January 6th Was Planned by the Left

A colonoscope on you would reveal your brain.
You may have taken my playful badinage literally, so let me clarify:

Trump's goons - q-anon, proud boys, boogaloo, oath keepers, three percenters, neo-nazis, and other white supremacists who acknowledged coming to Washington to thwart democracy at the former guy's invitation - were not all the victims of a George Soros prank, a diversion from a simultaneous pedophile pizza festival in Golden Gate Park.​
I ask again, if Trump summoned them there then why did he offer the capitol police 10000 NG troops on the 4th and 5th?
Trump resisted sending national guard after the riots, so why would have tried to send them before the riots?

And implemented by the right.

The left is very powerful when Republicans are running, like cockaroaches, for cover.

Trump's orchestrated attack on the Capitol was an EPIC FAILURE!!! Just painted all the hillbillies who support Trump as retards and major losers.
They failed so badly and are trying to blame it on others.....we are supposed to ignore our lying eyes.
You fucking liar. Those folks are NOT white supremacists. The founders of Proud Boys aren't white. There's plenty of 3%'ers that are not white. I know an Otath Keeper who is not white. Quit your fucking lies and bullshit.
Compose yourself, Sunshine. Trump's goons who tried to destroy America's democratic process are being identified, apprehended, and indicted.

The Proud Boys is a far-right, neo-fascist, and male-only white nationalist organization.
Hahaha! You obviously have never actually seen for your self. You are taking the word of your MSM handlers to give out your false and liable information. The NYT, the Washington Post, and the Southern Poverty Law Center are all lying to you. I have seen for myself. I have mingled with these supposed white supremacists and it sure is funny to see a lot of non white folks within the ranks. What do you say about them?

But it is obvious that you are just a hack, and there is no changing your mind, so I guess we're done here. Except I wonder if legal action can be taken over these completely libelous posts?

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