January inflation numbers

So? How many times did they try to overturn the ACA, knowing they didn't have the vote....or a healthcare plan for that matter.

What's different now?

A party submits a bill to show voters they have answers. That they have policy. If Republicans submitted a good bill to reduce inflation then voters would note that and act accordingly in future elections.

Hiding behind, the Dems will just veto it, is a lame excuse.
Unfortunately they don't represent us well, if it was up to me. Reduce government 50% first day.
OK……What about worker salaries, what about public health and safety, what about infrastructure……
Lol, you want public safety cut. Defunding police. Public health, obamacare double Healthcare cost. Infrastructure? Obama said he was going to do it, before he said. There wasn't any shovel ready jobs. In that at least a trillion in government waste. There is the worker salaries, pissing down the drain of hard working Americans. Too bad you support stupid people wasting tax payer money.
Blaming the govenrment for their own failings?

The party of responsibility in action.
This administration has caused production costs to increase due to energy cost increases they made happen while also making everyone’s money worth less.
Democrats are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
This administration has caused production costs to increase due to energy cost increases they made happen while also making everyone’s money worth less.
Democrats are too stupid to be allowed to vote.
Yeah, it's all Biden's fault. Ukraine and COVID had nothing to do with it.

People like you can't be taken seriously.

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