Zone1 Jared Taylor, On Orientals

The Germans and Japanese started the bombing of civilians years before the U.S. entered the war. Both deliberately targeted civilians in defenseless cities with the sole objective of causing terror.

So your argument is "they did it first, so that makes it okay, then!"

By that logic, anything the Palestinians do to the Zionists is okay because the Zionists started it.
Uh, but here's the thing. The Jews of Europe had no real interest in going there. Zionism is was a fringe movement until 1945. By the time the British stole Palestine from the Ottomans (after lying to the Arabs about giving them their own countries) Only 94,000 Jews had moved there. By 1931, after a decade of the British encouraging resettlement (Colonization by proxy), only 175,000 Jews had relocated there (compared to 760,000 Muslims). The rest of the Jews of Europe were happy to live in Europe, cheating the goyim at every opportunity. Until Hitler did his thing, anyway.

The ironic thing was Hitler's first go to was to send all Europe's Jews to Palestine. The British refused because they were starting to realize that Zionism was a terrible idea.
Jews do not prosper by cheating but by using their superior intelligence to perform well in legal and moral endeavors. Nevertheless, there is a certain amount of truth in what you say.


The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה‎ Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939.[1]

The agreement enabled Jews fleeing persecution under the new Nazi regime to transfer some portion of their assets to British Mandatory Palestine.[2] Emigrants sold their assets in Germany to pay for essential goods (manufactured in Germany) to be shipped to Mandatory Palestine.[3][4] The agreement was controversial and was criticised by many Jewish leaders both within the Zionist movement (such as the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky) and outside it, as well as by members of both the Nazi Party and the German public.[4] For German Jews, the agreement offered a way to leave an increasingly hostile environment in Germany; for the Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine, it offered access to both immigrant labour and economic support; for the Germans it facilitated the emigration of German Jews while breaking the anti-Nazi boycott of 1933, which had mass support among European and American Jews and was thought by the German state to be a potential threat to the German economy.[4][5]...

Meanwhile, in Mandatory Palestine, a growing Jewish population (174,610 in 1931, rising to 384,078 in 1936[11]) was acquiring land and developing the structures of a future Jewish state despite opposition from the Arab population.

So your argument is "they did it first, so that makes it okay, then!"

By that logic, anything the Palestinians do to the Zionists is okay because the Zionists started it.
The Palestinians initiated the use of violence against Jews. Jews do not need to initiate the use of violence, because they have the intelligence to out compete their rivals academically and economically.
The only way the Israelis could "move" the Palestinians would be to ethnically cleanse them, and even the US wouldn't defend them after that.
The Israelis have been pressuring the Palestinians to move for decades.


Throughout history and pre history superior demographics have displaced inferior demographics. The process of human evolution has benefited.
Throughout history and pre history superior demographics have displaced inferior demographics. The process of human evolution has benefited.

Not really, the number of Arabs in the world continues to increase, the number of Jews has remained...kind of flat.

The Palestinians initiated the use of violence against Jews. Jews do not need to initiate the use of violence, because they have the intelligence to out compete their rivals academically and economically.

The Jews invaded their land. They have exactly the right attitude towards that sort of thing.

What amazes me is the same people who are freaking the fuck out about undocumented immigrants think the Palestinians should bend over and take one for the team.
The Jews invaded their land. They have exactly the right attitude towards that sort of thing.
The land never belonged to the Palestinians. They were squatters. Jews moving to Palestine bought land from Turkish landlords. The landlords evicted Palestinian renters. The new Jewish owners built kibbutz farms that were more productive.
The land never belonged to the Palestinians. They were squatters. Jews moving to Palestine bought land from Turkish landlords. The landlords evicted Palestinian renters. The new Jewish owners built kibbutz farms that were more productive.
Wow, that's some pretzel thinking there that Orwell would be proud of.

Point is, if that's the attitude that Zionists have, I don't want to hear any more whining about the Holocaust.
Wow, that's some pretzel thinking there that Orwell would be proud of.

Point is, if that's the attitude that Zionists have, I don't want to hear any more whining about the Holocaust.
You never did want to hear complaints about the Holocaust.
Wow, that's some pretzel thinking there that Orwell would be proud of.

Point is, if that's the attitude that Zionists have, I don't want to hear any more whining about the Holocaust.

The acquisition of new land for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages.

- Adolf Hitler, from Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich"
You never did want to hear complaints about the Holocaust.
Meh, as a German-American, I've been hearing them all my life... forget my dad hit the beaches at Normandy, and liberated Nordhausen, I've been hearing this shit most of my life.

The acquisition of new land for the settling of the superfluous population has no end of advantages.
So what you are saying is what Hitler did was cool?
So your argument is "they did it first, so that makes it okay, then!"

