CDZ Japan has a better national health care than us: why?

and other Americans , well they can take care of themselves Sobieski .
Japan doesn't spend money on illegal aliens, and they don't encourage criminal cultures in their society. If you want to become a citizen, you have to prove #1 that you will embrace Japan's national ideology before any other, and #2, that you can provide adequately for yourself.

America doesn't do those things. We invite criminals across our borders, and we feed and provide them with everything they want. We encourage them to shit on and in our country, and encourage them and often pay them to riot against Americans and American values.

I believe that Japanese culture would preclude them from wasting HC resources just because it's "free".

  • Japan is collectivist culture, whereas the United States is more individualistic. So in Japan, paying for healthcare of others who can not isn't likely to meet with much resistance. It's just seen as the right thing to do. Almost all Japanese have insurance, either private or government. It is required but few would question the wisdom of making insurance a personal decision.
  • Japan is overwhelmingly Japanese. So they don't have the many cultural difference that we have in America so there is more agreement on most social issues like healthcare.
  • Great importance is placed on achieving success and maintaining health and close family ties. Poor health can be a very shameful experience for the Japanese so they work much harder at being healthy than most Americans.
  • Japanese people will often live with their parents for many years after college. They also are very responsive to the needs of their parents and that really helps parents as they age and require more attention.
The bottom line is what works in Japan may or may not work in the US because of major cultural differences. European models are much more likely to work in the US.
so , whats the deal with Polands GUN and Weapons RIGHTS . Do Polish people have the RIGHT to be Armed . Can you load your revolver or semi auto 'makarov' put it in your pocket or holster and walk down the street in Krakow Sobeiski ??

Poland's gun rights are too restrictive for my taste.
However, I care more about heritage, and saving people's lives, than about gun ownership.
(Normal people do)
But, Western Europeans are abnormal, definitely pretty f*cking stupid, senseless, and immoral people.
blacks or mex in the USA that are of those races / ethnicities are fine people , great AMERICANS until they pull the 'mex ' american or african american silliness . And then they are no different from a 'polock' that calls himself 'polish american' Sobeiski .

Blacks, and Hispanics commit a lot more crime,, and while that maybe a fraction of the population, I find typical Blacks are very rude, and obnoxious, and the average Hispanics are pathological liars, both aren't typically bright people.

Of course, they both also take more than they contribute to the system, and pose a threat to our White heritage..

No, they really aren't fine people.
and you live in the past of visions of foreign Polish glory if you were born in the USA . I note that fact simply because you first mentioned it as you pointed out that this is a healthcare thread Sobieski .

I agree more with Polish PiS (Law, and Justice) than with U.S Republicans, or Democrats.

Polish Law, and Justice is supporting both a stronger healthcare, and a non-existent Islamic refugee policy.

The U.S.A has nothing of the sorts, one side in the U.S.A (Republicans) are very weak on healthcare, and somewhat weak on Islamic refugees, the other side in the U.S.A (Democrats) are somewhat weak on healthcare, and very weak on Islamic refugees.
Healthcare , i have healthcare , always had healthcare same as my kids and Grandkids . Obtaining Healthcare is an Americans responsibility and is not a RIGHT . Only sickly healthcare beggars that want free healthcare are concerned with healthcare Sobeiski . Are you weak and sickly and a healthcare beggar Sobeisky ??

So, what's your plan?
To continue having Americans pay more for healthcare?
or to have Americans die from lack of healthcare?

You certainly don't support a moral, or logical position.

There's a reason why the rest of the civilized World has universal healthcare.
But, unfortunately a lot of people from the U.S , particularly U.S South are staunchly uncivilized.
---------------------- my plan is to stay healthy as best i can and to have healthcare as i already have Sobieski .

Aha you just care about your self.

What kind of American patriot doesn't care if their American people are dying of lack of healthcare?

You're no real American patriot, but a typical American none the less.

