protests against police violence spread to every state in the U.S. and dramatic images flooded in from cities across the country, President Donald Trump and his attorney general spun an ominous story of opportunistic leftists exploiting a national trauma to sow chaos and disorder. They were the anti-fascists known as “antifa”, and according to the administration they were domestic terrorists who would be policed accordingly.

But while the White House beat the drum for a crackdown on a leaderless movement on the left, law enforcement offices across the country were sharing detailed reports of far-right extremists seeking to attack the protesters and police during the country’s historic demonstrations, a trove of newly leaked documents reveals.

Among the steady stream of threats from the far-right were repeated encounters between law enforcement and heavily armed adherents of the so-called boogaloo movement, which welcomes armed confrontation with cops as means to trigger civil war. With much of the U.S. policing apparatus on the hunt for antifa instigators, those violent aspirations appear to have materialized in a string of targeted attacks in California that left a federal protective services officer and a sheriff’s deputy dead and several other law enforcement officials wounded.

The cache of law enforcement materials was recently hacked and posted online under the title “BlueLeaks,” providing an unprecedented look at the communications between state, local, and federal law enforcement in the face of the nationwide protests. In an analysis of nearly 300 documents that reference “antifa,” The Intercept found repeated instances of antifa and left-wing protesting activities cast in cartoonishly grim terms alongside more substantive reports of lethal right-wing violence and threats that have received scant mention from top Trump administration officials.

“Throughout the documents you see counterterrorism agencies using extremism so broadly as to mean virtually anything that encompasses dissent,” Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s National Security Project, told The Intercept.

“There are instances in which people engaging in white supremacist violence get the benefit of the doubt as potential lone offenders, while people of color and those who dissent against government injustice are smeared as threats with guilt by association.”
Horseshit, of course. But the Useful Idiots believe it.

I'm talking about you.
It's looking like he will be shortly, since he's announced he won't appear voluntarily.

Do you not follow the news, wingnut?
There are a growing amount of people who vote Repub believe that McCarthy will be another shill for Prog interests as Speaker. He will last couple years or even two terms than leave for greater environs as we keep moving left and we get victories in mundane things. But we will feel good I tell you. Get the promises written in blood. Before the 2022 election. And get them notified. And get more agendas pushed of them as we would want as Repub voters. Trust but verify. We would not be here if Repubs kept their promises from the past. If McCarthy is a RINO do not make him Speaker!!!

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