Zone1 Jared Taylor, On Orientals

And yet...

  1. jew, Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. to bargain sharply with; beat down in price (often followed by down).: See Usage note at the current entry.
Yes, we know….and that’s because there are a lot of jealous Jew-haters in the world.
And you’re a vicious antisemite, so you have no standing to criticize others for bigotry.
Again, religion is a choice, not a race.

If you choose to have a messed up life philosophy, that's your problem, not mine.

Yes, we know….and that’s because there are a lot of jealous Jew-haters in the world.
Yes, everyone's jealous, it's never because of what you do when dealing with people.
Well, you have to have logic and reason to teach something... the problems the nuns had is that they were all frustrated lesbians who turned to religion to not think about sex.

Thankfully, it's cool to be a lesbian now, and women are no longer picking that awful lifestyle.
As if you know anything about logic and reason.
Again, religion is a choice, not a race.

If you choose to have a messed up life philosophy, that's your problem, not mine.

Yes, everyone's jealous, it's never because of what you do when dealing with people.
As if you know anything about philosophy.
No, it's a survival instinct.

Heck, I grew up in a neighborhood where we used Jew as a verb.

When I got into the working world, I learned why.
You are admitting that you grew up in an anti Jewish environment. In earlier writings you have admitted that the environment was also anti black.

In overcoming the anti black environment you feel that you have advanced morally and socially. Nevertheless, you retain the anti Jewish prejudices of that environment.

This strikes me as perverse. There are plenty of reasons to dislike blacks, not all of them, but many of them. Negroes cannot help their low IQ averages. Black teenagers can stop harassing their teachers in black majority schools. They can do their homework. Blacks can stop committing all those crimes, and having all those illegitimate children that whites are expected to support on welfare.

There are no legitimate reasons to dislike Jews. They are wonderful people. They do not owe their success to cheating, but to industrial strength IQ power.

My high regard for Jews is due to many facts, including the facts that I grew up with Jews, went to school with Jews, and worked with Jews.
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You are admitting that you grew up in an anti Jewish environment. In earlier writings you have admitted that the environment was also anti black.

In overcoming the anti black environment you feel that you have advanced morally and socially. Nevertheless, you retain the anti Jewish prejudices of that environment.

Oh, quite the contrary, I started having negative experiences with Jews from the first time I met them. Now, some of them were good guys. Some of them I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. And at the end of the day, it's because they were raised in a religion that told them behavior that would have been frowned upon in the religion I grew up in. Now, not a practicing catholic today, but in terms of morals, they were mostly on the right track.

This strikes me as perverse. There are plenty of reasons to dislike blacks, not all of them, but many of them. Negroes cannot help their low IQ averages. Black teenagers can stop harassing their teachers in black majority schools. They can do their homework. Blacks can stop committing all those crimes, and having all those illegitimate children that whites are expected to support on welfare.
Again, when we make up for 400 years of institutionalized racism, then you can come back to me and complain about your laundry list of prejudices.

There are no legitimate reasons to dislike Jews. They are wonderful people. They do not owe their success to cheating, but to industrial strength IQ power.
Do you mean other than the sleazy business practices and genocide in Gaza?
My high regard for Jews is due to many facts, including the facts that I grew up with Jews, went to school with Jews, and worked with Jews.
Wow, don't care.

Favoring the suppression of race realism is a badge of dishonor.
Except that's the future you have... if you are as old as you claim to be, you'll never see a day where your crackpot philosophy is accepted or tolerated.
Like, I said, you can't even defend your beliefs.

Tell you what, you tell me why a good God would drown every baby in the world, that sounds credible, and I'll go to church on Sunday.
Everyone knows you're stupid and too self-obsessed for faith, bigot. You can stop trying so hard to prove it now.
So you can't even make the argument. I mean, if you could, you'd make it to show me up.
When I get done teaching a rock, I'll consider going down to your level if you give the slightest hint you are capable of getting over yourself, bigot.
When I get done teaching a rock, I'll consider going down to your level if you give the slightest hint you are capable of getting over yourself, bigot.

Guy, you've been trying to get the better of me for, what, 13 years now? It's kind of sad, you following me around. So many of my other stalkers have come and gone here, but you last forever.

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