Typical primal dribbles, which is exactly why we shouldn't identify ourselves with you.
I really do want to know why we can't do as well or better: we are America. Let's see if we can discuss this without personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc. Let's be polite.


Japan is also a very homogenous and orderly society, honor based, where everyone pretty much does what they are supposed to do. And of course, they dont need to spend as much on military spending. They eat more healthful than Americans do so they do not carry the same bad diet caused diseases that we do, thus they put less strain on the medical system. I havnt done the research, but I am willing to bet they also have less people on government assistance because over there, families are more apt to take care of each other
so , whats the deal with Polands GUN and Weapons RIGHTS . Do Polish people have the RIGHT to be Armed . Can you load your revolver or semi auto 'makarov' put it in your pocket or holster and walk down the street in Krakow Sobeiski ??

Poland's gun rights are too restrictive for my taste.
However, I care more about heritage, and saving people's lives, than about gun ownership.
(Normal people do)
But, Western Europeans are abnormal, definitely pretty f*cking stupid, senseless, and immoral people.
blacks or mex in the USA that are of those races / ethnicities are fine people , great AMERICANS until they pull the 'mex ' american or african american silliness . And then they are no different from a 'polock' that calls himself 'polish american' Sobeiski .

...both aren't typically bright people.


Says the brainless shit shoveler.
and you live in the past of visions of foreign Polish glory if you were born in the USA . I note that fact simply because you first mentioned it as you pointed out that this is a healthcare thread Sobieski .

I agree more with Polish PiS (Law, and Justice) than with U.S Republicans, or Democrats.

Polish Law, and Justice is supporting both a stronger healthcare, and a non-existent Islamic refugee policy.

The U.S.A has nothing of the sorts, one side in the U.S.A (Republicans) are very weak on healthcare, and somewhat weak on Islamic refugees, the other side in the U.S.A (Democrats) are somewhat weak on healthcare, and very weak on Islamic refugees.
Healthcare , i have healthcare , always had healthcare same as my kids and Grandkids . Obtaining Healthcare is an Americans responsibility and is not a RIGHT . Only sickly healthcare beggars that want free healthcare are concerned with healthcare Sobeiski . Are you weak and sickly and a healthcare beggar Sobeisky ??

So, what's your plan?
To continue having Americans pay more for healthcare?
or to have Americans die from lack of healthcare?

You certainly don't support a moral, or logical position.

There's a reason why the rest of the civilized World has universal healthcare.
But, unfortunately a lot of people from the U.S , particularly U.S South are staunchly uncivilized.
---------------------- my plan is to stay healthy as best i can and to have healthcare as i already have Sobieski .

Aha you just care about your self.

What kind of American patriot doesn't care if their American people are dying of lack of healthcare?

You're no real American patriot, but a typical American none the less.

Typical primal dribbles, which is exactly why we shouldn't identify ourselves with you.
----------------------------------------------- yep , take care of myself , wife and kids , you take care of yourself , wife and kids and it works out fine Sobeiski .
I agree more with Polish PiS (Law, and Justice) than with U.S Republicans, or Democrats.

Polish Law, and Justice is supporting both a stronger healthcare, and a non-existent Islamic refugee policy.

The U.S.A has nothing of the sorts, one side in the U.S.A (Republicans) are very weak on healthcare, and somewhat weak on Islamic refugees, the other side in the U.S.A (Democrats) are somewhat weak on healthcare, and very weak on Islamic refugees.
Healthcare , i have healthcare , always had healthcare same as my kids and Grandkids . Obtaining Healthcare is an Americans responsibility and is not a RIGHT . Only sickly healthcare beggars that want free healthcare are concerned with healthcare Sobeiski . Are you weak and sickly and a healthcare beggar Sobeisky ??

So, what's your plan?
To continue having Americans pay more for healthcare?
or to have Americans die from lack of healthcare?

You certainly don't support a moral, or logical position.

