Jared Kushner as future SOS?


Gold Member
Feb 12, 2017
So Jared is shadowing Tillerson on his trip to Iraq and Trump says he can learn. Since Tillerson said he never wanted the job but followed through because of his wife, you think this is where it's going?
So Jared is shadowing Tillerson on his trip to Iraq and Trump says he can learn. Since Tillerson said he never wanted the job but followed through because of his wife, you think this is where it's going?

Incredible that a silver-spooned kid with nothing to show except a failed newspaper and a father who served a couple of years in prison for tax evasion and witness tampering has been elevated to a sensitive position in our national security.
Anything can happen. Jared is a dem and Jewish and sooner or later Trump is going to lean left.
Trump leans neither left nor right. He's just all about himself, his incestuous relationship with his daughter and a son-in-law who probably likes to watch them, with Steve Bannon coming up from the rear. The Borgias and Romanovs look like amateurs in comparison
So Jared is shadowing Tillerson on his trip to Iraq and Trump says he can learn. Since Tillerson said he never wanted the job but followed through because of his wife, you think this is where it's going?

Incredible that a silver-spooned kid with nothing to show except a failed newspaper and a father who served a couple of years in prison for tax evasion and witness tampering has been elevated to a sensitive position in our national security.

That makes him just as qualified for any of the other gazillionaires who are currently fleecing the US taxpayer on behalf of the 1%.

Anything can happen. Jared is a dem and Jewish and sooner or later Trump is going to lean left.
Trump leans neither left nor right. He's just all about himself, his incestuous relationship with his daughter and a son-in-law who probably likes to watch them, with Steve Bannon coming up from the rear. The Borgias and Romanovs look like amateurs in comparison


The cheeto is so damn brazen about the outright theft he is committing - he has even said it, that the rules are different for him and his criminal family. The RWNJs are so invested in their adoration of Pooting, they are willfully ignorant and more than willing to lie for him - even though they are harming themselves, their families and their country.
Republicans have installed and agreed to a banana Republic. Sadam Hussein and Uday and Qusay. Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il. Fidel Castro/Raul Castro.

Drumpf should be impeached immediately as he and his crime family are in obvious violation of the divestment law. Not only should drumpf go to jail his kids should join him. There he can write his new book 'My Struggle'. He'll have it translated to German immediately.

So NOW no experience is neccessary to be 'appointed' by Dumbass Von drumpf to oversee mideast peace?

We've watched Republicans on their slow march to insanity, and not figurative insanity but real insanity, for about 15 years now. The parade of legitimately batshit people that they elected like Christine 'I am not a witch' Odonnell, Michelle Batshit Bachmann, Sarah 'I can see Russia from my house' Palin, and now the cream of the mentally ill conservative crop Lying Donald Drumpf who is clinically severely mentally ill.

But now they stand by and do nothing when this fuck-stick weirdo starts appointing his daughter and his son in law, neither of which could run a snow-cone stand let alone a federal government department, to sensitive government positions. Conservatives we keep seeing you reach what appears to be rock bottom, then you keep digging and find a new low.

Just come out and admit it already, you are not Americans anymore. Your political party is the only thing you kneel and pray to and you will lick the ass of anyone that is in power over you, or even 'appears' to be in power over you. Jesus H the Republicans in Congress are licking drumpf's ass and he has no power over them! All joking aside, the mental patients are running the asylum. And it looks like this is because conservatives are made up now of only mental patients.
Now they're putting Lara (Mrs Eric) in a WH position. Maybe she'll be assisting Ivanka in stealing shoe designs to sell to China.

Every day - more corruption from the cheeto and his spawn.

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Republicans have installed and agreed to a banana Republic. Sadam Hussein and Uday and Qusay. Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il. Fidel Castro/Raul Castro.

Drumpf should be impeached immediately as he and his crime family are in obvious violation of the divestment law. Not only should drumpf go to jail his kids should join him. There he can write his new book 'My Struggle'. He'll have it translated to German immediately.

So NOW no experience is neccessary to be 'appointed' by Dumbass Von drumpf to oversee mideast peace?

We've watched Republicans on their slow march to insanity, and not figurative insanity but real insanity, for about 15 years now. The parade of legitimately batshit people that they elected like Christine 'I am not a witch' Odonnell, Michelle Batshit Bachmann, Sarah 'I can see Russia from my house' Palin, and now the cream of the mentally ill conservative crop Lying Donald Drumpf who is clinically severely mentally ill.

But now they stand by and do nothing when this fuck-stick weirdo starts appointing his daughter and his son in law, neither of which could run a snow-cone stand let alone a federal government department, to sensitive government positions. Conservatives we keep seeing you reach what appears to be rock bottom, then you keep digging and find a new low.

Just come out and admit it already, you are not Americans anymore. Your political party is the only thing you kneel and pray to and you will lick the ass of anyone that is in power over you, or even 'appears' to be in power over you. Jesus H the Republicans in Congress are licking drumpf's ass and he has no power over them! All joking aside, the mental patients are running the asylum. And it looks like this is because conservatives are made up now of only mental patients.

It's fucking amazing that none of the rightwingers even QUESTION why they've never heard this kid speak in public or be interviewed by the press. Fucking amazing. But they accept anything Trump does without question.

Obama would have never been left off the hook if he had some unknown relative of his show up and take over a position of sensitive national security. Hell, he couldn't even get away with his wife planting a garden on the White House grounds without criticism.
Republicans have installed and agreed to a banana Republic. Sadam Hussein and Uday and Qusay. Kim Jong Un and Kim Jong Il. Fidel Castro/Raul Castro.

Drumpf should be impeached immediately as he and his crime family are in obvious violation of the divestment law. Not only should drumpf go to jail his kids should join him. There he can write his new book 'My Struggle'. He'll have it translated to German immediately.

So NOW no experience is neccessary to be 'appointed' by Dumbass Von drumpf to oversee mideast peace?

We've watched Republicans on their slow march to insanity, and not figurative insanity but real insanity, for about 15 years now. The parade of legitimately batshit people that they elected like Christine 'I am not a witch' Odonnell, Michelle Batshit Bachmann, Sarah 'I can see Russia from my house' Palin, and now the cream of the mentally ill conservative crop Lying Donald Drumpf who is clinically severely mentally ill.

But now they stand by and do nothing when this fuck-stick weirdo starts appointing his daughter and his son in law, neither of which could run a snow-cone stand let alone a federal government department, to sensitive government positions. Conservatives we keep seeing you reach what appears to be rock bottom, then you keep digging and find a new low.

Just come out and admit it already, you are not Americans anymore. Your political party is the only thing you kneel and pray to and you will lick the ass of anyone that is in power over you, or even 'appears' to be in power over you. Jesus H the Republicans in Congress are licking drumpf's ass and he has no power over them! All joking aside, the mental patients are running the asylum. And it looks like this is because conservatives are made up now of only mental patients.

It's fucking amazing that none of the rightwingers even QUESTION why they've never heard this kid speak in public or be interviewed by the press. Fucking amazing. But they accept anything Trump does without question.

Obama would have never been left off the hook if he had some unknown relative of his show up and take over a position of sensitive national security. Hell, he couldn't even get away with his wife planting a garden on the White House grounds without criticism.

And yet, remember how the RWNJs lied about Mrs Robinson costing us so much money?

She didn't cost us a cent but they lied about it for 8 years.

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