January 6th Committee Urges Trump Prosecution With Four Criminal Referrals.

how can person who ignored a Congressional Subpeona have the utter gall to threaten others with subpeonas if he himself ignored a subpeona issued for him?
Lindsey Graham GIF by GIPHY News
The Traitor is seriously damaged His own actions dictated the Committee's referrals. After his NFT fiasco, support for the Traitor is sinking faster than a gradiuate of his fake university.
But he gained 4 million to repair his image... nice hunk of change....
How and why would the DOJ pursue this? If they did or there was any sniff of a crime committed, where was their interest during the George Floyd riots?
How and why would the DOJ pursue this?
AG Barr addressed the issue. He said DOJ/FBI doesn't usually pursue congressional investigation referrals as they are usually very partisan in nature.

Imagine that.

They prefer to start at square one, with their own investigation.

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