There's a reason why the rest of the civilized World has universal healthcare.
But, unfortunately a lot of people from the U.S , particularly U.S South are staunchly uncivilized.
---------------------- my plan is to stay healthy as best i can and to have healthcare as i already have Sobieski .

Aha you just care about your self.

What kind of American patriot doesn't care if their American people are dying of lack of healthcare?

You're no real American patriot, but a typical American none the less.

Typical primal dribbles, which is exactly why we shouldn't identify ourselves with you.
----------------------------------------------- yep , take care of myself , wife and kids , you take care of yourself , wife and kids and it works out fine Sobeiski .

I come from a household worth 1.4 million, but I do care about those who can't afford healthcare.

You don't care about the greater society, but just about yourself.
so , whats the deal with Polands GUN and Weapons RIGHTS . Do Polish people have the RIGHT to be Armed . Can you load your revolver or semi auto 'makarov' put it in your pocket or holster and walk down the street in Krakow Sobeiski ??

Poland's gun rights are too restrictive for my taste.
However, I care more about heritage, and saving people's lives, than about gun ownership.
(Normal people do)
But, Western Europeans are abnormal, definitely pretty f*cking stupid, senseless, and immoral people.
blacks or mex in the USA that are of those races / ethnicities are fine people , great AMERICANS until they pull the 'mex ' american or african american silliness . And then they are no different from a 'polock' that calls himself 'polish american' Sobeiski .

...both aren't typically bright people.


Says the brainless shit shoveler.

LOL, coming from you, that's rich, you champion racial equality, with no proof of such a assertion.
  • Japan is collectivist culture, whereas the United States is more individualistic. So in Japan, paying for healthcare of others who can not isn't likely to meet with much resistance. It's just seen as the right thing to do. Almost all Japanese have insurance, either private or government. It is required but few would question the wisdom of making insurance a personal decision.
  • Japan is overwhelmingly Japanese. So they don't have the many cultural difference that we have in America so there is more agreement on most social issues like healthcare.
  • Great importance is placed on achieving success and maintaining health and close family ties. Poor health can be a very shameful experience for the Japanese so they work much harder at being healthy than most Americans.
  • Japanese people will often live with their parents for many years after college. They also are very responsive to the needs of their parents and that really helps parents as they age and require more attention.
The bottom line is what works in Japan may or may not work in the US because of major cultural differences. European models are much more likely to work in the US.

I would also suggest that the Japs aren't as likely to abuse the "free" healthcare like many Americans would. The "people" who are demanding all this free shit would bankrupt the world if given the chance. The Japanese at least seem to understand that it isn't "free", and that someone else is providing a service.

AGREED , take responsibility for ones self but people should be charitable Sobeiski .
i don't champion racial equalty . I just say that if ALL races in the USA become American and then identify as being American then they are all Equal Sobiesky .
if 'i' want a service , any service including healthcare its up to me to pay for it Sobieski .
i don't champion racial equalty . I just say that if ALL races in the USA become American and then identify as being American then they are all Equal Sobiesky .

So, your basis on "American" is very multicultural?
Certainly something I don't approve of.

Whites are a unique people in their own right, why should we import third-World riff-raffs at our expense?
Yes, not only do many of them resent America, they will alter the face of America too, and let's not forget they tend to undercut the wages of American workers.

The U.S.A is heading towards becoming "El Barrio"
Considering how Latino countries are, then no we shouldn't import them.
I see nothing that shows them as our "Equals"
They just don't seem to have the same level of civility, work ethic, or intelligence.
if 'i' want a service , any service including healthcare its up to me to pay for it Sobieski .

According to that chart, the average American pays about 2.5 X more on healthcare, than the average person of Japan.

So, how can you exactly defend those figures?

If Americans lived much longer than Japan, I'd say "Okay you got a point"
But, that's not the case.
i don't champion racial equalty . I just say that if ALL races in the USA become American and then identify as being American then they are all Equal Sobiesky .