By that logic, anything the Palestinians do to the Zionists is okay because the Zionists started it.
Reciprocity has always been the mechanism for enforcing the rules of warfare. Until idiots like you came alone tyrants understood that. Hitler didn't use poison gas against the British because he knew the British would retaliate, not because it was against the laws of war. Truman didn't use nukes against China in the Korean War because he believed (right or wrong) that the Soviets would retaliate.
Jews do not prosper by cheating but by using their superior intelligence to perform well in legal and moral endeavors. Nevertheless, there is a certain amount of truth in what you say.


The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה‎ Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939.[1]

The agreement enabled Jews fleeing persecution under the new Nazi regime to transfer some portion of their assets to British Mandatory Palestine.[2] Emigrants sold their assets in Germany to pay for essential goods (manufactured in Germany) to be shipped to Mandatory Palestine.[3][4] The agreement was controversial and was criticised by many Jewish leaders both within the Zionist movement (such as the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze'ev Jabotinsky) and outside it, as well as by members of both the Nazi Party and the German public.[4] For German Jews, the agreement offered a way to leave an increasingly hostile environment in Germany; for the Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine, it offered access to both immigrant labour and economic support; for the Germans it facilitated the emigration of German Jews while breaking the anti-Nazi boycott of 1933, which had mass support among European and American Jews and was thought by the German state to be a potential threat to the German economy.[4][5]...

Meanwhile, in Mandatory Palestine, a growing Jewish population (174,610 in 1931, rising to 384,078 in 1936[11]) was acquiring land and developing the structures of a future Jewish state despite opposition from the Arab population.

What Joe refuses to accept is that the British were not much more tolerant of Jews than the Nazis were.
What Joe refuses to accept is that the British were not much more tolerant of Jews than the Nazis were.
What JoeB131 refuses to accept is that the Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population. Their achievement are not caused by cheating, but by high IQ power.
Reciprocity has always been the mechanism for enforcing the rules of warfare. Until idiots like you came alone tyrants understood that. Hitler didn't use poison gas against the British because he knew the British would retaliate, not because it was against the laws of war. Truman didn't use nukes against China in the Korean War because he believed (right or wrong) that the Soviets would retaliate.

Wow, so wrong on everything.

The main reason why Hitler didn't use gas was he was injured in a gas attack in WWI.

Besides. what the Zionist Squatters are doing is far beyond reciprocity. I think the word you are looking for is GENOCIDE.

What Joe refuses to accept is that the British were not much more tolerant of Jews than the Nazis were.

Quite the contrary, the British were a bunch of bastards. Their stupidity infected every continent.

What they did in Palestine was promise the Arabs their own countries if they revolted, then cheated them and tried to establish a colony with the Jews.

When they realized that resettling the Jewish Trash of Europe would upset the people already there, they knocked it off.

What JoeB131 refuses to accept is that the Jews are the most accomplished 0.2% of the human population. Their achievement are not caused by cheating, but by high IQ power.

Never met a Jew who was smarter than I was. Met a whole bunch of them who were untrustworthy, though.
Wow, so wrong on everything.

The main reason why Hitler didn't use gas was he was injured in a gas attack in WWI.

Besides. what the Zionist Squatters are doing is far beyond reciprocity. I think the word you are looking for is GENOCIDE.

Quite the contrary, the British were a bunch of bastards. Their stupidity infected every continent.

What they did in Palestine was promise the Arabs their own countries if they revolted, then cheated them and tried to establish a colony with the Jews.

When they realized that resettling the Jewish Trash of Europe would upset the people already there, they knocked it off.

Never met a Jew who was smarter than I was. Met a whole bunch of them who were untrustworthy, though.
They didn’t promise the Palestinians anything, they promised THE ARABS that and they came through. Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia were all given to the Arabs. By comparison, Israel is a tiny sliver of land.

If you have never met a Jew smarter than you, you have never met a Jew, everyone that posts here is smarter than you, even IM2, Curried Goats and superbadbrother.
They didn’t promise the Palestinians anything, they promised THE ARABS that and they came through. Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia were all given to the Arabs. By comparison, Israel is a tiny sliver of land.

If you have never met a Jew smarter than you, you have never met a Jew, everyone that posts here is smarter than you, even IM2, Curried Goats and superbadbrother.
JoeB131 claims to have a college degree in history, I had to tell him that the Zionist movement began decades before the Nazi movement.
JoeB131 claims to have a college degree in history, I had to tell him that the Zionist movement began decades before the Nazi movement.

I never claimed otherwise.

What I claimed was that there was little interest in moving to Palestine until after Hilter turned half the world's Jews into lampshades and bars of soap.

Before that, the Jews of Europe were perfectly happy cheating, swindling, or otherwise annoying the goyim of Europe. Very few of them immigrated to Palestine before 1945.

After the war, instead of learning the important lesson that racism was bad, the Jews decided to engage in racism of their own. They are like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat on someone else. Which is why they get little sympathy from me for 10-7 or any other time the Palestinian people fight back.

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