Zone1 Jared Taylor, On Orientals

If you can get away with calling the Zionists "dirtbags," I should be able to express my opinion that the Palestinians are sub human maniacs who rape their sisters and kill them when they get pregnant.
Yes, we know you guys love your Islamophobic propaganda.

but our problem there is our own policies.

For reasons I do not quite understand, there is a durable taboo against telling the truth about the Negro race and the importance of being conceived with good genes. Nevertheless, when companies need to hire intelligent people they test for intelligence. This is because they know that the assertions of Charles Murray are valid.

Which companies are those? As someone who works in career counseling and resume writing, I can tell you that "intelligence" has little to do with the hiring process. And I've written resumes for people from High School dropouts to Ph.D.s.

When I attended a segregated elementary school as a child it was dangerous to say anything good about Negroes, but I did. Now it is dangerous to say anything bad about them.

Yes, it should be dangerous to be a racist douchenoodle.

Also, no one believes that you are that old. Segregated schools ended in the 1950's. You'd have to be in your late 80s to "remember" them.

Those who do not like Jews are people who cannot compete with them. They have spent their lives watching Jews get better grades, better jobs, and better incomes.

Jews owe their success to lots and lots of good genes.
Successful people don't get turned into lampshades.
Which companies are those? As someone who works in career counseling and resume writing, I can tell you that "intelligence" has little to do with the hiring process. And I've written resumes for people from High School dropouts to Ph.D.s.
Intelligence does influence the hiring process of successful companies.
Successful people don't get turned into lampshades.
Successful people do not gloat about the Holocaust.

Jared Taylor gave me this web address. Do you seriously believe that these racial differences are not genetic?


RACE, INTELLIGENCE, AND THE BRAIN: THE ERRORS ANDOMISSIONS OF THE 'REVISED' EDITION OF S. J. GOULD'STHE MISMEASURE OF MAN (1996)J. Philippe RushtonDepartment of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5C2, Canada

Gould withholds from his readers that The Bell Curve is mainly an empirical work about the causes of socialstratification and that it reached its conclusions only after fully analyzing a 12-year longitudinal study of 12,486youths (3022 of whom were African-American), which showed that most 17-year-olds with high IQs (Blacksas well as Whites) went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s whereas many of those withlow IQs (both Black and White) went on to welfare dependency.

The average IQ for African-Americans wasfound to be lower than those for Latino-, White-, Asian-, and Jewish-Americans (85, 89, 103, 106, and 115,respectively, pp. 273-278). Failure to mention these data fosters the false belief that IQ tests are not predictiveand are biased in favor of North Europeans.

In an afterword to the softcover edition of The Bell Curve, Charles Murray (1996) chides Gould and hisreviews for being hopelessly out of date regarding the evidence for the biological basis of g and for dismissingas 'trivial' the predictive power of IQ in The Bell Curve sample. Murray invites Gould to "count the ways" inwhich g does in fact capture "a real property in the head". The higher the g loading of a subtest, the higher isits heritability, the higher the degree of inbreeding depression (an established genetic phenomenon) that a testexhibits, the higher its relation to elementary cognitive tasks like reaction time, and the more it is related tophysiological processes such as cortical evoked potentials and the brain's consumption of glucose.

Come on man, don't live like a mindless animal or brainless drone and pretend it's a badge of honor. Try being a human once in a while.
Believing in superstitions disproven by science is not a badge of honor.
And YOU just love your anti-Semitism.
If a religion makes you do stupid stuff, you need to be called on it.
Zionism is a literal threat to humanity.
Jared Taylor is a racist cockroach who belongs in prison.
I could think of a number of derogatory names for you, but I decline to descend to the bottom of this pyramid.

Again, your racism is a mental illness, but I can't think of a therapist I dislike enough to wish you on.
What you call my racism is my ability to detect average differences between the races in characteristics that promote civilization.

Because Jews disproportionately have these characteristics, your hostility to Jews is not a mental illness; it is a moral failing.
What you call my racism is my ability to detect average differences between the races in characteristics that promote civilization.

Because Jews disproportionately have these characteristics, your hostility to Jews is not a mental illness; it is a moral failing.
No, it's a survival instinct.

Heck, I grew up in a neighborhood where we used Jew as a verb.

When I got into the working world, I learned why.
A shame you wasted a school's time on someone who can't be taught.
Well, you have to have logic and reason to teach something... the problems the nuns had is that they were all frustrated lesbians who turned to religion to not think about sex.

Thankfully, it's cool to be a lesbian now, and women are no longer picking that awful lifestyle.
If you’re that smart, you should know what “average“ means when talking about groups as a whole.
I DO in fact know what that means. And if your emotional IQ was EVEN average, you'd be able to recognize pure self-deprecating satire when you hear it! Then you wouldn't have to gaslight people to make yourself feel superior. :poke:
I DO in fact know what that means. And if your emotional IQ was EVEN average, you'd be able to recognize pure self-deprecating satire when you hear it! Then you wouldn't have to gaslight people to make yourself feel superior. :poke:
Sorry, hard to stay on an emotional even keel when there are so many nasty liberals constantly on the attack against polite, decent people.
No, it's a survival instinct.

Heck, I grew up in a neighborhood where we used Jew as a verb.

When I got into the working world, I learned why.
If "Jew" is used as a verb it should mean "to perform intelligently and well."
If "Jew" is used as a verb it should mean "to perform intelligently and well."
And yet...

  1. jew, Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often followed by down).: See Usage note at the current entry.

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