So, your basis on "American" is very multicultural?
Certainly something I don't approve of.

Whites are a unique people in their own right, why should we import third-World riff-raffs at our expense?
Yes, not only do many of them resent America, they will alter the face of America too, and let's not forget they tend to undercut the wages of American workers.

The U.S.A is heading towards becoming "El Barrio"
Considering how Latino countries are, then no we shouldn't import them.
I see nothing that shows them as our "Equals"
They just don't seem to have the same level of civility, work ethic, or intelligence.
------------------------------------------------------- thing is that blacks have been in the USA as long as the original founders , formers and developers of America that came from the British Isles . Many blacks and others are fine Americans . Same goes for south Americans . Can't just kick them out now after they have been here hundreds of years . Course i say , import no more blacks , mex , whites , muslims or anything / anyone else Sobiesky .
i don't champion racial equalty . I just say that if ALL races in the USA become American and then identify as being American then they are all Equal Sobiesky .

So, your basis on "American" is very multicultural?
Certainly something I don't approve of.

Whites are a unique people in their own right, why should we import third-World riff-raffs at our expense?
Yes, not only do many of them resent America, they will alter the face of America too, and let's not forget they tend to undercut the wages of American workers.

The U.S.A is heading towards becoming "El Barrio"
Considering how Latino countries are, then no we shouldn't import them.
I see nothing that shows them as our "Equals"
They just don't seem to have the same level of civility, work ethic, or intelligence.
------------------------------------------------------- thing is that blacks have been in the USA as long as the original founders and developers of America that came from the British Isles . Many blacks and others are fine Americans . Same goes for south Americans . Can't just kick them out now after they have been here hundreds of years . Course i say , import no more blacks , mex , whites , muslims or anything else Sobiesky .

Blacks commit the majority of murder in the U.S.A.
The majority of Black neighborhoods in the U.S.A are unsafe.
I certainly see nothing that shows how this is to our benefit? Especially considering that Blacks pay little in taxes, and take lots of welfare in comparison to Whites.

While, it is true that the majority of Blacks have been in the U.S.A for hundreds of years, this just isn't the case for Latinos, very few Latinos have been here for hundreds of years.
if 'i' want a service , any service including healthcare its up to me to pay for it Sobieski .

According to that chart, the average American pays about 2.5 X more on healthcare, than the average person of Japan.

So, how can you exactly defend those figures?

If Americans lived much longer than Japan, I'd say "Okay you got a point"
But, that's not the case.
------------------------------------------------------------- i have already told you , if ' I ' want a service like healthcare its up to me to pay for it Sobeiski . The purpose of the USA being founded was FREEDOM and not some long lifespan Sobiesky .
i don't champion racial equalty . I just say that if ALL races in the USA become American and then identify as being American then they are all Equal Sobiesky .

So, your basis on "American" is very multicultural?
Certainly something I don't approve of.

Whites are a unique people in their own right, why should we import third-World riff-raffs at our expense?
Yes, not only do many of them resent America, they will alter the face of America too, and let's not forget they tend to undercut the wages of American workers.

The U.S.A is heading towards becoming "El Barrio"
Considering how Latino countries are, then no we shouldn't import them.
I see nothing that shows them as our "Equals"
They just don't seem to have the same level of civility, work ethic, or intelligence.
Course i say , import no more blacks , mex , whites , muslims or anything / anyone else Sobiesky .

I don't have a problem with a small trickle of "Elite" Whites, and Asians migrating to the U.S.A who have helped build up the U.S.
But, I do have a issue with a huge flood of "Third World riff-raff" Latinos, Muslims, and Blacks coming to the U.S.A.

The worst immigrants are probably actually the Latinos, because many of them come illegally from Mexico, or legally from Puerto Rico automatically, we tend to not get their best, and brightest.

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